Whimsical System

Chapter 1258: The background of the three major families

"Can he come in? This is originally the place of others, and they don't come as they want, and leave as they want!

Besides, do you want to stay here forever? Things have to be solved, and let him come here, that is the first step to solve the problem! "

The dark-faced answer can almost be regarded as an answer, at least after he said this sentence, Rhodia said nothing more!

However, Rhodia did not participate in their conversation either.

Judging from Rhodia's performance, he seems to be very unwilling to deal with people from the three major families, but the reason is not very clear!

"Is he your subordinate?"

Looking at the back of Rhodia's lonely departure, the young patriarch asked casually to the dark side.

The dark-faced gaze stayed on Rhodia's back for a while, then turned to the young patriarch.

"Forget it! But he has nothing to do with this matter, so naturally there is no need for him to participate in this matter!"

The dark-faced Fengfeng thought that the young patriarch wanted La Rhodia to discuss this matter together, so he specifically justified Rhodia.

In the end, the dark side had misunderstood it. In fact, the young patriarch did not associate this matter with Rodia from the beginning!

After all, the young patriarch also knew that Rhodia was only a follower after all, so even if this matter had something to do with him, he couldn't make this decision!

And the reason why he asked this question just now was because he wanted to say another sentence next.

"Oh... no wonder I looked familiar! Maybe I thought he had met before, but he was not too impressed!

I remember that at the beginning, our three major families once invited Toham to come here because of one incident. At that time, it seemed that he was accompanied by Toham!

I have never thought about a small event back then that actually planted the bane for this moment, which is considered to be a rather dramatic event! "

The young patriarch laughed while talking, it seemed that he was talking about an interesting event of the year, but the dark side was not concerned about this interesting event, and he was even a little bored!

"I don't want to hear these stories. I didn't let you come here to let you meet old friends! So I hope you can be more serious!"

The dark face is cold and windy, his expression at this time is more similar to the usual!

"Okay, sorry! Maybe I was a bit distracted just now, so now let's get back on track, you can express your thoughts first!"

After such a reprimand from the dark side, the young patriarch gradually recovered from the previous joke.

At this time the topic returned to the current matter again, and the right to speak also fell into the hands of the dark side.

The dark side wind said: "If you want me to say that this matter is easy to solve, you let us go, we shall assume that we have never been here before, and the same is true for you! In this way, for our two families, both are considered A good thing, don’t interfere with each other!"

"Do you really think that self-confidence is so easy to solve?" The young patriarch said dissatisfied, "You broke into the forbidden area without authorization and caused us such a big trouble. Do you think we will spare you easily?"

"According to you, there is probably no way to avoid the friction between us, right?" The dark side was so embarrassed.

auzw.com The young patriarch couldn't help but sighed. At this moment, he was really troubled by the dark side and the beloved ability to understand.

Perhaps, he didn't understand until this moment, the dark side of Chufeng didn't understand the meaning of what he said.

Even from the beginning, the two of them are no longer the same, walking on the same track!

"Why don't you understand what I'm saying? Did I say that? When did I tell you to fight with you?"

"Since you are unwilling to do this, then why are you keeping us and not letting us go? Is it just because you have trouble making life, otherwise, I will sell you face!

You can completely suppress the two of us to go out, and release us like criminals. This should be enough for you! "

Dark-faced, I feel that this matter is not a big deal, even if I am escorted out as a criminal, it is nothing, after all, I don't live by face!

It's just that he couldn't think of it anyway, the true purpose of the three major families was not at all about this face!

"Well, it seems that I can only tell you directly! Otherwise, I am afraid you will not understand no matter how it gets in the way!"

In the end, the young patriarch couldn't stand it any longer under the "lost" of the dark side of the wind!

"Since I can tell each other frankly, why bother to say it in a roundabout way? I don't know that the person I'm most bored with is you!"

However, before the young patriarch finished speaking, the dark-faced accusations were already expressed first.

"Well... even if I did something wrong, now I can't correct it!"

The young patriarch also looked impatient, even if he was squeezing his anger at this moment, that would not be an exaggeration!

"Then tell me, I will listen to you!"

The dark side is full of wind, and he still doesn't realize the seriousness of the matter, so when he speaks, he still looks like he doesn't know the severity!

"I tell you, listen! The majesty of the three major families absolutely does not allow anyone to invade, no matter what strength you currently have, you can't do this!

Now, all we need to let you do is to tell everything you know!

I didn't tell you directly before, that is because I think you can understand. After all, if you can make this position, it means that you have enough brains, but I really didn't expect you to be so stupid!

So there is no way, I can only tell the truth, let you know exactly what our purpose is! "

After saying this, the young patriarch couldn't help but feel that the depression in his heart was instantly released!

At this time he had already said everything he wanted to say, even if the current dark side is really an idiot, he can also understand what he meant!

"Heh... the background of the three major families is really unfathomable!

It seems that I have made things simpler. Perhaps, there should be some friction between us. Otherwise, I really feel a little unhappy! "

After learning the true purpose of the young patriarch, the dark-faced Chufeng's raised mouth never fell down again.

If he had a slight affection for the three major families before, but at this time, he has already regarded the three major families as enemies!

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