Whimsical System

Chapter 1294: A dispute of power

Perhaps it was because of the greater power that even if the thirteenth master appeared, they did not welcome it too much.

And their attitude intensified, and the thirteenth master was dissatisfied with this woman.

"In this city, apart from the big powers that are capped, no one does not put me in the eyes! Now these juniors are really too shameless, even if the woman doesn't understand, is it her Don’t your subordinates know?"

The thirteenth master uncovered his grievances. At this moment, the mood in his heart had fallen to the extreme, and his anger had gradually occupied the high ground.

The dark face and the wind can be clearly seen, the Thirteenth Lord is determined to oppose this force at this moment, and even he has the idea of ​​wanting to completely destroy this force.

Of course, they shouldn't do things like destroying forces at present, after all, what they need is a helper, not an enemy.

The dark face persuaded the wind to persuade: "First control your emotions. These things are indeed very annoying, but I don't think there is any need to make you look like this!

In addition, this matter does not have much impact on us. On the contrary, we can even use these things to criticize this woman! "

The dark face and the wind fell to the thirteenth master, providing a good excuse.

Judging from the current situation, although the two of them came here for a certain reason, it is not too legitimate.

And if at this moment, the thirteen masters are investigating the cause of death for the leaders of the previous generation. If it appears here, then this matter seems to be easier to understand!

At least within this power, the arranged members will miss the previous leader and have certain doubts about the leader's death.

At this time, the reason why they belonged to the leader of that woman was definitely forced helplessness!

So if at this time they can be informed of a hope, a hope that they can also serve as a leader, then the status of that woman will definitely be shaken!

After making up their minds, the two directly broke into that power base.

After the Thirteenth Master revealed his identity, no one in the entire force dared to make things difficult for the two.

"Call me your leader, I want to see how powerful this beautiful beauty is!"

The thirteenth master directly issued the order, and although they were unwilling to obey the thirteenth master's order at this time, they also did not dare to disobey!

And just as everyone wandered around in this extremely embarrassing situation, the female "sex" leader who had been circulating also appeared in this base.

"Who am I supposed to be~ It turns out to be the famous Thirteenth Lord!"

The feminine voice is soft, coupled with the good looks, it does indeed have such a kind of soul-catching power.

However, for the Thirteenth Lord, all of this has no great effect at all, and as for the dark side, it is even more ineffective.

"How to call it?"

The Thirteen Lord asked straightforwardly.

"The previous name was not very good, so I changed it. Now that I have become a leader, I should use the leader's name!

Although our organization has not been established for a long time, it is definitely not a new small force!

auzw.com Therefore, I believe that Lord Thirteen must have heard of the name of our force! And my name is also derived from the name of our forces!

If the Thirteenth Lord doesn't feel demeaning, then you can call me an old saying! "

Although the name Guhai Power has been around for a long time in this city, it is indeed somewhat unknown!

If it weren't for the Thirteenth Lord, seeing the plaque inside the base, he even wondered if he had come to the wrong place.

As for the name of this woman, the Thirteenth Lord fell on the card and had already learned.

But the reason why he asked again now is to see what position this woman puts herself in.

But now it can also be known that this woman is indeed very arrogant, since she became the leader, she has abandoned everything before.

Now, she really thinks she has become a leader, and even her previous name no longer fits her current identity!

However, what women are doing at the moment, in the eyes of the Thirteenth Master and the Dark Side, it is nothing more than an expression of self-esteem.

As a result, after the woman had introduced herself, the Shisanye didn't even call her according to her wishes.

Even Lord Thirteen didn't go there again, paying attention to this topic.

"I heard that your leader was suddenly killed a few days ago. Has this matter been resolved?"

The thirteenth master suddenly jumped over the woman and asked her subordinates.

At this time, the members of the entire force were almost talking about it. Originally, this matter had nothing to do with the Shisan Ye, and the Shisan Ye had no right to ask about it!

But now under the current circumstances, they can't help but whisper in their hearts!

If they don't respond to Lord Shisan's words, then this matter will end there.

Regardless of whether a murderer is at large or not, then they have no way to solve all of this.

Because after beating this woman and becoming the new generation leader of this force, this matter has been completely suppressed, and no one is allowed to investigate.

And if someone is found in a private investigation, it will be extremely severely punished.

So it was precisely because of the emergence of the regulations that the result was directly caused by the dissatisfaction of many old members.

And among those old members, it's not that no one has ever doubted women, but because of the gap in power and status, they dare not do things that arrogate status.

But now, Lord Shisan’s sudden inquiry was equivalent to giving them an opportunity, although they didn't know what Shisanye wanted to do at the moment.

But they already had that kind of desire in their hearts, they wanted to make this matter public, and wanted the thirteenth master to interfere in this matter.

Even if this kind of thing is not something that the thirteenth master can touch, but in this important situation, they seem to no longer take care of it.

As a result, after the Shisanye asked this question, some of the old members stepped up and responded.

"We have never investigated the matter of Lord Thirteen. As for the result of the investigation, it is even more nonsense!

Nowadays, the death of our previous generation of leaders seems to be a common occurrence, not to mention that no one has ever asked about it, and even some people are unwilling to let us do it! "

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