Whimsical System

Chapter 1303: The feeling of life and death

"I understand what you mean, you are'forcing' me to do something against you, a woman...no problem, anyway, I don't have any big taboos, what about women?

In this world of the weak and the strong, even a woman will never be despised by others!

Now that you want to see my abilities, then I will use my strength to tell you whether I can enter this gate and meet the so-called boss! "

At this point, the dark side Chufeng is unwilling to keep anything, even if the opponent is a woman at this time, it has nothing to do with the dark side Chufeng!

As soon as the voice fell, the dark side Chu Feng stretched out his hands in the air. Putting on a gesture of lifting. Then, the power of swallowing gushed out from all corners of his body.

In an instant, his whole person seemed to have been surrounded by the swallowing power, and then the swallowing power began to condense in his palm.

And as the swallowing power condensed, the surrounding air seemed to have been attracted, and when the distorted space appeared in front of everyone, they suddenly realized that the opponent they were facing now seemed to be It's really not as simple as it seems on the surface.

It’s a pity that I’m thinking about this now. It’s obviously too late. The woman has no way to give up, because he has to keep this pass. As for the twenty followers, they have to stand behind the woman and protect the woman. Security.

Otherwise, their "sex" life will be directly threatened by "sex"!

At this time, everyone was staring at the dark side of Chu Feng intently, and was gathering energy to prepare something.

At this moment, if there is a bystander standing by and waiting, maybe he will wonder why these people don't take action against the dark side of the situation?

In this way, it is estimated that he can be solved before the main attack of the dark side has not displayed his full strength.

In fact, about this view, it may be the unified view of most people, but those who have this view are mostly because they have not personally experienced this situation!

That's why they feel that they don't feel like backache while standing and talking. In fact, when they are really in this environment, they will find that a sneak attack at this time is tantamount to a "suicide"!

On the dark side, Chu Feng was completely covered by the swallowing force's restlessness, even to the point of tearing through the void.

And if someone suddenly approaches the dark side at this time, his body will be torn apart like the air.

So whether they are willing to wait by the side or not, they must wait like this, unless they have given up their lives.

The dark face and the wind’s energy accumulation time is relatively long, and it took a full three minutes to complete the calculation, and within these three minutes, his enemies have already had many ideas.

In addition to fear and violence, the impression brought to them by the dark side is also a mysterious feeling.

The power of devouring originally contained a mysterious power. It was mysterious because it could not be said. At this time, this mystery would also make them lose confidence in their hearts. Once the confidence is lost, then the battle will fail naturally It will not be far away!


Before the battle between the two sides, the dark side did not have any words. At this time, he felt that he had no need to say the extra words, because even if they were said, it would not affect the final result, so it would be better to save time. , And strive to make this result come as soon as possible.

The dark face is full of wind, and he rushes towards the woman at an extremely violent speed. At this moment, his hands are holding a spiral-like ball.

And in the process of his movement, the power of tearing the space was instantly raised to the extreme, and the dark side of the upper body was directly "naked" and "exposed" at that moment.

The skin on the outside showed a gleaming posture, and as for the clothes wrapped around the body, it was directly turned into dust in the sky.

The scene at this time is said to be astonishing, it is better to say that it is amazing. It is possible to use the power of swallowing to such an extent, I am afraid that it has never appeared in this space.

Therefore, the woman has never seen this scene at all, and she does not know how to deal with it, so in the stressful process, all he can do is to raise his own weapon and stand in front of him. , In order to stop the black people from hurting him.

It's just a pity that this action of it is in the dark side, and it seems that it is meaningless at all.

The fighting time is very short, maybe only the 0.01 second, and in that short time, the result has become very clear.

The defeat of the woman is an indisputable result, and the woman's failure seems to be taken for granted by herself, after all, she simply does not have the ability to face the dark side.

In addition to the women, the twenty followers were also directly blown away by the attack power brought by the dark side of the wind.

When they stumbled up from the ground and felt that their limbs and bodies had not suffered much damage, the corners of their mouths were clearly smiling with joy.

That's right, that is, there will be no mistakes in the smile. During the battle, the loser will actually "show" a smile. This may be a very absurd and ridiculous thing.

As a result, such a scene happened at this time, and the smiles "showed" by those twenty followers were actually a kind of fortune for their own lives.

Before they did not escape from the attack of the dark side beloved, it was because they had received the death order and must protect the safety of the woman, but now they are lucky to live under the attack of the dark side beloved, that is in their hearts The true source of joy.

The woman supported the ground with her hand, holding the only handle of the knife, and got up from the ground.

At present, her outer clothes have disappeared. In the process of fighting just now, she saw the clothes with her own eyes. Under the attack of the dark side of the wind, they instantly turned into a pile of black like flour. "powder.

He originally thought that she herself would lose her "life" in that attack.

It's not why, but at the critical juncture, the dark side of Chufeng did not start, but instead made her fall gently to the ground without even feeling hurt.

"Why didn't you kill me? I offended you so much just now. If someone else is replaced, then he definitely doesn't have the ability to contain his emotions!"

This question asked by a woman is not surprising. Although she has just walked from the edge of life and death, her thoughts are extremely clear at this moment!

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