Whimsical System

Chapter 1263: Process sword

After Rhodia left, the dark side of the wind was single-minded and focused on the process of making this weapon!

In fact, he himself is not very familiar with the process of making weapons, it's just that he has such an idea in his mind, so he plans to try some experiments!

And now this last process has formally verified his experimental goal, the most critical step for success or failure!

Since the power of devouring can already be transformed into various weapons at this time, the dark side of the wind does not need so-called blueprints and the like!

At this moment, he only needs to push the swallowing force to condense into the appearance of a weapon, and then gradually inject the metal solution into the range covered by the swallowing force.

Then this process is basically formed, but in the process of doing this, the dark side must have dual purposes.

On the one hand, he needs to "manipulate" the swallowing power, condense it into the appearance of a weapon, and let him always maintain this state, absolutely can't make any changes in shape and size.

On the other hand, he has to control the swallowing force and mobilize the metal solution to inject it into the weapon model condensed by the swallowing force!

These two things are very difficult no matter from which point of view, but now the dark side is bewildering, it is necessary to complete these two extremely difficult steps at the same time!

"You are gambling! Do you know what impact Devouring Force will have on you? I guess that even if the real Chu Feng appeared here, he would not dare to do such a risky move!

Therefore, I advise you not to take this risk, otherwise you will definitely regret it! "

I don't know when, Lao Chu also appeared beside Chu Feng on the dark side.

You know, since the real Chu Feng disappeared, Lao Chu never "showed" his face again.

And at this time, the old Chu, who hadn't "showed" his face for a long time, was actually at this time!

"You are worried, I will damage this physical body, right?"

At this time, the dark face was so horrible, and although his head was sweating profusely, there was still an evil smile on his mouth.

"That's natural. This body belongs to Chu Feng. If you destroy it, how should I explain it to Chu Feng?

Besides, my existence is completely dependent on this physical body, so whether it is for Chu Feng or myself, I must prevent you from doing this! "

Facing the dark side of Chu Feng's inquiry, Lao Chu's response was basically without hesitation.

"Sure enough! Don't worry, if I dare to do this, it means I will be able to succeed!

Even if there is any loss in this process, it is only a loss of my soul, and as for this body, it will not be affected at all! "

The dark face is very positive, as if he had done this kind of experiment before, but in fact he had never had such an experience!

"I don't care if you are confident or not, in short, I will never allow you to have the slightest influence on this body!"

Even though the dark Chu Feng had made an explanation, Old Chu was still reluctant!

It's just that, although he is still entangled in the dark side, but he seems to have no way to solve all this!

"Okay! I respect your ideas, and I hope you can help me! You should understand that there is no one who can stop me what I want to do, and what you can do now is that It’s doing everything possible to avoid mistakes!"


The dark face and Fengfeng formally invited Lao Chu. Although he was able to split his mind to complete this process, if he had to separate his third mind and talk to Lao Chu, this would indeed be the case. Some strong people are difficult!

Therefore, in order to avoid the failure of this process, and at the same time to prevent Lao Chu from talking too much, the dark side beggars hope that Lao Chu can help himself and help him complete this last process!

At this time, Lao Chu was also a little entangled in his heart. The dark side Chu Feng once said that if this process fails, then it will be his soul that will be affected!

And Lao Chu is derived from his soul. If the soul of the dark side of Chu Feng is affected, then Lao Chu will definitely be affected accordingly!

So after weighing the left and right, Lao Chu finally decided to accept the invitation of the dark side to help him complete the last process, so as to ensure that his soul will not be affected!

The weapon fusion stage is a long process, and in this long process, it contains all the sweat of the dark side of Chu Feng and Lao Chu!

Half an hour later, two weapons appeared on the ground, a long knife and a long sword!

"Finally, you're done! Rhodia comes out to see the weapon I just made for you!"

Old Chu helped the dark side and left after finishing the final work.

But the dark side was bewildering, and at this moment, he was wiping off his sweat while calling Rhodia to come to receive weapons.


Rhodia responded, and at this time he had been waiting for a long time in the distance. The feeling of being impatient had already made him close to madness!

"This knife is yours. I have integrated 32 processes for him. In these 32 processes, almost every process can change its style!

Later, you can experience it by yourself and feel the different feelings brought by the second process of 32!

Although I still don't know all your abilities, when I know that you can stay in the air!

So this long knife is most suitable for you, after all, it is just a weapon that attacks from top to bottom! "

The dark face and the wind handed the forged long knife to Rhodia's hand. At this time, he did not mention the introduction of the long knife's characteristics too much!

In his opinion, since this weapon was given to Rhodia, then the trick in this one must be the master of Rhodia to "grope" himself!

Therefore, his silence at this time is a good thing for Rhodia, at least this will not restrain Rhodia's thoughts!

"I have never seen this weapon before. I really don't know if I can be worthy of it!"

At this moment, when this long knife appeared in Rhodia's hands, Rhodia would feel ashamed!

"You don't have to be like this! This is just a weapon, anyone is eligible to have it, as long as he can master the "sexual" power of the weapon!"

The dark face and the wind will never understand. At this time, this long knife caused Rhodia's shock, so when he consoled Rhodia, his words were only "exposed" to the surface!

Except for the long sword, that long sword took Chu Feng and Lao Chu more time!

The long sword has 32 processes, and the long sword has 50 processes.

If nothing else, it is just the difference in the number of prosecutions, which is enough to distinguish the pros and cons of these two weapons!

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