Whimsical System

Chapter 1250: The first thing to do

When the two reached a certain height, although it was late at night, they could still see the scene around the city wall!

And just under the shining of the moonlight, the entire view of the restricted area is also panoramic.

Looking around, the forbidden area is almost densely populated with residential areas, so there are not many people living in this forbidden area, but the place where they live is extremely spacious!

It is no exaggeration to say that if the number of houses in the restricted area is divided according to the number of people, basically everyone can be divided into three houses!

It can be seen from this that in this restricted area, how much land resources are wasted, and all of this is due to the incomparable signature of the three big families!

"It's no wonder they don't want outsiders to enter here. If others know that they have so many eye-catching benefits, I am afraid that the three major families will be attacked by outsiders all the time!"

The dark-faced Fengfeng couldn't help feeling a little proud. Even though he hadn't achieved his goal at this time, he had already seen the victory and was waving to himself.

At the same time, just as the two of them were in mid-air and were about to fly over the city wall, a lot of them suddenly appeared in the restricted area. Observe their eyes!

Even though it was midnight at this time, the guards in the restricted area did not relax in the slightest!

Therefore, without any accidental punishment, the two of them "exposed" their identities under their observation!

Moreover, when their identities were "exposed", the attacks from within the restricted area also came from the two of them in an instant!

"Chu Feng is a weapon!"

Rhodia exclaimed, and then fell down from mid-air.

At first, the dark-faced Chufeng thought that it was because he let go of his hands that caused Rhodia to fall.

And when he saw Rhodia hovering in the air, he just understood that Rhodia had deliberately broken free just now!

Since many previous locations have been targeted by guards in the restricted area, if they stay there again, they will become the first target!

Therefore, Rhodia must adjust his position to ensure his safety. As for why he is suspended in the air, this is probably due to his mysterious ability!

Of course, it is precisely because he has this ability that he can boldly make this attempt.

If not, he might put all his hopes on the dark side of the beholder!

And when the attack of the guards in the restricted area was about to reach their original position, Chu Feng, who had been staying in the same place and had not moved, also left his original position in an extremely rapid manner!

As a result, the two almost evaded the attack one by one, and also smoothly entered the restricted area!

When the two reunited again, the Dark Side Chufeng couldn't help but ask Rhodia a question.

"You obviously have the ability to float in the air, why didn't you just come in by yourself?"

"This...it's not that I want to be lazy! It's that I really don't have the ability to fully elevate myself to a sufficient height!


So there is no way, I can only use your ability to climb over this high wall, otherwise I am afraid I will lie on this high wall and dawdle! "

Facing the dark side of Chu Feng’s inquiry, Rhodia gave a reasonable response!

Rhodia's ability is indeed to levitate in the air. According to his ability principle, he can get rid of the attraction of the ground to him, and then let his body completely vacate!

It's just that his way of flying into the air is only used to reduce his body and weight!

Therefore, this amount has a certain upper limit, and as the height continues to increase, the instability of his body will also increase!

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, Rhodia was not just to preserve his strength!

After listening to Rhodia’s explanation, the dark side and the wind did not pursue excessively. After all, this matter was basically not a major event for him, even if Rhodia used him, it was nothing!

Originally, Rhodia was accepting his orders from the beginning, so if he could help Rhodia, it would be considered a good thing he did!

In short, no matter what, the two of them have successfully entered the restricted area at this time.

And until this time, their slow journey began the first step, and it was only this first step, which directly caused a lot of trouble!

"Chu Feng, what should we do next?"

As for the current situation, Rhodia basically has no clue, unless it is already at this point, and it is almost impossible to retreat, and it is almost approachable, otherwise he has no way to make a definite decision in the shortest time. !

And when Rhodia’s question was thrown into the dark side, Chufeng’s mind was clear enough.

Although he did not consider that these problems will appear at this time, no matter what, the time has indeed come and a decision must be made!

Therefore, under this kind of powerful pressure, the dark side was bewildered, but he made an affirmative decision in an extremely fast way!

"No matter what, we must get to the ground. If my devouring power is consumed for a long time, it will not be conducive to the next battle!

And based on the fact that you can use your abilities to suspend your body in the air, I am basically certain that your reaction and speed will drop because of this suspension!

Therefore, in order to avoid these drawbacks, we must go back to the ground now, and we must stay together all the time, and we must not disperse, otherwise, I am afraid that even I cannot guess what will happen next! "

The dark-faced and bewildered decision is very accurate and very realistic. Returning to the ground is currently their only choice and a must!

Therefore, after Chu Feng put forward this decision on the dark side, Rhodia chose to execute it, and his execution strength has completely exceeded Chu Feng!

Returning to the ground seems to be an easy task, but in fact, there are still many dangers in this matter!

For example, on the ground at this time, there are already many restricted area guards.

And if they can’t deal with it carefully, then they are likely to instantly become a restricted area, so-called prisoners!

So for the sake of safety, Rhodia finally gave up the suspended "operation", and instead entrusted his hope to the dark side of Chu Feng, and let him lead himself to the ground!

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