Whimsical System

Chapter 1242: Second challenge

"Believe me, this is definitely an end, not a beginning! Although I know that you are in pain now, it will not be long before you will completely lose this feeling, although you lose with the pain and your life, but Judging from the current situation, I am doing this more like helping you!"

The dark-faced wind is obviously enjoying this process. Toham’s death will have a lot of important meaning to him, so he must do this, and he can also capture a lot in this matter. happy!

Since Toham had no strength to speak at this time, he could only use his own, staring at the dark side of Chu Feng with his bloodshot eyes.

Use this to express the unwillingness and anger in your heart, and all this will not have the slightest impact on the dark side of Chufeng!

Even when he injected the devouring power into Thomas's body, he didn't feel the slightest!

After all, as a guy who can take dozens of "lives" in other people's houses at will, how can he be bothered by a person's life!

After successfully solving Thomas, the dark side was in the wind, and he directly entrusted the matter to others. At this time, some of the people around Thomas had chosen to take refuge in the dark side.

Maybe everything is really like what the dark side said, when he did this thing, he had a plan, and the plan was thorough enough!

After this happened, Old Chu really woke up, Chu Feng is Chu Feng after all, even if he changes his soul, his "nature" will not change too much!

Even though the dark side of Chu Feng had very arrogant thoughts at this time, and he was very unscrupulous in doing things, but he still possessed Chu Feng's conditioning "sex" and planning "sex"!

That is to say, as long as his coherent "sex" and planned "sex" have not been lost, then his planned goals may really be achieved. Although it sounds a little unrealistic, it is becoming less and less like a sentence. Empty words!

With regard to this matter, apart from being shocked, Lao Chu had no other thoughts!

Although he wants to prevent all of this from happening, judging from the current situation, it seems that he has been somewhat beyond its control!

Even if he interferes more, it is estimated that even he himself will be implicated because of this. After all, Dark Side Chufeng has completely put his energy into the plan at this time!

If someone disturbs him before the plan is completed, he will do all kinds of incredible things!

And it is precisely because of Lao Chu's fear of this matter, which directly led to the dark side of Chu Feng, and had a longer time to control the body!

After successfully solving Toham's matter, most of the power of the southern forces fell into the hands of the dark side.

I don't know what work the Dark Side Chufeng has done in private. In short, at this time, whether it is Rhodia or Lendell, even Augustus, who had been against him before, have already invested in him!

And looking at the appearance of the three of them, it really meant to swear allegiance to the death.

And the occurrence of this incident also caused a sensation in the entire southern city.

Toham's death shocked the true leader of the southern forces.

Regarding the appearance of the guy with the dark side and the wind, the mysterious leader has his own ideas!


The truth of Toham's death has been completely disclosed. He did not die in a vendetta, but failed in a duel challenge!

So even if the leader of the southern forces wanted to avenge Toham, he couldn't find an excuse at all.

Unless it is possible for others to challenge the dark side again. Perhaps, in this way, it is possible to avenge Titoham in the challenge!

However, this approach does not seem to be a good thing for the entire southern forces. After all, although Toham is dead, the dark side of Chufeng has indeed completely controlled his power, and has also fully achieved the southern forces. stable!

So if the leader of the southern part of the city makes changes to this matter, then it is possible that the southern part of the city will be agitated again!

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, the leader of the southern forces could only endure this matter with one eye closed!

But what the leader of the southern forces never thought was that his patience this time directly provided the dark side with the conditions for the next stage of the plan!

On the third day after Toam's death, the dark side challenged another decision maker in the southern part of the city!

This time the challenge is a public act, and it is said that the dark side is bewildering, and a huge sacrifice has been made for this challenge!

According to the requirements of the challenge, on the dark side, Chu Feng will take out the power he possesses free of charge, and invest most of his money in this challenge!

The other decision maker who is challenged does not need to provide anything at all, and the dark side also agreed that even if the decision maker fails in the challenge, he will never occupy the position of the other decision maker. Power in challenge!

In addition, he arranged a referee in this challenge to ensure the safety of another decision maker!

Such three aspects that are guaranteed provide great potential for this challenge!

Although the other decision maker was a little unsettled in his heart, his defense in his heart was reduced a lot in the face of such attractive interests and such proper arrangements!

In the end, he also took the risk and chose to accept the challenge, and after accepting the challenge, he also publicly stated that he was in the preparatory stage!

Although this incident also caused a sensation among the forces in the south of the city, it did not reach the level of the death of Toham last time!

However, just when everyone really thought this was just a friendship challenge, unexpected results happened at this moment!

In the course of the challenge, the other person in power basically hadn't had time to make a move, and the block was directly solved by the dark side!

And this solution is not just about defeating, in fact, the moment the dark side takes the shot, another person in power has stepped directly to the end of his life!

At this moment, even with the existence of a referee, there is no way to prevent all of this from happening. After all, the dark side is so embarrassing that it took the opponent's life with just one move!

As for this challenge, only one was obtained. The dark side defeated and challenged the opponent!

After this happened, everyone had doubts about the challenge of the dark side, but no one could come up with strong conditions to prove their own doubts!

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