Whimsical System

Chapter 1300: A game of kicking the ball

"Okay, Uncle Shen, you don't have to blame yourself so much. Although this incident is a bit sudden to you, it shouldn't make you like this!

Besides, I am not just hanging you, I don't tell you, in fact I don't know that this matter will have such hidden dangers!

It was not until after I had investigated that I learned that there are still so many things that have not been taken into account!

If you really want to blame, you can blame me. After all, this is also my dereliction of duty in this respect! "

The words of the dark face and the wind are actually for the thirteenth master to give up his self-blame.

After all, Lord Thirteen couldn't go on like this forever, even if he already had the idea of ​​correcting at this moment, but if his idea of ​​correcting became too intense.

That will only cause this matter to stagnate, and even this may cause the thirteenth master to be at a loss and no longer dare to make decisions at will!

If this is the case, it would be a far cry from the dark side.

And when the Dark Side Chufeng finished saying this, Lord Shisan gradually got rid of his self-blaming mood!

In fact, even he himself doesn’t even know why he suddenly felt that way. Perhaps there are some things that there is really no way to explain. After all, things like fickle emotions are definitely not just the exclusive rights of women. !

"Chu Feng, I was a bit gaffe just now, even though I knew that this was not very good, but I still couldn't control it!

Thinking about it now, it feels a bit embarrassing, but now it's in front of you, so naturally I won't have too much scruples! "

Although the Thirteenth Master said so on the surface, in fact he was still ashamed of his previous actions, but he did a better job on the surface, and even Chu Feng was deceived.

"Okay, let's not talk about this! Continue to talk about the plan, after all, the plan just now has not been finished!"

The dark face and Feng Feng didn't want to discuss the personal situation of the thirteenth master, after all, this matter has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, at the request of the dark side, the topic between the two was adjusted again and returned to the plan.

"Chu Feng, now that you have provided me with good opinions, then naturally you don't have to worry about the things you will implement next!

Although I am not thoughtful in considering the situation, there is absolutely no problem in implementing the plan! "

The thirteenth swearing promise brought some comfort to Chu Feng.

"Well...I can totally believe what you said. After all, we have worked on a lot of things before, and you have done it well almost every time!"

The dark side has no doubts about this aspect, and he also feels that he does not need to focus on this aspect.

At the moment he is most worried about the two giants in the city. Although he has not finished speaking at this time, what he has "exposed" at this moment is enough to show his thoughts!

"Thirteenth Lord, although I am still hesitant about one thing, I think maybe I should tell you about it, even though it may not be the time now..."


As soon as the dark face and the wind spoke like this, the thirteenth master felt a little nervous.

Perhaps it was because the things that the dark side and Chufeng said before made the Thirteenth be afraid, so at this moment, he naturally had some conditions to "shoot".

"Aren't you telling me some bad things again? Although I can accept it, you'd better be able to tell me a little more tactfully, otherwise I'm afraid I can't support it!"

The Thirteenth Master said this half jokingly, although he was expressing it in a joking way at the moment. But in fact, what he expressed was his true thoughts!

"Don't worry, there is not so much bad news!" After learning of Lord Shisan's concern, the dark side first gave the Lord Shisan a guarantee.

Then I gradually came to the topic: "This matter is actually an idea of ​​mine, and it has nothing to do with other issues!

Right now, I think we should have a little contact with the leaders of the two giants! Although doing so may seem a bit "exposed", if we do not communicate with each other, then the two of them may have communication!

You can imagine that if the two of them are in contact, the arrow will point to us soon!

At that time, whether the two of them believe in each other's words or not, then our suspicion will be maximized!

In this way, we can be passive, so I think this matter is still necessary, although this is only a guess of mine! "

The concept proposed by the Dark Face and Feng Feng can be regarded as a reminder to the Thirteenth Lord, but the current reminder is not comparable to the previous one.

Lord Shisan, patience with "sex", pondered this topic for a while.

Although he has not found what he has in common with the dark side, but also he has not found something wrong.

"Chu Feng, what you considered may be correct! Although I still don't understand the meaning of doing this for good or bad, if you think about it according to your thinking, it is really necessary to do this thing. Do it!

It's just that if I go there in person, it will make this matter a little serious!

Even if they didn't doubt it before, I'm afraid I would doubt me because of this!

So if possible, I hope you can do this for me. Although I know this is not your job, I still hope you can do it for me! "

The Thirteenth Lord did not refuse, but just pushed the matter out.

At this time, although the reasons he gave were not enough to fully convince Chu Feng, if only considering these aspects, then there is nothing to fault.

Therefore, after thinking about it, the dark side was so cold that the wind did not refuse. However, he did not agree very happily.

"If you feel that it is not appropriate for you to go there, then I can do you a favor, but to what extent this matter will be achieved, I cannot guarantee it now!

So I need to think about it now, at least I have to make myself certain, otherwise if there is something wrong with this matter because of me, then I also have no way to be responsible for the failure of this matter. ! "

The dark face is so dazzling that he also pushed this matter back and forth. Even though he knew that this matter must be done, if this matter had to be done by him, then he really had to think about it!

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