Whimsical System

Chapter 1295: The wall fell and everyone pushed

"Really? This is a novelty! The death of the previous generation of leaders, isn't this a major event? Shouldn't you find out!

Now I am a little curious, what is going on with your forces? Is this your style? "

The Thirteenth Master said yin and yang weirdly, his meaning was the most obvious. At present, he just wants to create chaos within this force. As long as he can achieve this goal, then this matter will have a beginning!

"Thirteenth Lord, we are not afraid of your jokes. Now each of us has unspeakable suffering in our hearts!

This thing is really incomprehensible, but even so, there are still people sitting in their high positions with peace of mind, enjoying the life that others cannot enjoy! "

But among the forces, there is no shortage of qualified members.

Even if others dare not say something, they can say it at will.

Even sometimes they can directly pick the Ming Dao surname and make it clear, but this time he is considered to have saved a little face for the newly appointed leader.

Just saving face and saving face, and then exporting the words, even a stupid guy can hear exactly who he is referring to.

"Are you not convinced? The current rules in the forces are like this. If you think this rule is not fair to you, then you can naturally leave!

I am here now, and I can tell you with great certainty that no matter who leaves our power, no one will be affected, but as long as you leave this place, it will immediately lead to murder!

Think about it carefully, how many people have you offended all these years of fighting and fighting! At this time, the greater the credit for you, the more serious your guilt!

So listen to me, don’t trust anyone casually, no matter how high its status is, no matter how heavy his right to speak, as long as they can’t save you, then your trust will eventually affect you. On my own body! "

The woman's warning can be said to be a word for the heart, she does not need to use too many gorgeous words to describe her emotions, at the moment she is just blocking the retreat of the old members, that is enough to achieve his goal!

Now everyone's minds have been moved by the woman's words, even those who are unwilling to obey her orders, are now forced to think of their own fate.

Leaving this faction is indeed a catastrophe for them, not to mention being a member of the current faction, even if the thirteenth masters have sufficient status, they dare not think about this question at will!

If one day his subordinates betrayed him, and then expelled him from the forces and let him fend for himself, it would be difficult for him to live in this city even if the thirteenth master has the ability to do it all.

After all, it is still a sentence, that is, there were too many enemies at the beginning, and now there is no way to relieve these grievances.

So the only way to protect yourself is to help each other with companions to survive in this city as a whole, only in this way can they live a stable life!

So when a woman said this, the Thirteenth could not help but sigh secretly, women used this trick extremely viciously. If there is no outside force involved, then these members can only be under these pressures. , Silently obey the woman's order.

auzw.com Fortunately, the Thirteenth Lord appeared at this time, and there was a dark side with him.

Although the Thirteenth Lord, as an external force, is not convenient to participate in the current disputes of the forces, the existence of the dark side and the wind has become an important breakthrough.

The Thirteenth Master said: "I can fully understand your feelings. This woman has grasped your lifeblood at this time, leaving you no choice but to follow her orders!

But I think this matter is not impossible to solve, in fact, it is relatively simple to say, as long as you are willing to give us the opportunity, then we will surely rescue you from the sea of ​​suffering! "

"Thirteenth Lord, what you said is a bit wrong, this is a dispute within our forces, and now you are an external force, you are not qualified to say these things!"

Even if the woman emphasized this point, she was very worried at the moment that the Thirteenth Lord would "intervene" in this matter!

"You are right. The Thirteenth Lord is indeed not qualified to interfere in the disputes within your forces, but I can do this!"

At the critical moment, the dark side Chufeng just stood up and said such a thing.

At this time, almost everyone in the room focused their eyes on the dark side of the body.

People are all "confused", who is this guy who spoke suddenly? Does he also have something to do with their power?

With a look of hostility, the woman frowned and asked: "Who are you?"

The dark side wind said: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I want to overthrow your rule!

According to my investigation, the death of the previous leader should be inseparable from you. And I said this as a witness. At this moment, I can prove that I don't belong to any forces, so you don't have to doubt me, and your regulations will not interfere with me!

Now, you only need to give me a response, and that is whether you are willing to believe me. If you believe it, then you must adopt the rules of your own forces to overthrow her current rule! "

The dark face and Fengfeng didn't do anything. At this moment, he only needs to say a word to prove the woman's crime.

At this time, the woman had done enough evil in this force, and when there was such a chance to appear in front of everyone.

Basically most people have not hesitated at all, and regardless of whether the truth of these things is what Chu Feng said, in short, as long as what Chu Feng wants them to do is what they want to do, then they will do nothing. Undoubtedly support Chu Feng!

"No, he is lying! He has nothing to do with our forces at all. How can you just use his few words to frame me!

I am your leader at the moment, do you want to betray the leader? "

The woman was a little hysterical. At this moment, he could no longer control his emotions. When the danger came, all she could do was save herself!

However, at this critical juncture, the answers of the members of the forces were surprisingly unanimous. Even those members who had previously supported women had turned their backs at this moment and stood on the opposite side of women!

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