Whimsical System

Chapter 1311: Phantom request

Han Shanbo’s base has enough areas and enough members. If Han Shanbo wants to escape at this moment, it will not be difficult for him.

After all, he has a good understanding of the situation in various places in this base, and he also knows how many members are in each place.

So as long as he is willing to escape, then he can let anyone help him and let him escape.

But he didn’t do this, because he knew that if he really affected other members in order to save his "life", it would only make his foundation smaller and smaller in the end, and even everything has May fall into the hands of the dark side.

Therefore, when all his followers died, Han Shanbo no longer planned to escape, but stood there waiting for everything to come.

At this time Han Shanbo still has the last hole card. Although this hole card is very important to Han Shanbo, things have reached this point. Even if he still wants to save this hole card, it is probably not realistic!

The dark face and the wind's steps "approach" have already made Han Shanbo feel the breath of death.

This feeling is not exaggerated at all. Death, the death to the bones, will make people fearful, but at the same time, it will become exciting.

No one can explain the reasons for this. In short, this excitement represents a kind of doom for everyone.

At first, the dark side and Feng Feng didn't want to kill Han Shanbo, at least until he was sensible, he still hoped to let Han Shanbo live, let this power continue to exist, and not let the official power dominate.

However, with Han Shanbo's desperate resistance and his uncompromising power, the dark side, Chu Feng's sanity completely lost the appearance of the dark soul, which is not a good thing for the dark side Chu Feng.

Especially, Chu Feng's recovery was a devastating blow.

The dark side soul gradually coincides with the body perfectly. Since the dark side soul has been oppressed all the time, the resentment in his heart is also abundant.

When the soul and body were finally fused, and when the soul of the dark side truly gained the dominion, Han Shanbo clearly saw the corners of the mouth of the dark side, and blood had begun to flow.

That feeling is like a dark face, fangs are about to grow at this critical juncture.

Han Shanbo tried his best to slow down deliberately. He hoped to adjust his emotions in this way and not let his heart beat too fast.

But the way of deep breathing is just to ease the feeling of tension, and the danger to him will not disappear because of breathing.

"You are the only one left, and you deserve to die too!"

The voice of Chu Feng on the dark side became a little thick, thick to rough.

Han Shanbo has already discovered the changes in the dark side and the wind, after all, it is too clear, but there is no way for this kind of change. Let him think of other things in that short time.

Except for the moment he was a little surprised, he still felt fear for the rest of the time.

As soon as the voice of the dark face fell, he rushed towards Han Shanbo directly. At this moment, he already had the intention to kill Han Shanbo, and his speed of action was enough to show off.


At the critical moment, Han Shanbo even felt that his breathing was a little difficult. And just as the devouring power of the dark side of Chufeng was about to envelop Han Shanbo, a golden "color" light suddenly broke through the swallowing power, completely enveloping Han Shanbo.

At this moment, one yellow and one white completely formed a state of confrontation, and the power of swallowing formed a sharp contrast with the golden "color" light.

The dark face and Feng Feng didn't mean to stop, but for a while, he really had no way to break the golden "color" light package.

In the golden "color" light, Han Shanbo looked a little bit painful.

Through the golden "color" light, you can see that Han Shanbo seems to be resisting something desperately at this time.

It seemed that something was leaping out of him, and he was trying his best to cover his chest, trying to contain the appearance of that thing.

It was only a few seconds before and after, Han Shanbo simply didn't have the ability to do this, so in the end the energy rushed out, rushed out without hesitation, and directly caused Han Shanbo to fall to the ground!

At that moment, even the golden "color" package produced a little ripple, but all this did not cause damage, but after the energy rushed out, the golden "color" package continued to thicken, and finally passed through The golden "color" light has even reached the point where the career is not clear enough!

Within the golden "color" light, Han Shanbo asked weakly to the phantom in the air: "Will you go back after you come out? I have no ability to restrain you. If you disobey my orders, then I am afraid that neither will The method will continue to provide you with the body!"

The phantom seems to be very excited, after all, after such a long period of physical nourishment, it is the first time to break through the shackles. For him, the rare freedom is naturally more precious!

But excitement returned to excitement. When Han Shanbo asked this question, Xu Ying answered him very seriously.

"I will go back, and I will let you get a part of my ability, but I also have one condition!"

Xu Ying thinks that he has completely taken up the opportunity, so even if he is allowed to return it, it must have certain conditions.

"Hey! You are now making terms with me. You forgot how frustrated you were when I took you in. Now that you have just recovered, you want to make terms with me. Isn't it a bit too much?"

The conditions mentioned by the phantom will naturally not be recognized by Han Shanbo, but it does not seem to have any effect. Han Shanbo is currently in crisis, and the phantom is his only hope.

"You have to figure out that even if you didn't take me in, I was still able to live, but my body was weaker, and there will be others who will become my parasites!

But now if I don't save you, you will die without a place to bury you. Think about it, is it more important to live than to my conditions? "

Xu Ying has completely mastered Han Shanbo's psychology, and he also has an absolute advantage in the confrontation about this matter.

As long as he feels that he is not in the wrong, even if Han Shanbo asks for this, it seems to have no effect.

Han Shanbo took a deep breath, and at this moment he couldn't help feeling a little regretful.

Perhaps he should have let go of the dark side just now. Although he killed his entourage, at least he hadn't gotten into such a dangerous place.

But now that he is in danger, the request of the phantom has obviously become his only hope.

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