Whimsical System

Chapter 1256: Show mercy

"But even if this feeling exists in my heart, I still come, and I am also happy to advise you on your side, have a good conversation with you, and have questions about how to solve this matter!

You may think that I am doing this a bit strange. After all, for intruders, getting along with them is not a correct solution at all!

But this is not the case. For you, maybe you just want to achieve some goals, so you did this!

But for us, your actions have had a great impact on us.

I know that no matter what I say at this time, you will not choose to believe, and you are not even willing to listen to me, but even so, there are some things I still have to say, even if there will be a giant explosion between us. War, I have to talk about these words first! "

The young patriarch can almost guess everything that happened afterwards, so when he said this, he obviously had all the preparations!

And when the young patriarch had finished speaking, and had been reluctant to pay attention to his dark side, he was suddenly moved at this moment.

"Either you let us go, or we fight hard! Anyway, apart from these two options, I don't see any hope at all!

So no matter what you want to say, I hope you can base your views on these two choices! "

The dark face is already trying to suppress his emotions. If he follows his thoughts at this time, I am afraid that he has already killed the Quartet!

However, due to the appearance of the young patriarch and the dark side, Chu Feng had to suppress his emotions forcibly, striving to allow him to carefully assess the situation and distinguish the reality!

At this time, the dark side and the wind made a request, as far as this request is concerned, there is no actual "sex" meaning!

It's nothing more than something, choice and decision, and these things seem to have no meaning at all for the young patriarch!

"No problem! As long as you can tell me the purpose of your trip, and tell me everything you know!

Then I can let you two go, and will not take any revenge against you two, this is my guarantee to you at this time, and this is the only choice you can make! "

The young patriarch finally stated his conditions. He came to this trip just to make a dark face.

And from his words, he can't help but hear that it seems that there are indeed some unknown secrets in this forbidden area, but the three major families are unwilling to reveal, even if there are intruders. At this point, they are still reluctant to talk about this matter!

The dark face and Fengfeng immediately guessed the reason for the results now, even if they were intruders, but this was the first time he had seen the symptoms of intruders like this!

Therefore, this situation can only prove one point, that is, the Dark Side and Feng Feng and Rhodia have long been their targets.

Even from the beginning of the dark side Chufeng began to annex other forces, he has fallen into the sight of the three major families!

And it is precisely because of the existence of this reason, so until this time, the three major families did not take the dark side!

It seems that they are indeed afraid of the forces controlled by the dark side!

auzw.com Even if the dark side is not their opponent, the three major families are obviously unwilling to do things like this that may cause the phenomenon of hornet's nest!

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that the current scene and the process of the young patriarch's negotiation with the dark side of the wind.

It's just a pity that although the three big families thought about this thing very well, the dark side of the beloved did not intend to appreciate it.

After all, the dark side of Chufeng is not the real Chufeng. In some cases, the dark side of Chufeng has to be more decisive when starting things, and regardless of the consequences.

Therefore, just when the young patriarch thought that this matter was about to break through, the dark side of the bewitching mood suddenly got out of control at this moment!

The culprit responsible for all this is the sentence the young patriarch said: You have no choice!

In the dark night "color", the power of devouring almost formed a disc in the sky. At that moment, everyone could feel the extremely powerful pressure, and soon they felt the horror of the power of devouring !

The disk in the midair was like glass bursting on the ground, falling straight to the ground, acting on every guard!

With the current abilities of the dark side, if you want to solve these guards in one breath, it is naturally not realistic!

But if you just want to make them suffer, this is not a difficult task!

So, in that instant, the pain came directly from the sky to the ground. Except for the young patriarch, almost everyone was suffering from this pain, and there was no way to get rid of it!

It is even worth mentioning that the reason why the young patriarch does not suffer pain is not because of how strong his strength is, but because of the dark side, his men are merciful and have not shot him!

Although the dark side of Chufeng has lost his normal reason, he still has a little sense of measure in starting things!

"Do you say he wants to be our enemy?"

The young patriarch was very angry, and the feeling that he was about to succeed and fell into the abyss of failure in an instant was really uncomfortable!

So when he asked this question to the dark side Chufeng, his teeth were clenched!

At this moment, he can't even hide his anger, even though he is very good at controlling his emotions!

Dark-faced, shrugged indifferently, and said nonchalantly: "If you want to fight with me, I can accompany you at any time, but I've been merciful to your subordinates. If you can't be satisfied by doing so, then I'm afraid There really isn't much to talk about between us!"

The dark-faced words reminded the young patriarch.

That's right, the young patriarch is indeed in a state of being spared at this moment. If all this is due to the mercy of the dark side of the beloved, then this matter can be explained clearly!

It's just that the young patriarch didn't understand. Since the dark side was willing to negotiate, why did he suddenly assume such a position?

Is it just to give yourself a slap in the face? If this is really the purpose of the dark side, then the dark side is too childish!

"What do you want to do? As the leader of a force, everything you do will be inextricably linked with your subordinates. When you did this just now, could you Those of your men have considered?"

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