Whimsical System

Chapter 1293: A woman who dominates power

"If John is willing to do this, then I naturally have no objection, anyway, they will need someone to do these things!

At present, John has nothing to do, so if he can do it, it will naturally help me solve a lot of trouble!

It’s just that I don’t have much confidence in John. He is too lazy, and in some cases he is not very reliable. If there is any problem with him, then I am afraid I cannot be responsible for this matter. ! "

The dark side of Chu Feng also had certain worries, perhaps because of the influence of Chu Feng's soul, that feeling of uncertainty and distrust was once again highlighted.

"Don't worry! Obviously I want to know John better than you. After all, you have not been there all this time. After communicating with John, I found out that this fellow John still has a certain degree of reliable ability!

Besides, as long as you tell him this matter is very important, I believe he will take it seriously! "

I don't know what benefit the Thirteenth got from John, but at the moment he is speaking for John everywhere.

But now that this matter has progressed to this point, then the dark side is no longer planning to refuse.

"Since you have such confidence in him, let him try these things! Fortunately, Yuemeng is not particularly important to us. Even if John messes up this matter, it shouldn't What is the result that is too serious!"

The words of the dark side and the wind are a bit of self-persuasion, but whether it is persuasion or self-identification!

In short, this matter has basically been determined. And John was also a task that was forcibly arranged without knowing it, and this task seems to be very important.

It is conceivable that when John knows about this, he will react.

After the matter on Yuemeng's side was resolved, the two planned to go to the next target.

At this time, in their cards, a picture of a female "sex" is extremely conspicuous.

"Is this woman also the leader of the forces?" Thirteenth asked.

"It can be said that it is, or it can be said that it is not!" The dark-faced explanation was a little confused.

"I don't quite understand what you mean!" Shisan Ye shook his head.

Chu Feng explained: "It's like this, this woman was just the lover of a power leader at first!

Originally, I didn't pay attention to her. After all, it was just some beauty, and there was nothing more conspicuous besides it!

But for some reason, something happened to that force suddenly. The original leader was murdered, and this woman took the opportunity to rise to power and became a new generation leader!

If you want to doubt now, then there are many situations that will point to this woman!

So for this woman, I can’t make an extremely accurate judgment, saying that he is the leader, so she is indeed. After all, she is currently performing the role of a leader, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with saying that she is not. After all, she does not have the ability to be a leader!

So now I am also a little hesitant, should I contact her? "


The dark face is a little undecided, and this is the first time he has shown such emotions!

The Thirteenth Lord is also thinking about this matter. For the internal power changes of the forces, basically every force may happen, but if this matter happens to fit their plan, then this seems to be Some trouble.

Both Lord Thirteen and Darkside Chufeng have extremely focused goals. What they need at the moment is a power leader who can help them.

And it's not the person who really holds the power, so now this woman just doesn't meet their requirements, but still holds the power of this force!

So the two of them came up with a more moderate solution: get rid of this woman, and then foster someone who can really do things and become a new leader!

"I always feel that this matter is a bit inappropriate! For so many years, there has been an unwritten rule in this city, that is, the power replacement of a certain power, and no external power is allowed to "intervene"!

But what we are going to do now happens to be contrary to this rule, so I always feel a little bit unreliable! "

The words of the Shisanye can reflect his anxiety as a leader. In any case, even if they are about to plan a huge reform, in the heart of the Shisanye, he still has the rules in the city. Deep-rooted impression!

Perhaps only after all of this has been overthrown, will he have enough time to gradually get rid of this influence.

But now, it is really difficult for charity to achieve this. Even if he tries hard to achieve this goal, he is also somewhat powerless.

"Thirteenth Lord, if you think this thing is more difficult for you to do, it will meet the requirements! Then I will take care of this thing!

Anyway, I have become accustomed to such evil things like stabs in the back! Even if the subject was a woman this time, it wasn't a big deal! "

For this kind of thing, the dark side has never hesitated, anyway, it is just taking the life of a person, no matter who the object is, as long as he can achieve his goal, then he will never hesitate!

At this moment, the influence of the dark soul has risen to the extreme, even if it is blocked by Chu Feng's soul, it will not play any role at all!

At this time, only the thirteenth masters are required to make an affirmation, then the dark side will truly restore the original nature and do what he should do!

However, at this critical juncture, the Thirteenth Master suddenly shook his head and refused the dark-faced bewitching request.

Perhaps it was because Lord Shisan noticed the change in the dark side, so he wanted to use his ability to change the appearance of this change!

In the end, he did indeed achieve this. The dark side of the wind was blocked, and the appearance of the dark soul did not last long before being suppressed by Chu Feng's soul again.

And with this suppression, Chu Feng also had a tendency to return.

Of course, San Ye naturally didn't know about all these changes. At this moment, he was just thinking about how to do this and how to make this matter seem more natural.

At dusk, the two arrived at the base of forces ruled by the woman.

In contrast, the current control area of ​​this force is much larger than that of Yuemeng.

Just the streets they are in charge of, they are also wider than the streets that Yuemeng manages.

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