Whimsical System

Chapter 1299: The threat of the two giants

"I have thought about various ways to deal with you before, but now when you say this, I feel that everything I have done before is in vain!

Chu Feng, I am really fortunate now that I am your friend, not your enemy! Otherwise, I am afraid I can't imagine how much loss I will suffer from you! "

The feeling of the thirteenth master at this time, although it seems a little disease-free groaning, but the dark side is also fully understandable, his current feeling!

After all, for everyone, danger is unwilling to accept, and at this time, the thirteenth master suddenly found that he had escaped a huge danger, it is no wonder that he has such a feeling!

"Hahaha...Thirteenth, if you say this, it's serious, not to mention the two of us, it is impossible to be an enemy at all, even if one day we become an enemy, then I will definitely not Leave you desperate.

After all, we have been in contact between the two from the beginning, so even in the end I will take this relationship into consideration!

Maybe, I will make you miserable, but I will never let you lose all hope! "

The words of the dark face and the wind made the thirteenth be upset.

It turns out that the dark side is not without considering this matter. On the contrary, it is precisely because the dark side has been thinking about it many times, so he knows how to do this, how to make this choice!

But now, when the two of them subconsciously wanted to talk about this matter, the dark side of Chufeng had appropriately terminated the topic.

At this moment, if the Thirteenth Lord had to forcefully tell this matter, it would only make this matter embarrassing.

So the Shisanye finally held back. Even though he wanted to talk about this matter thoroughly, but he knew this matter, he might not be able to make it clear in the end, because each of them had different ideas in their hearts. , So in any case, this layer of window paper cannot be punctured!

"Okay! Having said so much, on the contrary, it seems meaningless! Our plan has reached a point where it is about to be completed at the beginning. Next, we are probably going to devote a certain amount of time to discuss the future. gone!"

The thirteen masters forcibly changed the topic to the current plan. Although it sounds a bit awkward and far-fetched, the dark side is extremely cooperative.

"At present, our goal is very obvious, that is, the top power of this city! The investigation during this period has basically made me touch the top power of this city!

If my information is correct, there should be two giants in this city!

On the one hand, it is the official rule, on the other hand, the most admired Han Shanbo! "The dark side Chufeng said.

The thirteenth nodded: "Yes, Han Shanbo has always been pressing on my head. I just wanted to resist for so many years, and I didn't have that ability at all. Now when I think of overthrowing his suppression, I feel Excited!"

The dark face reminded the wind: "Thirteenth Lord, don't be too busy and excited! Now is not a good time. Uncle Han Shan's hands and eyes are open to the sky. At present, this thing we are doing is uneven, and he already knows it now!

And if you were Han Shanbo now, what would you think of this matter? "

The question of the dark face and the wind is very sharp, and it also makes the thirteenth no way to avoid it.

That's right, it is impossible for Han Shanbo to not know these actions at the moment.


Even if they think they are doing it very cautiously, there is no way to guarantee that this matter will not be exposed!

But the problem they are facing now is how to solve it if this matter is "exposed"?

The thirteenth master thought for a long time, and finally shook his head: "I haven't thought about this problem, although I know this thing is indeed possible.

But I didn't think about it at all. Maybe during this time, I was really immersed in joy and unable to extricate myself, so I lost the sense of crisis in a short time! "

The dark face nodded: "Although I don't want to admit this, I have indeed sensed your state, which is not very right!

Therefore, I will remind you this time now! Because I am worried that your current joy will ruin the entire plan. Although this is alarmist, it is not impossible! "

The words of the dark face and the wind have a lot of meaning to awaken the dreamer.

At this moment, the thirteenth master was shocked by the words of the dark face, and he was shocked in a cold sweat.

"Chu Feng, what do you think I should do?"

In desperation, the Thirteenth Lord was unwilling to sell Guanzi. At this moment, he only hoped that Chu Feng could quickly tell him the solution.

"Thirteenth Lord, you only have one way to get rid of this hidden danger at the moment, and that is to be cautious when doing anything!

Even if Han Shanbo knew about this at this moment, then we definitely can't "disorder" ourselves!

After all, in this city at this time, there are two giants, so although Han Shanbo had doubts, he may not be 100% able to put this matter on his own!

In the same way, he has no way to "plug in" you from behind the scenes!

So as long as this matter has not been exposed too much, then Han Shanbo's judgment will be affected!

Of course, this kind of caution is naturally not a long-term solution!

After all, paper can’t contain fire, so one day this matter will be revealed, but I hope that this day will come later, at least before we complete this matter, we Don't let him "expose"!

As for how to do these aspects, I believe that you already have a plan in your heart, so I don't need to say more about this aspect! "

The dark face and the wind have already pointed out the way out to the thirteenth master. Although his idea at this time seems a little conservative, it has to be said that this is currently the only thing the thirteenth can do.

"Oh!" Thirteenth sighed, "How come I didn't think of it myself! If I had been able to think of it, maybe this matter would not have so many crises. Now, I look back. Think about it, there are indeed many aspects that have not been safe!

You said that if it’s because of those missed places that led to the entire plan being lost, are we too bad? "

The Thirteenth Lord has become a little self-blaming at this moment. Although everything is in line with the truth at this moment, his current duty is completely unnecessary. After all, no one can predict so many things, even the dark side. Chu Feng, that was just thinking about this problem!

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