Whimsical System

Chapter 1236: Difficult defense

At this moment, whether Mr. He is confident or stupid, in short, he has firmly believed in his idea, and he also believes that this idea is truly correct!

However, what he did not understand was that this plan was actually set by Chu Feng himself, and all that Chu Feng said before was the truth!

It's just a pity that he did not intend to accept these truths, but silently chose his own guess!

At this time, when Chu Feng learned of Mr. He's thoughts, he also had no intention to explain!

Now that Mr. He is willing to give him this opportunity, it is not a bad thing for Chu Feng after all.

Although he still hasn't figured out why Mr. He did this, Chu Feng is still willing to accept this opportunity given by Mr. He!

"Okay! Since you believe that I am assigned by someone else, then I will respect your ideas!

Yes, I was indeed appointed by someone, and the person who appointed me came from the southern forces. Although I did not regret this choice in my heart at this time, the failure of the plan was not a good thing for me after all. !

Now you are willing to give me such a chance, although it is not the result I imagined, but I am still willing to control it!

At least you are willing to let me continue to live, whether it is a challenge or a failure, this result is not the worst!

So I am willing to accept this challenge. At the same time, in my heart, what I hope most is to kill you. After all, I have set this goal from the beginning! "

Chu Feng didn't have the slightest scruples at all, and lying in front of Mr. He was meaningless at this moment. Anyway, everything had already been exposed, so Chu Feng simply saved that effort!

Mr. He nodded in satisfaction, and at this moment he actually "exposed" an expression of appreciation.

"Very well, your answer is very satisfactory to me! From the very beginning I knew that you are the kind of decisive person, so I gave you this opportunity, in fact, in order not to lose your friend!

Now that you can accept this opportunity, it can be regarded as giving me a chance to make friends with you! Since neither of us have any other opinions, let's compare the two of us!

Even at this time, I gave the price of my life, but for this result and this process, I will not regret it at all! "

Mr. He was still talking about words that no one else had understood. At this moment, Chu Feng even wanted to knock his head open to see what was inside!

It stands to reason that as long as you are a normal person, you won't have such strange thinking, but Mr. He seems to be very different from a normal person!

However, since the matter has progressed to this level, Chu Feng naturally has no chance to turn back, so almost immediately after Mr. He finished that sentence, Chu Feng was ready to fight.

"Get ready to do it!"

Seeing Chu Feng, Mr. He had already assumed a challenge pose, so he immediately launched his defense!

As previously negotiated, Mr. He is only passively defensive and will not counterattack, while Chu Feng has an absolute advantage in attacking, and there does not seem to be much limitation in terms of time!

But now as long as Mr. He has a defensive flaw, then Chu Feng can take his "life" at any time!

As soon as Mr. He's voice fell, Chu Feng immediately "fucked" his swallowing force and rushed towards him.


At this time, the power of devouring was Chu Feng's most powerful attack method. Although his attack did not pose a threat to Mr. He, he did not intend to change this attack method!

And just when Chu Feng "approached" the swallowing power again, Mr. He.

The previous blockade appeared again, and in comparison, the blockade at this time was more serious than the previous blockade!

As if that layer of diaphragm has been improved again, the original swallowing power would stagnate at a distance of 30 cm from Mr. He's body, but at this time the swallowing power would directly stagnate at about 50 cm!

The difference of 20 centimeters before and after this is enough to prove this increase in defensive power!

For this strange phenomenon, Chu Feng really couldn't figure it out. There is no doubt about the strength of Devouring Force!

But now this strange block directly pulled the devouring power to the trough stage!

As if Chu Feng's attack method had completely lost its effect, the Devouring Force had no way to harm Mr. He.

Even if Mr. He stood still and didn't move, Chu Feng had no way to threaten Mr. He's life!

"Why is this?"

Chu Feng asked himself secretly. He didn't know the answer. At this moment, he just wanted to ask you this question!

Immediately afterwards, Chu Feng once again condensed the power of devouring to get close to Mr. He, and he also pulled out the dagger from his waist. At this time, he hoped that the two-pronged approach could break the current deadlock, but the result was equally disappointing!

After the power of devouring "approached" forty-five centimeters, it was difficult to advance half a step, and the dagger was directly in front of Chu Feng's chest, making it difficult to move!

If measured from the sharp point of the dagger, the distance between the dagger and Mr. He would be a full sixty centimeters away!

At this moment, the unbelievable scenes made Chu Feng gradually understand a truth!

Mr. He’s strength may be his defense, but his defense is very strange. Others’ defenses are mainly difficult to break, and his defense is that he cannot be approached at all!

Unless it is able to get his approval, even if it is a strong force, it can only be reduced to an infinite degree, this blocking distance is only!

And now, even though Chu Feng has figured this out, he still doesn't know what to do. At this moment, there is no clue in his head. After all, he has never been exposed to this kind of thing before, so it is like this kind of solution. The way, it is naturally difficult to obtain!

But when Chu Feng was at a loss, the old Chu who had been hiding suddenly stood up.

Of course, Lao Chu didn't "show" his whereabouts at this time. At this moment, he was hiding in Chu Feng's body and whispering to Chu Feng.

"Chu Feng, your attack power is simply not enough to break his defenses. If you want to hurt him now, I am afraid that you still need stronger attack power!"

Lao Chu also clearly saw this characteristic, so in his reminder, attack power became the most critical topic!

"Of course I know that attack power is the most important thing, but the power of devouring is already my most powerful means of attack! But even so, there is still a very long distance between me and him!

At this time, I really have no way to shorten this distance, unless I use that method..."

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