Whimsical System

Chapter 1253: Whereabouts exposed

"It's no trouble, it's just a lock, it can't trouble me!"

Just as Rhodia was thinking about how to enter the restaurant building, on the dark side, Chu Feng had already "fucked" the swallowing power and condensed it into a dagger!

And then he swung a dagger, and forcibly split the barbell-like lock in half!

"This is too..."

Seeing this scene before him, Rhodia swallowed back when he reached his lips. At this moment, he really didn't know whether he should praise the dark side and berserk!

That's right, the dark side's actions at this time are indeed a bit surprising, but Rhodia is worried that the cost at this time will have a bad effect.

According to his observation, the dark side is full of wind, and there is a sense of arrogance in his heart, and if this arrogance is stimulated at this time, then his arrogance will become arrogant, even arrogant!

In this way, this will also have a great impact on subsequent things, so in order to avoid this kind of thing, Rhodia swallowed this compliment abruptly.

However, at this time, the dark side of the wind is waiting for the arrival of Rhodia’s praise, so when Rhodia was halfway through this sentence, he subconsciously asked: "What's the matter? Go on..."

"Too...too ordinary!"

Facing the dark side of Chu Feng’s inquiry, Rhodia naturally couldn’t keep his mouth shut, so he had to find a vocabulary that might strike the dark side of Chu Feng, and said it!

"Ordinary? It shouldn't be so ordinary. After all, this lock is still more difficult to get. Can you do it?"

Although the dark face and Feng Feng did not receive a severe blow, he did doubt Rhodia's response.

"Uh..." Rhodia couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed in the face of the dark side's questioning, "I can't do it, but I believe some people can still do it, so basically there is nothing too much. Surprising place..."

"Oh... It seems that you have met many strong people before!"

The dark face and the wind responded blankly, and then pushed open the door of the restaurant and walked in.

And Rhodia, with an awkward look, followed him into the restaurant.

Although the food in the restaurant is not too warm, it is already satisfying enough for the two who are currently hungry!

As a result, a scene was created in the restaurant next to the two, a scene of chaos and chaos!

At the same time, the guard of the restricted area quickly received the strangeness from the restaurant.

Although they don't know whether something really happened in the restaurant, they still sent troops for the sake of safety!

And when they found that the door of the restaurant had been destroyed, the doubt in their hearts was also completely solved at that moment!

There is no doubt that the intruder they have been tracking for a long time finally reappeared, but I don't know if they are still in the restaurant at this time!

However, no matter what, the guards of the restricted area did not relax their surveillance of the area. After urgently dispatching the surrounding video, they found two strange figures who were inside the restaurant at this time.


It's just that the light in the restaurant is dim, so I can't see how they look like, but no matter what, as long as the two of them are still here, the guards of the restricted area will be relieved, at least they don't need to search around!

After all, according to the evidence collected at the scene, there are indeed only two invaders at this time, so if these two people appear here at the same time, it means that their mission is about to end!

When the matter was settled, it didn’t take long before the restaurant was surrounded by three floors inside and outside.

And when the encirclement around the restaurant gradually formed, the two people who were in the restaurant at this time, feasting on their mouths, suddenly discovered that something was not quite right.

And the most distressing and "confusing" of these is that the camera that has stayed on top of their heads and has never moved before is actually facing them at this moment, and it is still flashing red.

"No, we seem to have been discovered!"

Rhodia reacted quickly, and then reminded the dark side of Chu Feng.

"Don't panic! In fact, since I came here, I have had this hunch, but I didn't care about this hunch, now it seems that I don't care, but it caused us a big trouble!

But this is nothing. It is night. Although they can find our place, they can't see our appearance at all!

In addition, even if they surround us, we still have a way to escape! "

The dark face and the confident look of Feng Feng gave Rhodia a great encouragement.

Even at this time, he still doesn't know how to do it, but at least he already has his own purpose, and he also has enough confidence in the dark side.

"Then what should we do next?" Rhodia's inquiry was completely subconscious. He had no idea in his mind at the moment, so it could only turn to the dark side.

"It's very simple! Let me check it out first. If the situation is not as bad as we thought, then we will leave here as soon as possible. If they have surrounded us, then we will think of other ways. In short, You must not "show up"!"

Although Rhodia didn't know why the Dark Side Chufeng asked for such a request, he still agreed to Dark Side Chufeng's arrangement!

And he kept telling himself to be cautious and to follow the dark side's arrangements anyway and not to "disrupt" his plan.

Later, when the two of them negotiated, the dark side was embarrassing and they walked directly to the intersection of the restaurant.

However, just as he was about to approach the entrance of the restaurant, the dark crowd outside came into his sight instantly, and there were countless red lights that followed!

That's right, those are all sights. Obviously, all of their weapons in this restricted area are firearms.

Even though the dark side is horrible, he doesn't know how powerful their weapons are, but through his sense of this danger, he can clearly feel the pressure brought by the red light!

The dark face calmed down briefly and returned to Rhodia's side again.

Rhodia was right at this time, and he could accurately judge the state of the dark side and the wind at this time.

"Did they have surrounded them? I don't think your face's "color" is very good!" Rhodia said.

"This has nothing to do with my face's'color', but they did surround us!" The dark side said with a beast.

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