Whimsical System

Chapter 1259: Not a lunatic, not a fool

"What do you mean by this? Even so, you still want to be our enemy?"

The dark-faced and bewildered response was indeed somewhat out of the young patriarch's expectations. It stands to reason that since he has spoken to this level, then the dark-faced and bewildered should know the importance of this matter!

But this is not the case. Even the young patriarch can feel the excitement of the dark side of the wind!

"Under what circumstances, shouldn't he really want to be an enemy of our three big families!"

Even if he is not afraid of tigers, fearless and fearless, he should know how this matter affects him!

Could it be that he is really a fool, a fool with great potential but stupid to the bone? "

The young patriarch kept asking himself in his heart, he really didn't know why the dark side of Chufeng had such an idea!

Even if he does not belong to this city, he should never have such arrogant thoughts!

But the facts have indeed been placed in front of him, and the words spoken by the dark face and the wind still "reverberate" in his ears. That's right, it's real, not my own auditory hallucinations!

At this time, the dark side was so dignified and well prepared, when the young patriarch asked him to confirm this matter, his response was so categorical!

"I know that your three major families have strength and capital! But for me, this will not have the slightest impact. You want to deal with me, this is a matter of reason, and I want to resist, I want to be your enemy, that is my own idea, no one can control it!

So we have become enemies from this moment on. I will keep forever what I know, and as for what I don’t know, then I will do my best to investigate!

At this point you just need to remember that you have gotten involved with someone who shouldn't, and that's enough! "

The dark side is full of wind, and the firmness that he displays is really daunting.

The young patriarch couldn't help asking himself secretly, what kind of person is the guy who is currently talking to him!

At this moment, even using the two words of lunatic and fool to describe it, there is no way to describe it comprehensively.

"You are simply a devil in hell, a devil who has lost his mind and has no idea how to deal with the situation!

There is no need for me to appear today, and even I think it’s not a good thing for me to see you! "

"Yes, this is exactly what I think at the moment!" The Dark Side Chufeng said without hesitation.

"Okay! In that case, I hope you won't regret it for a while!"

The young patriarch threw down a word viciously, then turned and left.

At this time, he was already extremely disgusted with the dark side of Chufeng, if he didn't consider his own safety, I'm afraid he had already dealt with the dark side of Chufeng just now!

After a long while, in a huge courtyard, two old men were drinking tea around a small round table, and beside the two old men, there were two men standing like bodyguards!

At this time, there was a figure not far away gradually zooming in, at first it was just a small black spot, and then as the distance kept getting closer, then we could see that it was a figure!

In the end, this figure appeared in front of the two old men.

auzw.com "You two are still drinking tea here, do you know what I experienced just now?"

At this moment, the figure that appeared in front of the two elders was the young patriarch who had previously stood up against the dark side.

At this time, the two old men he scolded were the heads of the other two families!

Previously, the three of them used to "sexually" get together to discuss things about the family.

And when Chu Feng's incident appeared, the young patriarch volunteered to resolve the matter!

result. Things suddenly changed into this way, and the young patriarch was also furious.

"What's wrong, haven't things been resolved?"

One of the old men with a silvery white beard gave the young patriarch a casual glance and asked casually.

"Huh! Not only did it not solve it, but things have become more and more troublesome!" The young patriarch sat down on the stone bench, put one hand on the stone table, and said angrily.

"What's the matter? Could it be that guy ran away?"

Another old man with yellow hair made another guess!

The young patriarch took a deep breath and said, "It would be fine if he escaped. What's annoying is that instead of running away, he still wants to fight us!

You said how a guy like him became a leader! "

"Oh~ I see! It seems that you are squashed in his hands! How? I told you a long time ago, this matter does not require you to come forward, you do not care about the nosy, let your subordinates People can handle it!

In short, he has broken into the forbidden ground, so no matter how we deal with him, it is all reasonable!

So in my opinion, we should simply solve him directly, and then destroy all traces and evidence. Then, even if it is his hand, what can we do?

They don't have any evidence anyway, and this matter is not a glorious thing to them, do they want to publicize it, saying that their leader came to us and was killed?

So there is nothing worth considering about this matter! As long as we do enough and perfect, there will never be any worries! "

The old man with a silver beard and beard has a different view on this matter, and from his expressions, you can also see that he has his own way of such things!

However, when he made this suggestion, he was quickly opposed by the young patriarch.

"No, this matter is not as simple as you think! If he is just an ordinary person, maybe your solution can be effective, but he is not an ordinary person at all!

Even the men who followed him have special abilities!

"Old Silver Ghost, do you remember? When Toham was invited here because of that incident, he brought a friend!

You were very interested in that guy and wanted to recruit him to us, but I stopped him! "

"Yes, there is indeed such a thing! Besides, I remember that I was in conflict with you because of this incident!"

After being reminded by the young patriarch, the old man with silver beard and beard was instantly recalled.

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