Whimsical System

Chapter 1290: Silent Agitation

"Oh... I may understand what you mean! Now you want to expand your territory, and then you need some dead pawns to charge, right?"

Yuemeng made a certain analysis based on what he had heard, but if his view is considered from the right angle, there is nothing wrong with it!

After all, this matter was originally a plan that the Thirteenth Master and the Dark Side had considered from their own perspective.

Therefore, Yuemeng can have this kind of understanding, but it is more in line with the theme!

It's just that if you say this, it will inevitably make people feel a little disappointed, and it will not give people enough confidence.

But when Yuemeng expressed his thoughts, the dark side Chufeng was straightforward and agreed with his view.

Even, he didn't even want to justify.

"If you think about it from your perspective, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"Chu Feng..."

The Thirteenth Master seemed a bit eager at this moment, although his dissuasive call was not put on the table by him.

But at this time, the emotional changes of the thirteenth masters really fell into Yuemeng's eyes.

"The Thirteenth Master seems to have something to add, right? Is there anything wrong with what Mr. Chu said?"

Yue Meng looked at the timing and questioned the thirteenth master. At this time, he seemed to have defeated the thirteenth master, showing a triumphant smile.

However, his smile did not last long, and he was directly defeated by the dark face.

"No, you are misunderstood! Lord Thirteen has absolutely nothing to add, he just thinks I shouldn't tell you this sentence, because this is our secret, it is not convenient for you to know!"

"Oh? Why is it not convenient to tell us? Since it is to cooperate, then we should maintain trust between each other?" Yuemeng asked again.

"No, no, no... You have misunderstood again. In fact, we are not a cooperative relationship. At most, you are our subordinates and then follow our orders!

As for the so-called cooperative relationship, it is produced relative to two forces of equal strength!

But now you don't have this qualification, so there is no need for you to think about cooperation in the future. This is absolutely impossible! "

"You...you look down on people too much, right?"

There was already a little anger in Yuemeng's heart, although what the dark side of Chufeng said was the current true state.

But this is the truth that fell in Yuemeng's ears, but it was so harsh and unbearable!

"Remember your current state, you are angry now, I can see it, and I also know why you are angry!

But I will never apologize to you at this moment, because you are not qualified to accept my apology now!

And if you really want to get everything you want from me, then you have to join my plan!

Because only in this way can you gradually expand your vision, and eventually reach the level you want!

In addition, I might as well tell you that you are the first target we are looking for. Because of your outstanding ability and your sufficient potential, we have high hopes for you!


If you feel that you are worthy, and we value it, then you should not reject us, and absolutely should not doubt us!

Unless you think the current state is what you like, and you are happy to spend your whole life in this state! "

Dark-faced Chufeng took advantage of Yuemeng's anger to express all of his own remarks once and for all!

During the next period of time, he chose to be silent directly, and then left the process of silence to Yue Meng, so he could think about it himself!

Time passed by one minute and one second. At this moment, in the area on the second floor, except for some slight breathing sounds, there were no other strange sounds!

Yuemeng has now completely forgotten the anger, and the dark-faced words are constantly echoing in his mind.

Prior to this, Yuemeng had also considered his future plans more than once, but basically every time, when the difficulty was about to be considered, the idea would gradually be washed away by everything he had currently.

In fact, the result of all the thoughts being scattered is nothing more than his own laziness.

He didn't want to change, but he didn't want to change. His thoughts stayed at the level of his thoughts, and his unwillingness stayed completely at the direction of action.

But now, he also doesn't have that kind of thought that made him change his mind.

At this time, the dark side and the wind pointed out a bright direction to him, and he himself was also urging this kind of mood longing for the light.

So in this environment, his kind of laziness, I am afraid that he will never have the opportunity to play again. Perhaps after this incident, his laziness will return again, but after that time, it will be too time. late!

I don’t know how long the silent state lasted. In short, everyone’s heart is waiting for a result, but some people are under more pressure when they wait!

But no matter what, this silence will be broken, and it is Yuemeng who is under the most pressure to break this silence at this time.

"I can accept your plan! But I also have one condition..."

Yue Meng reliable has made a decision, but while making the decision, he also has a concern.

"What conditions?"

This time, it was not the dark-faced bewitching that spoke, but the Thirteenth Lord.

However, I don't know why, at this time, Yuemeng seems not very willing to tell the answer to the thirteenth master!

There was hesitation in Yuemeng's eyes. He didn't know whether this question represented the idea of ​​the young master or the dark side.

However, although he was hesitant, he also had to take care of the face of Lord Shisan.

Therefore, after a few seconds of "Yin", Yuemeng finally answered the question of the Thirteenth Lord.

"I can accept your plan, and at the same time I can bear the dangers it brings! But I hope you can assure me that you will never list me as your opponent!"

"This one……"

"I can promise you!"

Facing Yuemeng's request, the Thirteenth Lord and the Dark Side Chufeng expressed different emotions respectively.

First of all, Lord Shisan was a little hesitant, because in his plan, almost all cases would become his opponents, so it is not easy for him to make this guarantee!

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