Whimsical System

Chapter 1249: Over the wall

In that monopolized area, the three major families have absolute power. In fact, there is no commander in this city. This place can be said to be a lawless place!

Even in name, there is an exclusive guard army and legal constraints.

But in fact, basically all cases have a relatively complete power, especially those big forces, they directly have the supreme freedom!

Under the influence of those freedoms, they can do anything in their exclusive area, even if they do things that are expressly prohibited by the law, they can still be forgiven!

And now, the place where the two of Dark Side Chufeng and Rhodia are located, that is the center point of the exclusive area of ​​the three families!

In this area, although outsiders can also enter, they must abide by the common rules set by the three major families.

To put it bluntly, in this area, the rules set by the three major families are the laws they need to abide by!

And by contrast, the rules set by the three major families are even stricter than some legal provisions!

But even so, there are still many people entering and leaving this area every day!

Even if they lose their freedom and power here for a short time, they can use these lost things in exchange for some huge profits!

Therefore, for those who are seeking profit only, the so-called power is nothing but a means that can be used to exchange benefits!

However, although everyone can come and go in this exclusive area, there is only one place that others cannot enter!

That is where the dark side of Chufeng and Rhodia are currently located, the center point of the exclusive area, the headquarters of the three major families.

In fact, speaking of it, this place should also be regarded as a forbidden area of ​​the entire city. Normally, no one can enter or leave here, unless they are invited by the three major families!

And the reason why Rhodia was able to know the existence of this place was because he had been here with Toham before!

At that time Toham didn't know that because of what he did, he was invited by the three big families, and the three big families allowed Toham to bring his companions.

In this way, Rhodia has become the lucky person!

But now, this incident seems to have become a disaster for Rhodia!

If he hadn't come here, then this series of things would not happen. In addition, he will not appear here following the dark side!

But now that the matter has reached this point, no matter how much he regrets it, it will not help the world, so he can only accompany the dark side to punish and enter this forbidden area together, even if he knows what will happen after entering here as a result of!

"This city wall should be easy to turn over, right?"

Dark-faced Chufeng always has inexplicable self-confidence, and for this kind of confidence, Chu Feng has once possessed it, but the dark-faced Chufeng's confidence is always a little inexplicable!

Facing the dark side of Chu Feng’s question, Rhodia really didn’t know how to answer. After all, he had only been here once, and he also entered from the main entrance. So whether this city wall can climb in, he really Don't know!

But since the dark side and Chufeng have asked him, then he can't just perfunctory by not knowing the three words!

auzw.com So, in the end, he reluctantly responded, even he himself felt a little unsure!

"It stands to reason that this wall should be a relatively strong and defensive place. But if you do this, will its defensive strength be effective? This is true. Somewhat unsure!

So in order to prove this, maybe you can try it first. After all, with your current ability, I am afraid that few people can match you. So even if this wall is dangerous enough, it should not be for you. What a big problem! "

The dark side is full of wind, and after hearing this encouraging words, he does have enough confidence!

It's just that he didn't do this by himself, but deliberately pulled Rhodia and went into danger with him!

"It's rare that you have such confidence in my ability. If so, then I will do it for you, and I hope I can take you with me!

If you really have confidence in my ability, I guess you will not refuse this invitation? After all, I will guarantee your safety! "

The dark-faced invitation is tantamount to a disaster for Rhodia, but at this time the words have already been said, and if they were to be taken back, it would probably be impossible.

So in the end, he could only bite the bullet and reluctantly agreed to the invitation of the dark side!

After the two negotiated, the matter was finally entrusted to Dark Side Chufeng, and now Dark Side Chufeng has gone through these few days of training, and his devouring power has made another breakthrough!

Now, not only can he radiate the swallowing power to attack, but he can also condense the swallowing power and evolve it into various things to assist him!

In the current situation, the power of the devouring power of the dark side and the wind has just played a huge effect.

I saw him radiate a large amount of devouring power from his body, and then gradually condense behind him.

In the end, the condensed swallowing power turned into a pair of wings.

On the surface, it seemed that this pair of wings actually existed.

And with the continuous flapping of these wings, the dark-faced Chu Feng's body was slowly rising in an extremely uniform manner.

"Chu Feng, you..."

Rhodia really didn't know how to describe his current feelings about the ability displayed by the current dark side.

He has never touched things like this kind of flying, and there are no birds even in this city!

Therefore, the ability to fly is only in the hands of some, extremely rare people with special abilities!

But now, this extremely rare ability is suddenly revealed from the dark side of the body!

So it's no wonder Rhodia will be surprised!

However, Rhodia was not the kind of person without knowledge.

Therefore, although he was very surprised by this incident, he did not continue this surprise for long!

After a while, two figures appeared under the night sky. In the darkness, the two men rose into the sky, as if they were being pulled by a rope and gradually rose to the sky.

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