Whimsical System

Chapter 1251: Nocturnal

Under the night sky, the two figures gradually began to descend, and at this moment they had a mirror-like reaction to the previous move in the air!

At this time, the forbidden area was already dry and chaotic. Someone from the outside world crossed the wall and entered the forbidden area. For the three major families in the forbidden area, this was almost an unheard of strange thing!

At this time, almost no one in this city didn't know the existence of the three major families, even the outsider, the dark side bewildered, was no exception!

Among the residents of this entire city, no one has ever dared to do such a reckless thing!

But now, on this ordinary night, such a strange thing suddenly appeared.

And this weird thing seems to have happened so ordinary, even the dark side that tried hard to promote this thing, did not think this thing, there is nothing worth spreading!

Landing to the ground is easier than ascending, but in order to get rid of the guards of the restricted area, the dark side is also a hard work!

It wasn't until he successfully found a suitable target point that he landed slowly!

After touching the ground again, Rhodia breathed a sigh of relief. The tension in the air just now almost suffocated him!

However, the sense of security that this kind of ground brings is obviously something that the air cannot give!

"Hurry up and find a place to hide, now their plan may have to be changed!"

Dark-faced Chu Feng almost spoke to Rhodia in a commanding tone, and then he and Rhodia disappeared into the depths of the night together!

At the same time, the guard of the restricted area who came to search for it had passed by the place where the two of them landed for a while, but it was a pity that they were a step late in the end, so they did not find the whereabouts of the two!

Although the chaotic night is long, it will eventually pass. The guards of the restricted area searched all night, but they did not get any desired results!

So after daybreak, the entire restricted area was banned. At this time, even people from the three major families could not enter and leave casually!

In addition to the restricted area, the exclusive area they belong to has also been completely closed. The external area is within the area. There are things that need to be dealt with. It is currently not open!

And they did not provide the outside world with the next opening time, and from this we can also see how far-reaching this incident is!

As the initiator of all these influences, the dark side did not feel that this matter was so serious, and even at this moment he did not think about other things at all, but wanted to investigate the internal situation of the three families!

Of course, at this moment, there is almost no difference between Rhodia’s and Dark Side’s thoughts. After all, they are already trapped here at this time, so even if they have other thoughts, they can only gather it up first. , No more considerations!

Inside an old container, with a dark face, half squatting on the ground leaning on the edge of the box, the two of them are completely trapped here at this moment. The guards outside the restricted area will pass here almost every once in a while!

Although they will not pay attention to this container, as soon as the two of them get out of this container, they will be quickly exposed to all the so-called eyes of the restricted area!

When the time comes, as long as their appearance is exposed, no matter how they pretend in the future, they will also have no way to reduce their suspicion!

Even if they are lucky enough to leave here, as long as the three big families are not destroyed, they will be captured anytime and anywhere!


Unless they leave the city and never enter it again, they will suffer this trouble forever!

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, they can only stay in this container during the day. Even if they are hungry, they must not leave the container for half a step!

As a result, the two of them were in such an unbearable environment for the whole day!

Rhodia woke up groggy from his sleep until the evening approached.

But when he opened his eyes and looked around, he suddenly discovered that the dark side of the wind seemed to have disappeared!

When he stood up eagerly and wanted to leave the container during the coming night, he was at the exit of the container and saw the familiar figure!

"I thought you went out by yourself!"

Walking slowly to the dark side of Chufeng, Rhodia said in a low voice.

"Did you forget what I said? The two of us can't be separated for a moment, otherwise neither of us would want to get out of here!"

Dark-faced Chu Feng didn't turn his head to look at Rhodia, but kept looking into the distance along the exit of the container, as if to observe something now!

"How could I forget it! In fact, I was just worried. After all, you are used to a comfortable life.

And how can you endure the hard experience of being hungry all day long! "

Rhodia said with a lot of emotion, this is indeed the thought in his heart. Of course, besides that, he has other guesses, but in the current situation, some things are still not said. it is good!

"Don't worry! I'm not so squeamish, maybe you don't know what kind of pain I am going through when I have never appeared in this world!

But now as long as I can still control, this is the body, and I can feel the existence of air, so I can endure all the pain! "

Dark-faced Chufeng said this in an extremely relaxed tone. Judging from his appearance, he really meant to have a heart-to-heart talk with Rhodia.

Of course, for this feeling, it is only Rhodia's own illusion, in fact, the dark side of the wind has no such interest at all!

At this time, everything he does has its own purpose, whether it is reasonable or unreasonable, that is included in his plan!

Including his eyes looking outside at this time, it also has a certain meaning!

"It's getting dark, and it's finally time for us to act! You have slept here for a whole day, and you must have wanted to leave here for activities a long time ago?"

The dark face Chufeng suddenly turned his head and asked Rhodia.

"This...hehe...I am indeed a little bored, but the sky is not dark yet. Should we wait for a while, and when there is no light around, let's go out again?"

Although Rhodia agrees with the dark side's proposal, he still has some concerns!

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