Whimsical System

Chapter 1264: Know the way

Outside the dimly lit restaurant building at night, two figures sneaked out of the restaurant building quietly. At this moment, under the moonlight, the two weapons were shining unobstructed.

In order to be able to follow the dark side of the wind anytime and anywhere, Rhodia specially displayed his ability to float in the air.

At this time, the two figures are almost in a state of synchronization, and this synchronization is not only the synchronization of speed, but also the synchronization of upper and lower frequencies!

At this moment, if he is standing behind or in front of the dark side of Chufeng, then he will not be able to find the existence of Rhodia at all, because Rhodia is now on top of the dark side of Chufeng!

At this time, there was still about an hour before dawn. It took an hour to make weapons and test the "sexual" capabilities of weapons. Now the time left for them is very urgent!

According to the plan of the dark side, since they want to escape from here, they must flee far away!

At least until dawn, they cannot appear under the sight of the three major family guards!

So at this moment, almost all of them were struggling to leave here, but when they had just moved, the eyeliners of the three families had quietly followed up!

After all, the transfer of the guard is a round, so it is not surprising that there is an eyeliner at this time!

And at the moment the eyeliner appeared, Chu Feng on the dark side was directly aware of what was happening around him through the swallowing force!

"Heh...we just left the restaurant, someone is watching us! It seems that this is indeed a game they set, and now that we walk out of the restaurant, it is equivalent to the tiger leaving the lair. "!

I'm afraid it won't be long before a large number of guards will arrest me! "

The dark face and the wind stopped, his eyes were ticking, and he was thinking of a strategy to deal with!

Rhodia also landed in mid-air. At this time, he was familiar enough with the movement of the long sword. Although he was not a perfect player, the distance was not too far!

"Actually, I had this kind of guess when I was in the restaurant building just now, but I was worried that you would change your mind, so I didn't tell you!

Thinking about it now, this is indeed a stupid idea! Maybe they should stay there and don't go out, so they can't do anything about us!

For the current situation they are facing, Rhodia can't help feeling regretful.

"What silly thing to say! If we keep hiding in there, we will have nowhere to escape after dawn!"

And that feeling of security will only allow you to maintain it for two more hours at most, so leaving here is the right choice! "

The dark face and the wind corrected Rhodia's thoughts in time, and at the same time blocked his regret!

"Chu Feng, maybe what you said is true, but what should we do now? We have been targeted. Now we have been invited into the urn. It is not easy to escape!"

Rhodia once again had no idea, maybe he didn't have any idea from the beginning, but because of Chu Feng's encouragement, he gradually gained confidence in himself!

"It's okay, there must be a way to the mountain! Even if they want to fight against them at this moment, they have to think about their own casualties!"

The dark side is full of wind, and he doesn't intend to put all his thoughts on this. At this time, he already has a specific plan, so now he only has to implement it!

Although he has encountered some obstacles, it is nothing to him.

"It's okay! Just follow me and go with me. No matter what happens then, we will face it together. At most, it will only take our own "life" here. What else is there? Terrible thing!"

The dark face is bewildering, and at this moment, there is so much thought that Chu Feng has!


On weekdays. The dark-faced Chufeng did not do anything to persuade and encourage his friends, but now he actually did this. Although there is no reason, but it is certain that the dark-faced Chufeng at this time has indeed changed. !

"Okay, I listen to you!"

Encouraged by the dark side, Rhodia finally made a decision.

At this moment, Rhodia no longer fears even things like death, although this is still something he doesn't want to encounter, but if this thing is really inevitable, then he can force it. Face it yourself!

The two of them circumvented several streets against the "color" of the night. The dark side and the wind did not recognize the way. At this time, his choice was only based on his own ideas to make a decision!

In fact, no matter where they flee, the eyeliner behind him will not leave. After all, there are a lot of eyeliners, and they almost know the restricted area!

So it is not difficult to track their important people.

In the early morning, the sun gradually rises from a distance, and the dark night "color" is like going back in time, gradually dissipating!

The light shrouded the earth again, and everything around it gradually became clear within the sight of the two!

"Are they still following us?"

Rhodia was exhausted at this time, and running for several hours was an extremely severe test for his physical fitness!

"Hold on!"

At this time, the dark side of Chu Feng has once again returned to the previous state of indifference, so when answering questions, he also cherishes words like gold!

"Oh! Sure enough, I can't escape their control no matter how I run. Now it would be great if I could know the road...

In this case, I can lead you out of this restricted area and escape! "

Rhodia was originally just a meaningless complaint, but when this complaint came out, the dark side Chufeng suddenly shifted his focus!

"what did you say?"

The dark face Chufeng raised his head, staring at Rhodia who was floating above his body and asked.

"I... I mean if I know Lu, I will definitely take you out of here..."

The sudden reaction of the dark face made Rhodia feel a little overwhelmed.

"Heh... this is indeed a good idea!"

But just after Rhodia repeated what he had said before, the dark side Chufeng suddenly "showed" a smile.

"What is a good idea?" Rhodia asked blankly.

"The great idea you gave me..."

"What do you mean?"

Rhodia gradually landed on the ground and further questioned.

"You just said that if you know Lu, you will definitely take me out of here! Then why don't we find someone who really knows Lu and let him replace you!"

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