Whimsical System

Chapter 1248: Night visit for two

"The background of the three major families really needs to be examined. Although we all know that he may rent out foreign forces, as his greatest enemy, our forces, they are likely to refuse to accept it!

In addition, even if they accept our power, is it possible that they are a trap? If they take this opportunity to weaken our strength, then we have nothing to do. After all, this was originally our goal, but if it is the loss caused by this goal, it is indeed impossible to complain! "

Augustus' reminder also brought Rhodia's persuasion by the way. For the three major families, Rhodia had the most understanding.

It's just that at this moment, the dark side of the wind is not very optimistic about Rhodia, and the most fundamental reason is that Rhodia does not support the dark side of the wind to do whatever it wants!

Therefore, when Rhodia made a reminder again, the dark-faced expression on the face was also affected!

"With regard to the three major families, it is necessary to be more careful and cautious. But being careful does not mean being intimidated. What I hope is that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible, rather than slowly. Deal with it, or even just give up!

Today, I will seriously consider the suggestions you provide. As for who will be adopted later, I will not answer at present!

But there is one thing I need to confirm as soon as possible, that is, what is the current level of the strength of the three major families, I still don't know very well, so I need you to provide me with the necessary information!

In addition, for the sake of safety, I will go to the three major families to investigate this evening! Rhodia you go with me tonight, I need you to be my guide! "

Dark-faced Feng Feng wants to end this topic, although this matter has not yet come to a conclusion, but in his view, this topic is no longer necessary for discussion!

And at this moment, the dark side of Chufeng also has a new plan. Now, in his opinion, entering the three major families is obviously the most important thing!

When Rhodia learned that Chu Feng was going to take him with him, there was indeed some rejection in his heart, but he did not show it on the surface, and he knew that even if he refused, it was useless!

Although Chu Feng’s temper is not very well understood, he can also see from the contacts in the past few days that Chu Feng on the dark side is not a guy who is easy to reason. If anyone is willing to obey his orders If so, then his first reaction is to let that guy taste his power!

Therefore, in order to avoid such a situation, Rhodia could only happily agree to the dark side's request.

"Okay, let me prepare. When do I leave tonight?" Rhodia asked.

The dark face and the wind replied without hesitation: "It's best to keep things secret! So I will tell you when the time comes. For now, I have to think about it!"

The dark side might be because he was afraid that the content of the action was leaked, so he didn’t express his thoughts. In fact, he had already determined the time, just to beware of these three names. It's just for the guys under him!

The night's "color" got darker that night, Rhodia hesitated and waited for Chu Feng's order. Logically speaking, if he were to act tonight, he should have received the order by now, but until now, he also Did not see the appearance of Chu Feng!

Even, he didn't even get a single trace of Chu Feng's news, it was as if Chu Feng had suddenly disappeared halfway out of thin air, no one knew where he went, and no one knew why he left!

However, just when Rhodia was in a state of confusion about this matter, the dark side of Chu Feng suddenly appeared outside his door!

The silent appearance is tantamount to a kind of shock to Rhodia, but fortunately, his psychological quality is still considered satisfactory, otherwise he has to leave some sequelae!


"Why are you only showing up now? I have been waiting for you all night!"

In Rhodia’s words, there was indeed a questioning tone, but at this moment, the dark side Chu Feng did not care too much!

After all, he was indeed a little suspicious about this matter, so he felt quite normal for such inexplicable blame!

"I have to find an accurate time, although I told you during the day that we have to act tonight.

But I am not 100% sure, it will definitely be tonight, so in order to avoid any unexpected situation, I have not notified you for the time being, and as for the loss of my appearance, that is the result of all preparations! "

The dark side of Chufeng explained his reasons. From the perspective of understanding, what the dark side of Chufeng said is indeed acceptable!

After all, the current situation is indeed not very optimistic, so the dark side is a little cautious, but it is completely understandable!

Besides, Rhodia, since he has become a servant of the Dark Side of Chufeng, then he should obey the Dark Side of Chufeng's instructions!

As for blame and things like that, it was nothing more than a wrong decision he made in a moment of anger!

Now when he thinks back carefully, he can't help but feel a little scared. Even though the dark side is not blaming him at this time, he still feels uneasy in his heart!

After all, in the daytime today, he just suffered from this incident, and now he knowsly committed the crime, so it's no wonder he is worried and afraid!

"Then let's set off now?"

Full of anxiety, Rhodia asked in a low voice.

The dark face nodded and said in a commanding tone: "Now is the best opportunity. I need you to fully cooperate with me to reach the three families as quickly as possible!

Before dawn tomorrow, we must rush back. This is an order that you must not defy! "

"I know the severity, let's go!"

Although Rhodia did not guarantee, but his answer can indeed highlight that vowed emotion!

Therefore, when the dark side of the wind heard that Rhodia said a word, he was also affirmed!

The two left together, and their figures were frequently interlaced in the dark night. In the streets and alleys of this city, they didn't know how far they ran and how long they spent!

In short, they didn't know until they saw the imposing walls that they had finally arrived at their destination!

The three major families have exclusive land in the city. Unlike the southern forces, they do not occupy a street, but completely monopolize an area!

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