Whimsical System

Chapter 1298: Is Chu Feng really back?

"If you disagree, let's find another opportunity to discuss it! In fact, I am more hesitant now as to how long it will take us to complete this plan!

Since there is no fixed time, when implementing this plan, I always feel that something is not appropriate! "

The attitude of the dark face is very clear. Even though the thirteenth has his own thoughts in his heart, he has no way to force the dark face to make changes.

The dark face and Feng Feng put the fork aside, and at this moment his mood is no longer as stable as before.

The dark soul is gradually taking the lead, and the difference at this moment is equivalent to a weapon for him. If the Thirteenth Lord says something wrong, he is afraid that he may really be unable to control the shot!

"The question of time shouldn't be considered a hesitation point for you. After all, you don't have much to do.

So, all you need to do now is to arrange all the time on this matter! And believe me, the implementation of the plan will never last too long! "

Forcibly suppressing the emotional changes in his heart, the dark side of Fengxiang Shisan made a promise.

Hearing the words of the dark side and the wind, the heart of the thirteenth can not be said to be at ease, at most he just feels a little at ease.

In terms of time, although there was a certain degree of stability, but the dark side of Chufeng still did not tell the thirteenth an accurate time.

So at this moment, this aspect is still an uncharted territory.

In fact, the Thirteenth Lord can fully imagine, and the dark side may not know how to determine the time, so he has no way to make a positive response!

Therefore, on this question, the Thirteenth Lord felt that he was unnecessary, and then asked the dark side to betray.

"Oh... I feel more relieved with your words!"

So in the end, the Thirteenth Lord just responded in a low voice, and then just let the matter pass.

"However, your worries cannot be said to be unnecessary! After all, in most cases, we still have to maintain a sense of crisis!

I have also considered it carefully just now. We really have to be cautious about this issue!

Although I do not have a too specific plan in terms of time, one thing is certain is that this matter must not be delayed for too long!

Especially after our scale is formed, then this time aspect is also more important! So perhaps the direction we are discussing next will focus on this aspect! "

Under the reminder of the thirteenth master, the dark side Chufeng gradually moved this thought.

As far as the current situation is concerned, this plan is just a rudimentary form.

As for what changes will happen in the follow-up, at this moment, no one can do it too accurately!

The Thirteenth Master said: "You are right, we must get this thing done in the shortest time possible, otherwise the longer the delay, the greater the incident will be!

So I think we may not need to do it ourselves, to visit one force after another!


After all, this is too exhausting for us, and there is no way to make quick arrangements in terms of time!

It's not as good as this, we can order this matter and let my subordinates do it, although they may not be able to prepare as well as we do!

But at least they can make this thing happen, I still have confidence about this! "

It is not that the dark side of the view put forward by the 13th master has not been considered. It is just that he does not know very well in some cases, so he did not propose this idea.

But now, since the Thirteenth Lord had already proposed this idea, it happened to respond to the dark side of the beloved mind.

"Actually, I thought about this idea a long time ago, but I don't know what kind of abilities your subordinates have, so I didn't propose it!

And now that you have this mindset, that time I feel relieved a lot! "The dark side Chu Feng said.

"That's it. At first, I was worried that you would disagree with my suggestion. Now that I think about it, I think more. Now that you have thought of this method, there is no need for the two of us to discuss it!

The matter should be decided in this way. I will send a letter back tomorrow and let them proceed step by step against those forces!

I believe that because of my face, most of the forces are still willing to cooperate..." The thirteenth master is doing things resolutely. At this moment, his ideas are no longer blocked, and he has the support of the dark side.

Under such a situation, he could be considered as having no worries.

"Your face can support everything, at least the people you send, they won't look down upon it!

On the other hand, we mainly have to let them do it willingly, rather than being forced to do it under your pressure!

Of course, I know this sentence to remind you is actually not necessary. After all, you should know what to do, but sometimes if I don’t say anything, I will always be a little worried. A little bit of fun! "

When the dark side and the wind said these words, the thirteenth master couldn't help but have such an illusion.

During this period of time, the communication between the two was relatively sufficient, and after this period of communication, the thirteenth master also felt more and more that the changes in Chu Feng were gradually recovering.

Especially the dark side is embarrassing. When he said this sentence just now, his feeling was even more obvious.

"Chu Feng, I can understand your feelings! In fact, sometimes I don't have much difference with you. I always want to ask for some things, and I am always worried that others will not do it well!

And after I finished the order, I wanted to explain it again, for fear that this would annoy others..."

"No, no, no...I'm not worried that I will annoy you. In fact, I'm afraid that too much talk about this matter will make you remember it!

In fact, I have always known that you have tried to get to know me since the moment we met, and then through various ways to detect my habits!

But until now, you have not come up with a satisfactory answer!

And my explanation at this time is to give you a definite answer. "

The dark-faced answer was somewhat unexpected. He originally thought it was impossible for others to know his own thoughts, but now it seems that it is just his own blind confidence.

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