Whimsical System

Chapter 1312: The excitement of pain

But Han Shanbo is not willing to meet this request of the phantom. Even if he does not know what the phantom wants to do, he will always have a premonition that the phantom will definitely let him do something, he is unwilling to do it, even It is something that harms himself.

After all, this phantom was originally not a normal thing, and what he represented was nothing but evil, so now that he wants to make a request, it must be related to evil.

"You can think about it, but you don't have much time. The barrier I gave you can't resist for long. I think that guy has completely lost his reason.

Now he just wants to kill you, although he doesn't know the reason, but at least he is doing his best now. And his devouring power is also strong enough. If I can’t show my full strength, I’m afraid there’s really no way to resist him, so you don’t have much time to think about it, so make a decision earlier. It is not difficult for you to agree to my request, and you can even benefit from it! "

The phantom was beating on the side to agitate. In fact, he had already anticipated this result. Han Shanbo was able to achieve his current position, and that was enough to see how stable it was.

So at this moment, he has to threaten him again and again, and let him realize the seriousness of this matter before he can make a decision. Otherwise, if he is asked to really consider it, then I am afraid He has to repeat everything over and over again, and only after careful consideration can he make a final judgment.

And when this moment came, I'm afraid that even if the phantom makes an all-out effort, there is no way to resist the attack of the dark side.

After all, the ability of the phantom still has to be continuously consumed during the resistance process.

"Can you not urge me again and again, I will make this decision, but it's still earlier!"

Han Shanbo was a little annoyed by the phantom's nagging. At this time, he wanted to let himself be quiet, but he didn't have this right at all, and he didn't have this opportunity.

Now even if he doesn't want to listen to the nagging of the ghost, the ghost will not satisfy his request.

"If you don’t let me bother you, you can make a decision right away, and I won’t bother you anymore, and I can let you solve all of this. If you trouble you, you can continue to be your boss and enjoy your prosperity and wealth. No one will To stop you, even with your current abilities and my strength, the two of us can completely swallow this city. You can think about it. Isn't this what you want?"

The phantom was on the side, continuing to promote his own abilities and looking forward to the blueprint for the follow-up. Han Shanbo was already trapped in the illusion. He couldn't figure out which aspect was true and which aspect was false.

Although he had reached a critical moment, he was still hesitating, and he didn't know what he was considering.

Xu Ying saw that he had been unable to make a decision, even if it was verbal stimulation, it could not achieve effective results.

Anxiously, Void had to let external forces stimulate Han Shanbo to change.

"Since I was so kind to you and you cannot accept it, then I will let you feel the consequences of not making a choice!"

It needs to slowly levitate to the top of the gold "color" package, and then slowly wrap the gold "color", "exposing" a gap, and the moment that gap appears, the swallowing force is It also rushed in instantly.

"what are you doing!"

When the swallowing power appeared by his side, Han Shanbo couldn't help but fought a cold war all over his body. This is a death threat. For him, as long as the swallowing power is enough, then he can die in this gold. Within the circle.

auzw.com "I want you to feel the pain, and then make a decision as soon as possible, otherwise, I will really be consumed by him!"

Xu Ying has his own thoughts. Even Han Shanbo has no way to control it. For Han Shanbo, there is no way to endure the pain. Even the slightest bit of swallowing power is enough to touch him. Howling ghosts!

The phantom let in the swallowing power, Han Shanbo had nowhere to hide, so he could only endure the swallowing power, causing persecution to his body.

When his pain suddenly became intense and continued, Han Shanbo didn't have any distracting thoughts in his heart.

"Stop quickly, stop quickly, I promise you can't do it!"

Han Shanbo shouted hoarsely. At this moment, he had completely begged for mercy, and he no longer had the slightest energy before.

"I knew you would figure it out, but these devouring powers, I simply can't get rid of them right now.

But you can endure it slowly, feel the pain, and then remind yourself that the swallowing power I put in will only cause you a little bit of harm, and will not endanger your **** "Fate, so, as long as the devouring power is consumed, your pain will end! "

The phantom stood at the top, watching from a God's perspective, everything Han Shanbo experienced this time.

The current result is obviously what he most wants to see, and it is also in his plan.

And Han Shanbo experienced the pain this time. It was indeed unbearable. Although Xu Ying said so, he didn't want Han Shanbo to endure all the pain before it could end.

Because in this painful process, Han Shanbo will regain his senses again, and part of this pain will belong to the ghost. In this way, what he has experienced is equivalent to the punishment brought to him by the phantom.

And if this is the case, then this result may be somewhat contrary to the idea of ​​phantom.

So after about a few seconds, the phantom directly pushed the golden "color" light, completely erasing the swallowing power.

When the pain disappeared, Han Shanbo, who was sweating profusely, was sitting on the ground and panting.

"Didn't you say that you have no ability to remove it? Why is it possible now?"

Han Shanbo asked Xu Ying while panting.

Xu Ying replied: "Clearing also takes time to prepare. I am afraid that you will accumulate all hope on my body, and there is no way to endure its pain, so I can only lie to you, and I have no way to solve it. Come and strengthen your confidence, to endure all this, and I am also preparing silently in private!

In this way, when you are the most uncomfortable and the most painful, I am just ready to end, so I can be completely clear! "

"Your reason is worthy of scrutiny!"

Xu Ying's answer seemed to be true or false. Han Shanbo said that it is okay to believe it or not to believe it. In short, everything is now up to him.

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