Whimsical System

Chapter 1289: Meeting at the Pavilion on the second floor

"Lord Thirteen came here, really making my little brother panic!"

Seeing this well-mannered leader with his own eyes, Lord Shisan couldn't help but have so many different opinions on this person.

"You don't have to be polite, we are here also for business purposes. As for those useless ceremonies, whether they are there or not, there is actually not much difference!" Shisanye said.

"The thirteenth master said that it is very true, only that the outside is not a place to talk, and I also ask the two to give the little brother a face and talk inside!"

The local leader stretched out his hand to make a petition, and invited the two dark-faced and bewildered Thirteenth to go inside the base.

"it is good!"

The Thirteen Lord responded quite readily, and then gave a look at the dark side of Chufeng, and then the two of them, led by the local leader, went straight to the base.

After entering the base, the power leader led the two directly to a place similar to a living room.

The surrounding scenery "color" is pleasant, and on the second floor, you can see the outside scenery through the wall made of glass!

The difference from that street is that it is reliable. On the other side of the base is a lake, in which several small boats are scattered. And in the middle of the lake, this tall pavilion was built.

"Two people, this is the most suitable place for viewing in this whole street! Presumably the 13th Lord should have heard the story of Guanting Water Pavilion, and Huanting refers to this attraction!"

In order to be able to better introduce the sights here to the Thirteen Lords and Dark Chu Feng, the leader of the forces directly invited a guide who is responsible for explaining the sights and special "color"!

And when the beautiful tour guide came here, Lord Shisan suddenly had the illusion of visiting the mountains and water!

In order to avoid delays in business affairs, the Thirteenth Lord did not let the tour guide stay, and he also let the local leaders get rid of the other miscellaneous people.

In the end, in the entire area on the second floor, there were only the local leader, the Thirteenth Lord and the Dark Face Chufeng.

"It's a rare occasion for the two to come here. I feel so guilty for not being able to satisfy them!"

Although Shisanye refuted his own face, the local leader still apologized to the two with a smile, as if he had done everything wrong!

"Boss Yuemeng (local leader of the small forces, Yuemeng), we have already notified you before we came here.

Presumably you also know the purpose of our coming here, so for these unnecessary steps, the province should naturally be saved! "

At this time, there are no outsiders. When the Shisanye speaks, naturally he will not leave this leader any more face.

At this moment, the Thirteenth Lord had supported his aura very well, but under his sufficiently powerful aura, the leader of this small force also showed no signs of timidity.

Yuemeng nodded and said, "Thirteenth, you are right. You two are here to discuss business matters, so you will naturally not be interested in things like these meaningless!

So speaking of it, this is indeed due to my improper arrangements! But since we have already spoken, there is no need for me to treat you respectfully, after all, we have to talk about business next! "

Yuemeng suddenly raised his identity, as if the three of them were all in the same position at this time.

"Please sit down! No one is standing and discussing things!"

The thirteenth master stretched out his hand to indicate that the Yuemeng who was standing aside took the seat. Although Yuemeng had recovered his aura, he still felt a little bit of anger and despair when he was standing and talking. !

auzw.com "Okay, then let's sit and talk!"

Yuemeng nodded while sitting opposite the two.

Judging from his series of actions at this time, it is not difficult to see that, in fact, he is still a little nervous.

Otherwise, it is impossible for him to show himself, so impatient!

"Would you like to drink something first?"

The Thirteenth Master also pushed the teacup in front of him to the front of Yuemeng.

"No, thank you! I'm in great shape now!"

Yuemeng did not choose to accept this cup of tea, but directly leaned on the back of the seat and used breathing to calm his emotions at the moment.

"Okay! Now that you are ready, let's start! Chu Feng, please tell him about our plan!"

At this moment, the old grandeur of the thirteenth master can be said to be displayed vividly, and even the dark side of the beloved has become his follower!

Although the Thirteenth Lord still has enough respect for Chu Feng in terms of speech and behavior, this respect is more like a respect for his subordinates in the eyes of outsiders!

With a cold face on the dark side, Chu Feng leaned forward, his eyes fixed on Yuemeng's body.

"I have been here some time ago. Although I have not yet met you, I have a more detailed understanding of your current situation!

Now we have a more practical plan, one of which is to help you improve your strength!

If your abilities are outstanding enough, maybe one day you can also reach the current status of Lord Shisan! "

As soon as the dark face Chu Feng spoke, it directly attracted Yue Meng's attention.

Although he was still muttering in his heart at this time, he was willing to continue to listen to the dark side of Chu Feng.

"Is there such a good thing in this world?" Yuemeng questioned.

"For this question of you, I don't think I need to answer it at all, because with or without this aspect, you can judge yourself, after all, you have your own mind and ideas!

And what I only talk about now is the plan I want to provide you! I wonder if you are interested in listening to me. "

The dark side is only responsible for telling, not answering questions, and he is also very good at giving the other party's questions to the other party to think.

"Say it, I will listen..."

Although Yuemeng didn't get the answer he wanted, it didn't seem to affect his determination to listen.

The dark side, Chu Feng went on to preach: "In the current city, although the distribution of forces is intricate, all forces will be under a fixed template to do what they should do!

And as long as this template is not damaged, the pattern of this city will not change in the slightest no matter it is for several years or decades!

That is to say, if no one comes forward to destroy this template, then people like you will be at the bottom forever, and there will be absolutely no future!

And now, the opportunity we provide to you is to make you a power to break this template! "

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