Whimsical System

Chapter 1257: Talk to another place

"I'm afraid, only you will treat your subordinates as treasures, and it is ridiculous that you have this kind of mind, and it is just simply saying it to others!

I am different from you. I will directly express any emotions I have. Even if some words are said, it will be very hurtful, but I will not deceive others!

To tell you the truth, my men are nothing more than pawns that can be "handled" for me, and you also have such a function, but you pawns do not want to obey my orders! "

Such blunt words, speaking from the mouth of the dark side, felt so natural.

The young patriarch realized that his words did not pose a threat to the dark side of Chufeng, so he planned to talk to the dark side of Chufeng in another way.

The young patriarch said: "Frankly speaking, although it is not pleasant to listen to, but it is the truth! And I am the person who likes to listen to the truth. It seems that the two of us are more speculative!

In fact, what you just said is correct. I can be used by you as a pawn. Even if I don't want to cooperate in my heart, it won't have much impact on you!

Besides, you are also a chess piece to me, and compared to my chess piece, your chess piece is easier to "handle" and control! "

"I can hear that you are making fun of me, but it's a pity that this kind of teasing has no effect at all for me!"

At this moment, even if the dark side was beset and described as a chess piece, he was not angry at the words of the young patriarch!

Judging from the current performance of the dark side of Chufeng, his behavior is really too abnormal.

It was as if the previously calm and quick-thinking Chu Feng had returned, but his eyes did not change, and at this moment his eyes were the only characteristic that could distinguish the state of the soul!

Therefore, the change in the dark side of Chu Feng at this moment was not because the previous Chu Feng returned, but the dark side of Chu Feng, who really used his own thinking on the current matter!

The dark face is so calm, which is not a good thing for the young patriarch.

His composure means that he has his own thoughts, and even a sense of winning.

At this moment, the young patriarch couldn’t help wondering: “Has he found any help and thinks he can firmly control us...”

And while the young patriarch was thinking about himself, the dark side Chufeng said another sentence.

"If you are thinking about the meaning of my sentence, then I can advise you, you don't need to waste time on this!

At this time, since you can appear here, it means that you are ready to negotiate terms with me!

So I can give you this opportunity, and I can also satisfy your ideas, as long as all this can be built on the level that I can understand! "

The dark face is calm and calm, even in the eyes of Lao Chu at this moment, it feels a bit exaggerated!

Originally, he had always thought that the dark side was nothing more than a violent villain, but he was very young, and this violent villain actually had a smart side!

Moreover, his current intelligence is still so shocking!

"It seems that I really underestimated you! Perhaps, the information we collected earlier is not accurate. It turns out that what we have always known is not the real you!"


The young patriarch said with emotion. At this moment, he knew that the dark side of Chufeng would like to hear this sentence, so he deliberately obeyed the dark side of Chufeng’s mind and tried his best to satisfy the dark side of Chufeng’s thoughts. .

"Hahaha...In that case, you are not confused. If so, let's get to the topic!"

Hearing that, the dark side Chufeng immediately laughed, and the feeling of unscrupulousness made his previous cautiousness slightly weakened!

"What I'm talking about with you has always been business, but you didn't take it seriously!

Now that there is such a big battle, so many people are here because of you, then you should also be able to understand how much we value you!

Now that you come here as an intruder, you already have a bad reputation, so for your future development, I hope that we can negotiate friendly and finally reach a consensus and let you leave here! "

The young patriarch has gradually made concessions, and its trend of concessions has continued to expand. It seems that he has made compromises in this confrontation.

At this time, after the young patriarch said these words, the dark side Chufeng still remained unmoved!

However, it is not that he did not respond, at least he made a proposal!

"Why don't we talk in another place! In this kind of place, my emotions are always easy to get excited. If you say that if I can't control my emotions and do some reckless things, wouldn't it affect the outcome of our discussions? !"

The young patriarch didn’t quite understand the dark side’s proposal. It stands to reason that things have reached this level, so what are the occasions?

But the dark side is so horrible, but he cares about this, and he actually made the proposal himself!

The young patriarch made concessions again, even if he thought the matter was unreasonable.

"Yes, where do you think it is better to talk?" the young patriarch asked.

"Go to the restaurant building! It is spacious and quiet enough, and this building was originally yours, so you must be able to control this building!

So you don’t have to worry about what other purpose we will have for you! "

The restaurant building is indeed a safe place, whether it is for the dark side or the young patriarch, it can be regarded as a good place.

Therefore, the young patriarch resolutely agreed to the proposal of the dark-faced Chufeng as soon as the words of the dark-faced Chufeng fell.

"Heh... you are indeed very sincere. If so, let's go!"

The decisiveness of the young patriarch made the dark-faced Chufeng a little surprised, but he was not surprised at all. How long did he stay in his emotions!

Almost in an instant, he recalled. After that, he stepped back to the restaurant building first, and the young patriarch walked in immediately.

For the sudden appearance of the young patriarch, Rhodia, who was hiding in the restaurant building at this time, looked at him with horror!

"Why did you let him in?"

Rhodia's eyes were wide, staring at the dark side of Chu Feng, and questioned him.

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