Whimsical System

Chapter 1292: Thirteenth also has good suggestions

"I can fully understand what you mean, and I very much agree with your idea, but in this situation, some things really shouldn't be done. Even if we have such concerns, then we must not act recklessly!

In fact, I still have that idea. We can keep our worries and find a way to solve them, but we better not act like this kind of preventive action!

After all, you also know how serious this matter will have. If we really do it recklessly, then the final result will only make us regret it!

So I hope you can understand this and don't do things that undermine our plan! "

Dark-faced Fengfeng has never been so cautious as he is today, and he is still a kind of caution specifically aimed at the Thirteenth Lord!

It can be seen from this that Chu Feng’s soul control has reached a relatively high level. Although I don’t know what kind of impact this control state will have, the current state is indeed making darkness. Facing the wind has such a trace of human "sex".

At this moment, the perseverance of the dark side and the shameless wind finally made Lord Shisan find a touch of the feeling he was familiar with before.

Although he knew that the current Chu Feng had completely changed, Chu Feng's stubbornness at this time was still no different from his mood!

Therefore, although the Thirteenth Lord still did not approve of the suggestion of the Dark Side, he still reluctantly agreed to it and accepted the request of the Dark Side of the Wind!

And all of this is completely due to the dark side and the change of "sexuality".

"If you insist on being so persistent, then I have nothing to do. After all, this is just a proposal of mine, and it is not a suggestion to completely change this plan!

In addition, since you already have a more precise direction, let's work together in that direction! "

The dark side wind said: "You can think this way, naturally you are right! In fact, there is nothing to worry about, at most it is a combination of some small forces! Even if they are really united together, and they have not passed us , Then their existence does not have the slightest value!

To know this kind of cooperation, it needs a lot of economic support, and at this time, the economic power of Yaomeng has no way to meet this requirement!

So even if he has this idea, then he will not be able to implement this idea into reality, so we don't have to worry about this at all!

It's just that everything has accidental "sex", so although I think this matter is not worth worrying about, in some cases, we still need to be vigilant!

So I suggest that we better be able to "plug in" a person to Yao Meng's side, stare at him and watch him all the time, so that his side will be protected! "

The Dark Face and Feng Feng made a suggestion, and when he made this suggestion, Thirteenth also made a choice accordingly.

In the current situation, even if they want to send someone to stay with Yao Meng, they must keep some reliable people.

Otherwise, there will still be hidden dangers in this matter.

Therefore, the decision of Lord Thirteen is John!

This person who has been with Chu Feng for a long time and has known each other!


So, just after the dark side of the wind expressed his views, the thirteenth master directly made a recommendation.

"Chu Feng, first of all, I fully agree with your point of view, and I have also selected a suitable manpower for you. I think no one is more suitable than John!"

As soon as the Thirteenth Lord said this, a concept appeared in the heart of Dark Side Chufeng, but this concept was not too clear for Dark Side Chufeng.

Although Chu Feng's thinking has gradually occupied the high ground, there are some memories, but Chu Feng still can't remember the dark side.

So for John, he just stayed in the scene when he saw John not long ago.

As for the others, he has no more clear content.

The dark face asked, "Why did you choose him? As far as I know, he should not have been involved in the affairs between us. Now you suddenly recommended him, but I don't understand it!"

The Thirteenth Master explained: "It is precisely because he has not had any contact with us that he is not easily suspected by Key Meng. In addition, I think his ability is also outstanding enough, although in this world , His abilities have not been well demonstrated, but his mind and way of doing things are all very admirable!

And after your observation of Key Meng, I believe you can also see that his power is only in its infancy, so many aspects are not perfect at all!

Especially in terms of planning and scheduling and itinerary arrangements, there is no suitable manpower at all!

And it's just that John has this ability. You can imagine that when Key Meng was busy and was in a mess, John suddenly appeared to help him solve all the problems!

Then is he grateful to John, and as soon as his gratitude appears, then the possibility of John staying with him will directly reach its peak!

So, although this thing sounds absurd, it is very simple to actually implement it! "

Although this matter has not yet been implemented, the enthusiasm of the thirteenth master is extremely high.

And he also seemed to have enough confidence to make this matter reach the result he hoped.

"Do you think this thing can really be done?" Dark Side Chufeng is not hesitating at this time, he just thinks that perhaps he should be more cautious about this matter and cannot act recklessly based on his own "sex"!

"Whether it can be realized depends on your own ideas. In short, I have a certain degree of confidence, and I believe that as long as it is your business, John is definitely willing to do it, so now it only needs you to make a decision! "

The Thirteenth Lord did not express any of his own thoughts, but hoped that the dark side can make a correct and useful decision for the plan!

As a result, after careful consideration by the dark side, he did not object to the suggestion of the thirteenth master.

John's adoption is the only bold decision he has made so far. Even if the real Chu Feng makes this decision, he might also hesitate!

After all, for Chu Feng, John still couldn't achieve complete trust, so the issue in this respect was also what Chu Feng was worried about.

But now that the dark-faced John is not very understanding, it is quite normal to make such a decision without understanding!

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