Whimsical System

Chapter 1237: Free from the shackles of darkness

Half of what Chu Feng said, he didn't continue, and even if he only mentioned this sentence, it was enough to make Lao Chu understand what Chu Feng meant.

"It's not impossible to do this, but there are some risks. If you think this risk is worthwhile for you, then I won't stop you!"

Lao Chu provided Chu Feng with a chance to think. He hoped that Chu Feng could confirm his thoughts, not on impulse!

Otherwise, after this matter is over, he will definitely regret it, after all, it is an extremely risky method!

"Is there any other choice now? I don't want to ruin my plan because of this incident. After all, I have planned for so long. If I lose the opportunity because of this incident, it will be more than worthwhile! "

Chu Feng said solemnly, he didn't hesitate at all at this moment, as if he had already reached a certain conclusion on this matter!

"Well, since you have already decided, then I won't say anything more! I will call him out later, and as to whether he will obey your orders and dormant again, then this But it depends on your own ability!"

From Lao Chu's words, we can vaguely know Chu Feng's intentions.

That's right, Chu Feng wants to summon his dark side, the dark side that has caused countless troubles for him!

The power of devouring comes from the dark side of Chu Feng, so only the dark side of Chu Feng can maximize the swallowing power, and if it is the dark side of Chu Feng who controls the initiative, then even Mr. He has enough With the ability to resist, he also couldn't change the outcome of this matter!

And now in this plan, the most dangerous point is that the dark side of Chu Feng is not controlled by "operation". When he gets rid of control, he will directly gain control from Chu Feng, and Chu Feng will be He changes positions directly!

And if Chu Feng cannot truly defeat him and gain the initiative of the body again, then Chu Feng will disappear in a fundamental sense, and the punishment of the dark side will stay here forever!

Therefore, it is precisely because Lao Chu knows this serious "sexuality" that he hopes that Chu Feng can truly consider the consequences of this matter before making a decision!

However, Lao Chu's reminder did not make any difference to Chu Feng!

At this time, Chu Feng obviously had a obsession, he had to get this thing done anyway, even if he risked letting the dark side of himself get his body again, he would try his best to make it happen!

So in the end, this matter was confirmed because of Chu Feng's stubbornness!

Old Chu had no other choice but to obey Chu Feng's orders.

As a result, Chu Feng gradually lost consciousness in his own decision.

Dark-faced Chu Feng had always been in a state of imprisonment, but at this time, due to Lao Chu's call, he was directly free from the state of imprisonment.

When he took control of his body again and felt the breath of the earth, his cold expression suddenly revealed a very weird smile!

"Old Chu, when I got your call, I still had some doubts in my heart! I was really worried that the decision this time would directly kill me, but what I never expected was that all of this was true. I can actually control this body again!


I really can't believe all this, but at this moment I am in this real feeling! "

The dark face Chu Feng said with emotion, his various behaviors at this time were almost completely different from Chu Feng!

And the current changes in the dark side and the wind have caused Mr. He to have such a strange guess.

But Mr. He soon ignored the existence of this speculation. After all, Chu Feng is still Chu Feng, and nothing has changed. Apart from the smile, there is no difference!

At this time, Old Chu was always worried!

Unleashing the dark side of Chu Feng is a mistake on the most fundamental basis, because as long as the dark side of Chu Feng is free from the shackles, then no one can "fuck" him!

Now, he has got enough freedom. No matter what he wants to do at this time, no one will stop him. Chu Feng can't do it, let alone old Chu!

However, even if Lao Chu knows that the dark side of Chu Feng, he may ignore his own remarks, but in order to fulfill his previous promise to Chu Feng, there are some things that Lao Chu still has to say.

"Chu Feng, now that you are free again, it is all dependent on me! Of course I also got the approval of Chu Feng before, so I did this!

We are in big trouble right now, so we need your help! I hope you can take this opportunity to help us solve the trouble. If you can solve this problem clearly, maybe you can get another chance to get rid of the shackles in the future!

Otherwise, your appearance this time will be your final appearance! "

In Old Chu's words, there is naturally a threat, but the threat at this time does not seem to be valued for the dark side of Chu Feng!

Especially when he knew that his appearance was due to Chu Feng's request, an uncomfortable emotion spontaneously emerged in his heart for an instant!

"Now I have come out, and he has completely changed positions with me! I don't care what he asks me to do, anyway, I have been free now, and no one can let me go back there again, so I don't need to ignore you at all!"

The refusal of Chu Feng on the dark side was naturally a matter of reason for Lao Chu. Therefore, after Chu Feng said this sentence on the dark side, Lao Chu said it immediately, and that sentence was already prepared. Response!

"Chu Feng knew that you might reject his suggestion, so he asked me to tell you that your appearance at this time is not permanent!

Although you have occupied your body and gained freedom, he will impact your soul again in half an hour, and I will assist him when I wait until then. You can estimate this result, in the strength of me and Chu Feng With cooperation, how can you resist this shock alone! "

"Absurd! You two want to take this body from my hands, it's just a pipe dream!"

At this time, the dark side of Chu Feng's heart was clearly beginning to be uneasy, but on the surface he still pretended to be calm!

In response to the dark side of Chu Feng's response, Lao Chu simply ignored him and continued to say what he should say!

"You can choose not to believe it, but the result of the matter cannot help you not believe it! You can think about it, if you completely lose your freedom just because of your own refusal, what a painful result it will be!"

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