Whimsical System

Chapter 1291: Unexpected guess

But the dark side of Chufeng is very different from him. At this time, in the dark side of Chufeng's plan, except for the big ones, these small forces are basically not considered harmful!

Therefore, no matter when it is, the dark side does not think that these small forces will cause too much trouble!

Therefore, when making this kind of commitment, he will naturally look much more happy, because he thinks he can do it!

"Good! Since you can guarantee, then I can accept it!"

Although the Thirteenth Lord was still hesitating, the dark-faced response at this time was enough to make Yuemeng dispel the worries in his heart.

Therefore, when he responds, he also becomes the same as the dark side, very refreshing!

"Well, congratulations for joining!"

The dark face nodded in satisfaction, then stood up and politely extended his right hand to Yuemeng.

Upon seeing this, Yue Meng also hurriedly got up and stretched out her hands to greet him.

At this time, although Yuemeng still didn't know the dark side of the bewitching very much, he did have such a kind of unspeakable favor and admiration for the dark side of the begging.

And this kind of goodwill and admiration seems to fit the feeling of being conquered.

In fact, the reason why Yuemeng can have such a complicated feeling is entirely because he suffered a frustration he had never experienced before from the dark side of the wind.

Therefore, under the influence of this frustration, he also developed his admiration for the dark side.

However, at this time, although Yuemeng had already felt this feeling, he had not yet figured out the reason for it.

As a result, under the impetus of this mysterious feeling, his respect for the dark side beloved has completely surpassed the thirteenth master.

Originally, Yao Meng wanted to stay with the Thirteenth Lord and the Dark Side, and use a dinner party with him to promote the relationship between the two!

But his invitation was not approved by the dark side of the thirteenth master.

After all, the Thirteenth Lord and the Dark Side were out of wind, and there were other things to do, so the two of them couldn't stay there after all.

Leaving Yaomeng’s power base and returning to that street again, the two couldn’t help feeling that the trip was rewarding!

Although in the process, nothing went smoothly, but in the end, the result was quite satisfactory.

Especially the remarks made by the dark side, it can also be said to be a surprise expression in this plan.

On the street, Lord Thirteen casually said to Chu Feng on the dark side: "Chu Feng, it is said that this matter has progressed to this level, so I should not think about it in this way, but I always feel that some things are still more important. A layer of mind. It can be more secure, so I still feel that we should look for those power bosses entrusted to Yaomeng to ensure the safety of this matter!"

The dark face looked at Master Thirteen with some incomprehension: "It seems you still don't believe in Yao Meng!"

The Thirteenth Master shook his head and said: "It's not that I don't believe him, but the current situation. I have to be careful, and you should also know that our situation is not as beautiful as you imagined!

auzw.com So, no matter what it is, we must be vigilant! "

The Thirteenth Lord naturally has his own ideas. He has been "feeling" in this city for so many years. What worries his opinions are absolutely not to be ignored!

It's just that the dark side of Chufeng also has its own way of doing things, if at this time just because of a suggestion of the thirteenth, and completely change the plan of the dark side of Chufeng for this plan, this seems to be a bit inappropriate!

"Thirteenth Lord, I can fully understand your concerns. After all, we haven't really cooperated with him yet, so we don't understand what he is doing!

But you should also know that although our cooperation with him hasn't officially started yet, it has already planned and agreed at this moment!

And if we both have just started this agreement and we unilaterally break the contract, isn't it a bit inappropriate? "

The Dark Face asked a very serious question. The Thirteenth Lord obviously did not put the key in his eyes, otherwise he would never have this idea!

However, no matter how the Thirteenth considers, no matter how much he despises Key Meng, the dark side must also let Thirteenth understand that although some people are not powerful, they must not be ignored!

At this moment, the views expressed by the dark side of the wind did not reflect this idea, so on the side of the thirteenth master, he still did not get some useful information.

"For powers like them, they are generally more one-sided in their consideration of problems! Even they will take your plan to make money for their own affairs!

Now we have entrusted all the forces that we want to win over to him, if he uses the list of forces he holds to organize them in private!

Well, this group of forces and organizations will probably get rid of our control! "

The Thirteen Lord's worries were unreasonable, and Yao Meng was definitely not an honest and obedient person, and he was unwilling to object to this dark side.

Therefore, if it is based on this aspect, it is really possible for Key Meng to do such a thing.

Therefore, perhaps Thirteenth’s consideration was not just his own guess.

In a very large case, what the Thirteenth Lord considered, it is likely to be something that will happen soon.

"I can't completely object to your concern, because it may indeed happen! But for us, this situation is really a bad thing, bad bad, bad bad!"

The dark face and Feng Feng did not say anything against the Thirteenth Lord, at most he only expressed his disgust with this speculation.

Yes, there are speculations about this, it is indeed very realistic and cruel!

If all this really happens, then this result will have a destructive effect on the entire plan.

And at this time, the dark night was so embarrassed that the wind hadn't thought about how he would solve it if such a thing happened!

But now, the reminder of the thirteenth master gave him such a sense of crisis in advance.

However, even with such a dark side, he was still reluctant to go and contact the leaders of those forces again.

"You should consider this matter yourself. Our cooperation is the most important thing, and as for him, it is just a small "interlude" in our cooperation!

Therefore, I don’t mean anything else when I say this. I just want to put my thoughts forward, and then let’s discuss together how to do it! "Thirteen Ye explained.

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