Whimsical System

Chapter 1310: The true fall of darkness

"It's very distressing. Once things have something to do with face, there is no way to solve them!

Ok! Originally I planned to be able to have a peaceful discussion with you, but now it seems that this matter seems a little unrealistic! Now that you have made up your mind to kill me, then do your best to do it!

Anyway, I will not die, no matter how hard you work, I can escape from here, and before I leave here, I will turn you upside down! "

At this time, the dark side is ready to escape here, and his current mission can basically be said to have failed, but it is actually nothing to him.

What if it is a failure, anyway, everything has become a fixed number, even if Han Shanbo already knows his plan, it will definitely not have the slightest impact on his plan!

"Give me hands..."

Han Shanbo once again issued an order to let his followers subdue the dark side.

It’s just that since the old man’s lesson, these entourages have already had a little fear. Although they are still willing to die generously for Han Shanbo, this kind of meaningless death is really unnecessary for them. After all, they are all alone. They are all powerhouses who dominate one side.

So when they are fighting against the dark side, it is very obvious. It can be seen that they are keeping their hands on purpose.

And this kind of retention of their hands is not to let the dark side beggar, but they hope that they can barely survive in the dark side's beggar's hands.

"Retreat, die!"

Han Shanbo obviously saw the intentions of these people, so just when this state was about to continue, he suddenly said such a sentence at this critical moment!

And his words also had some influence on those followers.

Regardless of whether their strength has been improved, in short, when they fight the dark side, they have indeed become crazy!

"Mental stimulation or death stimulation? Your words actually have such a great magical power, I don't know if I can do the same as you!"

The dark face and the wind took a step back like a joke, and then shouted at the crowd: "Those who are half a step forward, die!"

Well, another threat! It's basically the same as Han Shanbo's words. On the dark side, Chu Feng's copying is very vivid.

At this time, those followers were indeed, and they were taken aback.

Half-step forward, die!

What kind of threat is this? Can the Dark Side Chufeng say such a thing if he hasn't had any powerful strength?

"What are you hesitating? Don't forget that your family is here!

If you hesitate now, it means burying all your family members in! "

Han Shanbo has many ways to threaten, and among them, the most effective is to take the family members of these people as examples.

All of these entourages dragged their families and came to join Han Shanbo, so at this time his family also lived with Han Shanbo's support.

But now, Han Shanbo's words directly hit their weakness.

Although people are life-saving, this is understandable, but compared to their own family members, the lives of some people shouldn't seem a little insignificant!


So in the face of this threat from Han Shanbo, their death has become a matter of course and not to be feared.

As a result, the entourage who originally wanted to retreat was directly called back by Han Shanbo's threat.

The half-step forward is dead. At this time, everyone has advanced a few steps, which means that everyone will die in the hands of the dark side.

Perhaps at this time, some people feel that the dark side is embarrassing. They just said such a word casually. If he is really asked to kill everyone, then he will definitely have to spend some thought.

But what everyone did not expect was that the words of the dark side and the wind were not a joke, just after everyone had violated his orders.

His killing plan also unfolded accordingly, and the devouring force scattered like a spider web in this clearing.

After a few seconds, the web was retracted, and some bones were still brought back anytime.

That's right, the power of devouring is so overbearing, if the dark side punishes him with all his strength, he can even keep his opponent from leaving even the bones.

Such death threats were shocking enough for those entourages, but even if they repented now, it was too late, because they had already violated the dark-faced betrayal's orders.

So death is a must for them.

The dark face and the wind released the spider web again and again, and again and again, collected those accompanying lives.

Han Shanbo watched all this from a distance, seeing his followers getting less and less, his heart also became a little uneasy.

The words he had threatened against the dark side before were not a lie, he did have a secret weapon that he had never used.

But now, when the entourage fell down one by one, even though Han Shanbo had reliance on it, he still felt that he was a little unsure!


After a while, as the body of the last entourage fell to the ground, Chu Feng from the dark side also gradually recovered his sanity from the killing!

"I can give you another chance. I won't kill you, and I don't want to be an enemy of you! Everything I did before was my last resort. Now as long as you can let me go out of here and forget about today, Then I won't shoot you again!"

Dark-faced Fengfeng has lowered the standard now, and the plan has completely failed, so naturally there is no need for him to insist on anything.

As long as he can leave here now, that will be enough.

It's just that this kind of thought of him is just an idea after all.

Han Shanbo would not let him go, especially when he hoped that Han Shanbo would let him go, Han Shanbo would not let him get what he wanted.

"I have already told you that you must die here today! Although I can't kill you, someone will come out to solve your big trouble!"

Han Shanbo's step-by-step retreat not only represents the fear in his heart, but also shows his firmness!

"Okay! Since you still have a back hand, then show your last hole cards! Anyway, I'm ready to fight!"

The dark face and the wind approached Han Shanbo step by step. At this moment, his whole person was in a state of numbness.

The previous long-term killings had caused his dark soul to gradually merge with his body. Now Chu Feng's soul has been squeezed aside, it is difficult to occupy the dominant position again!

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