Whimsical System

Chapter 1288: Banners hanging at the door of the shop

"Thirteenth Lord, I have never felt sorry for you, so why do you say this? It seems like I have to "force" you to do this!

We are now in a cooperative state. You don't need to be my follower at all, and I don't need to be one more follower like you!

Now we have something to do, so I remind you that it is also out of good intentions. If you don't want to listen, it doesn't matter. Anyway, this thing is messed up, and I am not alone in the loss!

Besides, you were begging to cooperate with me at the beginning. Now that the cooperative relationship has been reached, the two of us had better not fight like this!

Otherwise, I would rather give up this partnership and continue to maintain our previous state! "

The dark-faced, hysterical, and hysterical attacks came in season, and the thirteenth master was a little surprised.

That's right, the dark side of Chufeng has a very strong self-awareness, and in some cases, his awareness can't be restricted by others at all, and even his own reason can't do it!

Previously, his extreme restraint was because of the existence of Chu Feng's soul, but now his loss of control is because some things have exceeded the bottom line of his control.

Although what is happening now may be strange, if you consider it from the perspective of the soul, perhaps all this is not surprising, after all, the dark side of the soul is just like this.

The Thirteenth Lord was silent whether he had spoken or not. At this moment, he didn't know how to respond to the accusation from the dark side.

At this moment, if the dark side really wants to end this cooperation, then this must be a huge blow to the thirteenth master.

Besides, Lord Shisan also thought that this incident was not enough to cause such serious consequences. In the end, he chose to compromise. No matter who was at fault, Lord Shisan honestly admitted his mistake to the dark side of Chufeng.

"Chu Feng, don't take what I said just now!

I didn't mean to aim at you, I just felt a little uncomfortable in my heart. After all, it is an unpleasant thing to be accused of shortcomings by others, so I was a little out of control just now. Please forgive me! "

The frankness of the thirteenth master actually made the dark side bewildered, and once again belonged to Chu Feng's soul.

So immediately afterwards, the dark side Chufeng also explained what he said just now.

"It's okay, I spoke too much just now! You are right. Anyone who hears those accusing words will definitely feel a little uncomfortable in their heart, and it's still you. If it were me, I'm afraid I would have started. Fight back against you strongly!

So let's both take a step back. Let's assume this has never happened before, how? "

"I agree!"

The Thirteenth Lord smiled, and the contradiction between the two had been completely resolved at this moment.

Although, the pains suffered by each other still exist at this moment, but at least in the following things, the frequency of their quarrels will gradually decrease because of the current reconciliation!

After an hour and a half, the two arrived at their destination.

The thirteenth master saw the street described by the dark side and the wind.

Standing at the end of the street and watching all the way, although there are many types of shops, basically there seems to be one hanging in front of each shop, similar to a propaganda banner.

After auzw.com approached, I could see clearly. I saw the same text on those banners: Shop fundraising.

"Chu Feng, what does this mean?"

Looking at the text on the banner, Lord Shisan really didn't understand. Basically all businesses will experience such things as store fundraising, and there is no surprise here.

But why do they have to make these four characters into a banner and hang it in front of the store? Does this have any special meaning?

The dark face smiled and explained: "I knew you would definitely ask me this question. In fact, the first time I saw these banners, I felt strange!

After inquiring, I learned that there will always be shortfalls in shops on this street!

When the shops are running short, the owners of those shops have no choice but to pay their taxes to the local forces!

So in desperation, by the way, I can only choose to hang up a banner to show that my store has shown signs of deficit!

Since this happened, the tax collection by the forces has indeed decreased!

This method has been adopted by most merchants.

Nowadays, the method of hanging banners has gradually lost its effectiveness, but most shop owners are still unwilling to take these banners off!

Because the surrounding shops are still hanging this kind of banner at this time, and if one of them removes the banner, it means that this shop has gone out of deficit and has actual "sex" benefits!

In this way, the tax issue may have to be paid!

So in order to avoid this situation, these shop owners can only stick to this habit of hanging banners!

Even if they are not in business, they are unwilling to take off these banners, because the more worn-out banners at this time, it also means that the store has been in deficit for longer!

So over time, this kind of hanging banner scene has become a beautiful scenery on this street!

It's just that behind this kind of scenery, there is indeed an unknown and extremely sad story! "

Through the dark-faced narrative, Lord Shisan finally understood the reason for the existence of these banners.

At this moment, looking at the shops with banners, Lord Shisan didn't have any other feelings, it was just a little bit ridiculous and helpless!

"Let's go, through this street, you can reach the headquarters of that force!

Normally, that guy should stay there, after all, he has nothing else to do! "

The dark face and the wind urged casually, and then the two of them walked towards the other end of the street together.

After a while, the news that the two arrived here was already learned by the leader of the street forces.

Since the thirteenth master has a sufficiently prominent position in this city, even if this power leader has such a rebellious "sex", then it must personally welcome the thirteenth master's arrival.

So, just when the two of them were about to reach the end of the street, they saw from a distance that the leaders of the local forces, who were leading his men at the moment, stood at the exit of the street, quietly waiting for them. arrival.

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