Whimsical System

Chapter 1244: Question of identity

The damage of swallowing power to the human body has always been explosive. As long as the strength of the body cannot be balanced with the swallowing power, the swallowing power will radiate endless power within the human body.

That power will completely destroy the cells of the human body, and in the most basic way, the body will enter a state of half paralysis and half destruction!

Although a large part of the evasion of the leader of the Fangcheng Southern forces was because his reaction ability was higher than that of others, his overall strength would be weaker than the dark side after all!

Therefore, the failure of the duel was a normal thing for him.

It's just a pity that he didn't realize this, and he even thought he had a chance to win.

However, it is precisely because of this self-confidence that caused him to not go all out in the subsequent challenges!

As a result, when the dark side was embarrassed and attacked him with devouring power again, he still used the same trick again, trying to use his reaction ability to avoid the attack of devouring power!

But who would have thought that the position that Chu Feng was aiming at this time was exactly where he wanted to avoid moving.

Therefore, when the leader of the southern part of the city subconsciously moved his figure to avoid the attack of the devouring force, the devouring force, which had already been pre-determined in advance, fell directly from his head!

At that moment, a strong pain stretched from his head to his heel, and the pain instantly overwhelmed all his senses!

The burst of swallowing power was only in that instant, and his body immediately became limp, and his brain had completely lost the ability to receive information!

The pain at that moment had completely destroyed his body. At this moment, the leader of the southern city forces had no other reaction besides falling to the ground and convulsing!

This battle is undoubtedly over, and Chu Feng only released two attacks.

In addition, there is nothing to describe in this battle!

This challenge finally ended with the victory of the Dark Side. This challenge gave the Dark Side all the power of the southern forces.

For this result, one of the most surprised is naturally the bloated guy!

In fact, until this time, the bloated guy didn't know that Chu Feng had changed his identity.

He thought that Chu Feng was still the previous Chu Feng, but what he was doing at the moment was somewhat incomprehensible.

Before the dark side was doing this, the bloated guy had never felt that power would be so easy to obtain, but now he finally believes in this matter. It turns out that as long as he has absolute strength, he can really achieve everything. What you want to achieve!

The dark face and the wind turned into a new generation leader of the southern forces, which is naturally a good thing for the bloated guy.

However, Chu Feng's attitude toward him has changed a lot, and the huge gap makes the bloated guy feel a little dissatisfied.

And Chu Feng didn't care anymore. There was an investigation about the suspects, as if Chu Feng, who only knew power, had already forgotten the purpose of their trip!

Of course, regarding the appearance of these things, it was naturally normal. After all, Chu Feng had already been replaced at this time, but as an unknowingly bloated fellow, he simply couldn't bear the changes of Chu Feng at this moment!

auzw.com Therefore, on the second day after becoming the leader of the southern forces, the bloated guy voluntarily found him and wanted to talk to him!

For this guy who had never met before, the dark side was naturally not interested in talking with him!

But according to Lao Chu's introduction, the dark side is more or less windy, and he has learned something about the bloated guy!

And when he learned that the bloated guy could send him back to the fire domain, the dark side Chufeng felt that the bloated guy could still be used, even if there is not much use, but if one day he wants to return to the fire In terms of domain, then the bloated guy is indispensable!

Therefore, for the sake of safety, when the bloated guy proposed to discuss with him, the dark side also agreed to his request, and also agreed to a time with him!

At dusk, the bloated guy came to the dark-faced Chufeng's residence alone, and after several inspections, he finally saw the dark-faced Chufeng himself!

After a long absence, the bloated guy can clearly feel the strangeness that the dark side Chu Feng exudes.

Yes, it is unfamiliar, a sense of unfamiliarness in all aspects. It was as if it was not Chu Feng who stood in front of him at this time, but another person!

The bloated guy stood in the middle of the room, and didn't rush to find a seat to sit down, but stood there, thinking about how to start the conversation next.

At this time, the dark face is only the restraint seen from the bloated guy. Without knowing it, he thought the bloated guy was afraid of himself.

So he took the initiative to invite the bloated guy to sit down, also to show his friendliness!

"There are seats over there, we can sit down and talk!"

The dark face stretched out his finger to the left seat, and said to the bloated guy.

The bloated guy subconsciously followed Chu Feng's guidance and glanced at the seat over there, then shook his head and said, "It's better for me to stand today, lest I sit down and forget something!"

After being rejected by the bloated guy, the dark side was no longer reluctant, and he did not have this interest!

"Oh! You like to stand, just stand, whatever you want!"

"Chu Feng, why do I feel that you are a little strange? After you became the leader of the southern city, did you successfully become another person?"

The question of the bloated guy was just an angry sentence, but when the question fell into the ears of the dark side, the question was so harsh and true.

"What do you want to say? I let you come here today, and I have given you enough face! If you just come here to mess around and talk'nonsense'! Then I will drive you out anytime, anywhere! "

Dark-faced Chu Feng couldn't conceal his anger at all, especially when others accused him of not being Chu Feng. His anger basically broke out from the inside out!

However, the posture shown by Chu Feng at this time is simply an unreasonable behavior for the bloated guy!

Originally, this matter was supposed to be taken care of by the bloated guy, but now the dark side of Chufeng has the meaning of anti-object-oriented.

In this way, how can the bloated guy not be angry!

"Chu Feng, I really didn't expect you to become like this!" The bloated guy said angrily.

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