Whimsical System

Chapter 1243: Fleeting fighter

The two decision makers of the southern city forces have already closed the curtain, and the dark side is to gather all the power of these two decision makers into their own hands!

As for the closing of this right, there was no order from anyone at all, and even the leaders of the southern forces did not know the existence of this matter.

But even so, Dark Side Chufeng still possesses this power. At this time, among the southern forces, Dark Side Chufeng has clearly become the most powerful one.

If you only look at power, even the leader of the southern part of the city is not a dark-faced opponent!

And the dark side's next plan has been fully disclosed to the public!

"This is my second challenge, and my third challenge will be the leader of the southern forces! My conditions are still what I promised before, but my power has increased a bit, if the southern forces If the leader wants to regain these powers, then he can only accept my challenge!

Otherwise, I will personally lead people and end his fate! Therefore, as far as the current situation is concerned, accepting the challenge is undoubtedly his only choice! "

The dark side is so dazzling, after solving the other decision maker, he left this sentence directly on the challenge table!

And it is precisely because of this sentence that everyone is dissatisfied with the dark-faced approach, but this dissatisfaction did not cause any results!

Those who chose to support the dark side of Chufeng still supported it, and those who chose to fight against the dark side of Chufeng gradually retreated!

Now that the dark side of Chu Feng has the qualifications to challenge the leader of the southern city, and the leader of the southern city has no excuse to avoid this challenge!

After all, just as the dark side said, if the leader of the southern city forces does not accept this challenge, then he will personally lead the subordinates he has to end the power currently controlled by the leader of the southern city forces!

Regarding what the Dark Side Chufeng said, almost no one would doubt it. After all, the power controlled by the Dark Side Chufeng at this time was more than twice the power of the leader of the southern city!

Therefore, in this struggle, the leader of the southern part of the city does not have any possibility of success at all!

Therefore, in this challenge, he has no reason to refuse, nor the right to refuse!

Ever since the dark side of Chufeng announced this matter, the leaders of the southern city forces have never responded at all, but even so, this matter has still been acquiesced!

And the dark side also made his own claim, so he chose the time!

And there are only three days left before the next challenge.

It seems that the dark side has always been based on the three-day benchmark. Three days after the challenge to Toham, he challenged another decision maker!

Now, when another decision-maker also failed, he again spared three days to prepare for the next challenge!

Three days of preparation time is naturally enough for the dark side of Chufeng. After all, he doesn't need to prepare anything at all. With his current strength, he wants to challenge the leader of the southern part of the city.


In contrast, the leader of the south of the city is suffering a lot. Although he knows that he may not be a dark-sided opponent, he has to accept this challenge, and the price of this challenge may be himself. His life, so he was hesitating whether he should do this or not. If he accepts the challenge, his life will be fully accounted for!

And if you don't accept the challenge, I am afraid that your reputation and life will be affected!

As a result, in the course of his entanglement, three days passed quickly.

In the end, the leader of the southern part of the city accepted the challenge this time, and did not set it to be able to save his face at this last moment!

"I really didn't notice you before. I didn't expect that my carelessness would actually become my demise today!"

On the challenge stage, the leader of the southern forces deliberately lowered his voice and said something that only the dark side can hear.

As for the sigh of the leader of the southern part of the city, the dark side of Chu Feng felt nothing at all.

At this time, in his opinion, everyone's death has a reason, whether it is because of his own strength or whatever, death is death in short, and no amount of last words will change this result at all!

Therefore, after Dark Side Chufeng heard this sentence, he did not give the leader of the southern city a second chance.

It is still the attack of the power of devouring, the dark side is repetitive, and I want to "sex" to solve the leader of the southern forces!

However, this time, things were not as simple as Dark Side Chufeng imagined. Although the leader of the southern city was weaker than Dark Side Chufeng, he did not reach the point where he would be killed by the Dark Side Chufeng. Degree!

At least at this time, he perfectly avoided the attack from the dark side Chufeng, and from his appearance, he seemed to be looking for an opportunity to counterattack the dark side Chufeng!

The actions of the southern forces directly aroused the interest of those audiences who were not hopeful about this challenge!

"As expected of the leader, he really has enough ability to accept this challenge! It seems that it is not certain whether Chu Feng can win this time!

Maybe, Chu Feng's victory will end here! "

Most of the audience's comments under the challenge stage were not optimistic about the dark side of Chufeng, even if it was only the southern forces, and escaped an attack from the dark side of Chufeng, those satires about the dark side of Chufeng, It is directly overwhelming!

It's just that the dark side is so dark at this time, and he is not very concerned about the current phenomenon. In his opinion, this kind of thing is really normal. After all, only people with strong fists can get people's support, and those with aesthetic fatigue are It is also working, these guys as the audience!

Now that it's hard to see that the dark side is attacked and defeated, how could they not seize this opportunity tightly and play well!

It's just a pity that the dark side of Chufeng will not give them too many opportunities to vent, because the next attack, the dark side of Chufeng will gradually become serious.

Moreover, the leader of the southern city forces did not have the qualifications to launch a counterattack against the dark side. Now he blindly forced himself to do things he could not do, and he could only make his destiny more miserable. !

As a result, just as the leader of the southern part of the city was about to launch an attack on the dark side of Chufeng, the dark side of Chufeng directly acted first, causing a devastating blow to the leader of the southern part of the city!

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