Whimsical System

Chapter 1304: Han Shanbo

"You ask this question, it makes no sense at all!

As my opponent, it is enough for me to defeat you. If I have to kill you, it will only appear that I am too stingy!

In addition, I don't have any way to contain my emotions. At most, I can only try not to treat you as a target! "

The dark face and the wind gave the most concise explanation. Yes, women are not worth killing at this moment, not that he doesn't want to kill!

"You are really a monster, with such a powerful ability, you can still live so smoothly in this city!

I really do not know. What kind of thoughts do you have in your heart! "

At this time, the woman no longer had any hostility to the dark side of Chufeng, on the contrary, she still had such curiosity about the dark side of Chufeng.

A person who can kill himself but save his "life" can't help but, because women are not tempted by him!

It's just that the dark side is so dark, and there is no idea of ​​connecting with women. What he most hopes to do right now is to see Han Shanbo as soon as possible, and then have a good exchange with him and express his thoughts!

"What do you think? This is your own opinion. I don't care. Now I just want to know, am I eligible to enter here?"

The dark face and the wind didn't mean to rush, even though he had defeated the woman, he still stood outside the door and waited.

In fact, this is not the case, how much he obeys the rules, it's just that he is unwilling to become rivals with Han Shanbo at this time!

Including the previous work with a woman, if the dark side kills the woman, it means that there has been a strong conflict between the two parties and a fatal threat has been caused between each other!

In this way, even if they want to reconcile, there may not be much hope. Therefore, in order to prevent this from happening, he can only suppress his thoughts of killing and try to let My emotions calm down!

"Of course you are eligible to go in. If you defeat me, it means you have got the pass to enter here!

But to be on the safe side, I will tell the boss about you first, and then he will make the decision. You can enter the station, but if the boss sees you, it depends on the boss' own thoughts! "

The woman said cautiously. At this moment, although she already knew that the dark side would not take her "life", she still had a little fear in her heart.

"This is your own business, it has nothing to do with me. Even if you tell me, I won't care. If you want to say it, just say it. Now I only need to enter the station. As for Han Shanbo, would you like to see I guess everything will be clear after I enter the station!"

The dark face and the wind did not wait for the woman to say the next sentence. After that, after he got the pass to enter the station, he walked directly in. At this time, no matter whether it was a woman or the twenty followers, there was no A man dared to stretch out his hand to stop him.

And just after the dark side Chufeng entered the station, the woman also got a response from Han Shanbo.

"Boss, he has entered! Okay, I will close the exit now!"

auzw.com The woman replied respectfully, and she didn't know what Han Shanbo said over there. In short, the matter of closing the exit was completely determined!

After the dark face and the wind entered the station, he felt that he had entered a whole new world. In this area, the neat and orderly scene was really unacceptable.

"Sure enough, the big powers are different. If you let Yaomeng learn from them, I'm afraid it won't reach this level for decades!"

On the dark side, Chu Feng sighed while walking in the resident. At this moment, he didn't see anyone at all. Apart from the empty scene, there were only a few insects, birds, flowers, and fish. Things are often mixed into his sight.

After a long time, the dark side Chufeng came to a relatively empty area. Looking around, the surrounding scene can basically be seen, but there is still no person in sight.

"It's weird, is everyone playing "hide and seek" with me? If that's the case, it's not interesting. I would rather someone come out and chat with me!"

When the dark face was standing still talking to himself, a figure suddenly appeared behind him.

I don't know how that figure appeared, in short, there was one more person directly behind the dark side of the wind in that instant.

"If you want to find someone to chat, I can accompany you, but you must have a purpose when you come here. If you just want to chat, maybe you can't stay here forever!"

The person behind him was Han Shanbo, so he was wearing a very casual outfit, and it felt like he was going to exercise soon.

The dark face was bewildering, and he turned his head to look at Han Shanbo. The gaze that looked up and down seemed more or less disrespectful.

"Is there anything wrong with me? It's worth watching like this?"

Han Shanbo was a little uncomfortable being stared at by the dark side of the wind, so he directly asked such a question.

The dark face and Feng Feng shook his head and said: "It's not that there is something wrong with you, I just think that you appear here for some purpose!

Although I can't tell why, there is always such a feeling in my heart. If I guessed correctly, you should be Han Shanbo, right? "

The dark face and the wind can see the identity of Han Shanbo at a glance, and he did not pretend to be anything, but directly asked Han Shanbo.

Han Shanbo nodded: "Yes, it's me! Didn't you come here to find me? Now I appear in front of you. If you have any words, let's talk about it!"

Han Shanbo's easy-going posture surprised the dark side of Chufeng. He had always thought that Han Shanbo was a rude and unreasonable person, so he also practiced a rude and unreasonable communication method.

But now it seems that his previous efforts have been in vain, Han Shanbo must have a good person, his words and deeds are very satisfactory.

Even in the process of communicating with him, no one can single out his "problem", even those who always hold this idea and communicate with him, the same is true!

"Okay! This saves me looking for you everywhere!"

Although the dark face felt a little unexpected, his mood soon stabilized, and he followed him with a smile and made a response.

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