Whimsical System

Chapter 1254: Surrounded by red light

"I knew it was such a result, but I didn't feel surprised to hear the news from your mouth. After all, you just told me things with your facial expressions!

Now, I am just thinking about this matter and how to solve it! We must not be caught by them, otherwise, I am afraid our destiny will end here!

So we have to find a way to get out of here, no matter what! "

Although Rhodia was very calm when he spoke, he was already in a panic in his heart!

In fact, no matter who encounters this kind of thing, they will basically appear flustered, but Rhodia's performance at this time should be more calm, at least they will convey their flustered to the dark side. Chu Feng!

"It's okay. Actually, after I confirmed the result, I have already figured out a solution in my heart, and I can solve this matter by myself. You can't do it at all!"

The sudden self-confidence of the dark face and Feng Feng made Rhodia feel a little unsure.

Just now, he had clearly seen the dark side of the face, the "color" has undergone an extremely obvious change, but now he suddenly said this, which is really incredible!

Of course, just for Rhodia, the incredibleness of this is obviously more obvious!

"Chu Feng, I don't really agree with your heroism, even though your approach is a good thing for me!

But since we came here together, then we must be responsible to each other, so how can I leave this matter to you alone!

Why not do this, just tell me if you have any plans, let's act together! At that time, we will be able to take care of each other, lest you are left alone! "

When Rhodia said these words, he also plucked up a lot of courage. In fact, he didn't want to say that in his heart, but in the current situation, even if some things do not want to be said, they must be said. .

Otherwise, if Chu Feng was arrested because of this incident, he might not escape. So instead of distributing the power like this, it is better to take a risk, concentrate the power, and do your best to accomplish one thing!

It was just unexpected, Rhodia's suggestion was not received at all, and the dark side betrayed the approval.

Even with the dark side, he had an extremely strong rejection of Rhodia's decision.

"I said, let me solve this matter myself, don't "intervene"! Are you trying to defy my orders?

In addition, I did not let you "involve" not to protect you, but to fear that you might affect me!

So you'd better be acquainted and don't do those thankless things, otherwise I will solve it with you! "

When he said these words, the dark face and Chufeng's face had become extremely angry, and Rhodia could clearly see the killing intent from his eyes.

Therefore, from these two points, it can almost be seen that what the dark side of the wind said just now is indeed true.

But now, since things have reached this level, Rhodia naturally has no way to say more.

The dark-faced Fengfeng disagrees with him and participates in this matter, so naturally there is no need for him to be hot and cold!

auzw.com After all, the dark side Chu Feng warned him just now, if he acted arbitrarily, Chu Feng would not mind, and he would solve it together!

What kind of threat is this, is it true that the dark side has reached the point where the six relatives do not recognize it?

Rhodia did not dare to guess about this matter at all, even if this matter was important to him, he still did not dare to touch this thought!

So until the end, Rhodia could only obey the dark-faced arrangement and let him do what he wanted, while Rhodia did not "intervene".

"Stay here honestly. Don't go anywhere unless this building collapses!

In addition, no matter what happens, I will come back to you again! At that time, if I can't find it, you will lose your life when you see me again next time! "

The original dark side was so cool, the first sentence was warm enough, but when the next sentence was added, this warming sentence suddenly made people feel chilling. !

After the dark face and the wind pressed down on this cruel word, he left, and left from the entrance!

At this moment, he seems to have completely forgotten what happened just now, including the countless red light shining on him!

Leaving the restaurant building, the red light from the sight had almost completely enveloped Chu Feng's body!

Even some light was already shining on his eyes, the dazzling light was extremely disgusting to Chu Feng!

However, at the moment when the light was about to appear on the eyes, the light suddenly disappeared.

Disappearing without warning, it is like being shut down suddenly, but in fact it is not!

If someone noticed the dark-faced hands at this time, perhaps they could find a little bit of evidence from the black light of the palm.

That's right, the disappearing light is the masterpiece of the dark side!

And the guy who was holding the sight and was about to aim at the dark-faced eyes, had already collapsed to the ground at this moment, and there was no more movement!

Even the companion closest to him at this time didn't notice his strangeness. It was only when someone passed by and touched his body that he realized that one of them had already fallen to the ground!

"Now I hope you can turn off the sights. I really hate this red light. If you don't listen to my persuasion and continue to do so, don't blame me for making some reckless actions!"

The dark face and the wind gave the opponent some warnings. Although he was on the nominally weak side at this time, when he issued the warning to the opponent, he was still so confident!

Unfortunately. At this time, no one was willing to hear him say this, and no one responded to him!

At this moment, those guards holding sights seem to be waiting for a mysterious guy!

Before that mysterious guy arrived, they would not easily attack the dark side Chu Feng, unless Chu Feng made some resisting actions!

For example, when the guard was secretly dealt with just now, it was an act of resistance!

However, his actions were not detected by his enemies, and when the body of the guard was discovered later, the mysterious figure had already arrived here!

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