Whimsical System

Chapter 1297: Iterative plan

Therefore, in order to avoid this situation, the Dark Side and the Thirteenth Master did not hesitate to work hard and repeated this matter thoroughly!

As a result, their goal has now been achieved, and I have not seen that kind of worry. Overall, the implementation of this plan has been relatively smooth!

"Thirteenth Lord, don't worry! Although we do not have a new leader yet, we believe that when our new leader is elected, he will definitely act according to your arrangements!

Because without you, there would be no future for him, so whether this matter is for him or for our entire forces, it is a big thing that must be taken seriously! "

The people's vowed promises gave the Dark Side and the Thirteenth a heart.

At this time, their busyness has finally reaped rewards. Although they have established enemies in this dispute, from the overall situation, they still took advantage after all!

When the two left the base, it was too late. On the eve of nightfall, there was a strong wind on the street where the base was located.

I don't know what the weather is, but the weather will not have much effect on people's mood after all.

The dark-faced Fengfeng and the Thirteenth Lord walked leisurely on the street, and their mood was very happy at the moment.

It may be said that some people would not believe that in such a short period of time, the two of them were vying to unite to completely handle the two forces!

Now the small forces in the city, under the leadership of these two forces, have basically begun a preliminary cooperation plan.

The whole plan, judging from the current step, the completion is still quite fascinating!

On the way, the dark side Chufeng suddenly asked Lord Shisan a question: "Master Shisan, now I still have a few cards in my hand, and these people also represent a part of the power! Do you think we need to do it anymore? Continue to visit?"

The Thirteenth Lord hesitated. In fact, he didn't have a very specific idea about this matter!

At present, the distribution of power in the city is basically in a state of peace on the surface but complicated in private.

So even if it was the Thirteenth Lord, he couldn't figure out what kind of relationship there is between each force and each force.

Therefore, if the Thirteenth Lord now says that this matter does not need to go on, then this also means that some forces will miss this plan.

So for the sake of prudence, Lord Shisan believes that this plan must be carried out to the end after all, but they can't be too general and follow all the leaders on the card to visit!

After all, they don’t have a lot of time, and each force has its own situation. If they interfere with all the forces indiscriminately, then this is more or less contrary to the city’s Fayo!

Therefore, in order to preserve himself, but also for the stability of this plan, he finally decided to select some forces. Remove it.

Strive for them to be able to keep the final bottom line while violating the law, so as not to arouse the anger of the entire city.


Therefore, in the following time, the two will carefully select the information on the card.

Almost both of them were in a busy state on the way back to the hotel.

But this kind of busyness is not meaningless, at least at this moment the two of them have found that specific goal!

And among these goals, the two of them are completely separated, part of the primary and secondary!

After returning to the hotel, the two got together again to discuss this matter. Until midnight, the two went back to their rooms to rest!

The next day, three poles in the sun, the two talents gradually freed from their exhausted state. The trip yesterday made them physically and mentally exhausted, so the rest time for the two naturally took longer.

At about 2 pm, the two met in the restaurant on the first floor of the hotel. Since this place is under the official jurisdiction of the city, it is almost a gathering of people from all forces.

"Last night, after you left, I carefully considered our plan again, and finally I thought that our plan might need to be revised again!"

Dark-faced Chufeng and Shisanye sat down at the table one by one, while dark-faced Chufeng, just about to pick up the food in front of him and deliver it to his mouth, it was at this juncture that Shisanye suddenly said this One sentence.

"How do you think about it?"

The dark face and the wind paused for a while, and then he put the food in his mouth again, and asked while chewing.

"Last night, the things we discussed may have certain requirements for time! At present, we don't have so much time at all, so I think it is better to improve this matter a little bit!

At least we can't spend so much time on this. After all, this plan is already very time-consuming and laborious. If we put all our energy on this, we can't do the following things! "

The 13th Lord's consideration is rather far-reaching. Although some things have not been fully implemented at the moment, he has already made plans for the future in advance.

"One yard goes one yard, we must also take this matter seriously, if it shrinks again and again, then no one can guarantee that this step will not cause any problems!"

The dark side is so dark that he naturally has different ideas. At this moment, he can fully understand the meaning of the words of the thirteenth master, but according to his thinking, this step must not be opportunistic.

If at this critical moment, they cut corners and want to save time and energy, then in the subsequent steps, the current peace of mind will definitely become a trouble in the future.

"Can't we find a more secure way to solve this matter?" The Shisanye still did not give up, but his request has been lowered by a level.

The dark face and the wind shook his head and said: "This matter cannot tolerate the slightest sloppyness. I can understand your feeling of being lazy, but I absolutely cannot allow you to destroy the progress of the entire plan because of the influence of this mood!"

Dark-faced Fengfeng's attitude is very tough. For this plan, he has made enough efforts, and even in some cases, his efforts are no longer proportional to his gains.

Therefore, under the current circumstances, he absolutely does not allow anything that may destroy the plan. Even if it is the request of the thirteenth master, it is also not acceptable!

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