Whimsical System

Chapter 1255: Not old

Time seems to be still at this moment, no one will do anything else, their eyes are concentrated on the dark side of the beholder.

Always beware of the dark side to prevent him from making any abnormal movements.

At this time, the dark side of Chufeng did not disappoint them. At least at this moment, the dark side of Chufeng would not do it according to their arrangements. Even if the sights were already gathered on his body, it would not. Affect his next move!

Seeing the dark face, he took a big step and stepped out of the restaurant building. His figure gradually became huge under the shining of the sight!

And those forbidden ground guards holding sights, their eyes widened for a moment.

The swallowing force that rushed into the sky, there was no light to conceal it. At this moment, the forbidden guard felt a strong sense of oppression. It was a breath of death, even if they tried to resist this breath. Exist, but their emotions are still affected!

"It may not be a difficult task for you to want to leave here alive, but for me at this time, it is a difficult thing to reach the sky!

So I have to do my best to do it, and now only if you feel the pain, can I breathe a sigh of relief! "

The dark face and the wind was muttering words. At this time, almost every word he said fell into the ears of everyone present, but at this moment, no one was moved by it!

They are like puppets standing in place, motionless, the light of the sight is just a display!

Of course, this is just a metaphor, a metaphor that can make the dark side be embarrassed and feel lucky!

In fact, they are not furnishings, and they are also a threat to the dark side!

As the dark side of the wind gradually "approached", there are already some guards among them, unable to bear the nervousness in their hearts, the slightly trembling fingers, at this moment, have gradually pressed on the trigger, as if they are likely to be anytime, anywhere Pull the trigger!

And when all of this really happens, this war that is ready to go, I am afraid it will really break out!

The dark face and the wind have already moved to kill him. At this time, he is under siege. It is almost not easy to leave here, so he must do something meaningful to himself!

But now, the choice he can make is only to solve the current enemies, so at this time, it can almost be said that he has no choice, no one allows him to have other options, because he has already entered A desperate situation, an inextricable situation!

At this moment, Rhodia was in the distance, carefully watching what was happening now.

The protection provided by the dark face and the wind made him frightened and at a loss as to what to do!

He wants to leave here, but he also knows that he has nowhere to go. Now the dark side of the wind has exposed his position and has become the target of the enemies outside!

At this moment, although his situation is also more embarrassing, in comparison, he is much luckier than the dark side!

It's just that he doesn't have much confidence. He is not sure that the dark side can solve the current situation, although he really hopes that all this can get a better result!

Outside the restaurant building, the battle is on the verge of breaking out, and the dark side has shown a tendency to attack, as if he may launch an offensive anytime, anywhere!

auzw.com And under this trend that is about to explode, the mysterious guy also quietly appeared at this time!

Suddenly a bright light appeared in the night sky, just like a starry sky bursting suddenly, the bright light was excited in an instant, and then turned into a little starlight and dispersed!

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the light, even the guards holding the sights were no exception!

A figure appeared in the light, and the appearance of this person instantly brought a touch of peace to those nervous first!

"Welcome to the patriarch!"

At this moment in the crowd, one person's shout suddenly sounded, and then everyone else broke out at that moment!

The shouts in unison were deafening, as if everyone's passion was ignited at this moment!

This guy born in the light was one of the three heads of families.

When he was gradually in the dark, such words, restored calm and showed his appearance, the dark side found out that although this person had the identity of the patriarch, he was an extremely young boy!

Of course, the identity of the young man was just a result of what appeared on the surface. In fact, the age of the patriarch was already over thirty years old.

As for why he is so young, it is because their family is in a state of reverse growth, and the reason is easy to explain. It is nothing more than issues such as cell division!

According to external rumors, one of the three major families is called the Bulao clan, and the members of this family are basically in a static state after the age of fifteen.

As long as the outside world does not force "sexual" destruction, they can maintain this static state for decades.

And in these decades, they will not have the slightest sign of aging. And when this static state is over, they still have the time of ordinary people after fifteen.

And this means that their decades of time seem to have been gained in vain, no one needs them to pay, and this will not affect their normal life, old age, sickness and death.

And now this patriarch is the leader of this strange family.

Obviously, this patriarch has not yet passed the static years, so the annual rings of the years did not leave any traces on him, and even his voice did not happen due to the change of the years. The slightest change!

For this sudden leader, although the dark side was a little surprised, he did not clearly show it!

On the contrary, the young patriarch, who couldn't bear to be lonely, asked a question to Chu Feng on the dark side first.

"As far as I know, you should be the new force leader Chu Feng who has suddenly emerged and occupied the two forces at once?"

The young patriarch's inquiry was not paid attention to by the dark-faced Chufeng. At this time, with the pride of the dark-faced Chufeng, he was not willing to bother with the enemy in this situation.

And when the young patriarch asked, as if there was no trace of a mud cow entering the sea, he nodded with a smile, showing an expression of understanding.

"I understand that in this situation, you will inevitably be a little hostile to me! In fact, when I learned that you suddenly broke into here, my impression of you was not very good!"

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