Whimsical System

Chapter 1314: Your body is mine too

"Don't worry, I won't go back and forth like you, as long as I promised I will definitely do it, even if I am reluctant, I will never violate our cooperation!"

Han Shanbo said with a cold face, saying those words that he didn't want.

"If you can think of it this way, it is naturally the best. In fact, I also know that you are a person. As the boss, you must do what you say. Although it is not easy to do so, after all you have experienced it. For so many years, so I believe you can do it, this is my trust in you!"

It’s not surprising that the phantom has gotten cheap and sold well. After all, the phantom has obtained what he wants through his own efforts. Although all this is a bit abrupt, it is still for the phantom to dormant for many years The result obtained.

On the contrary, Han Shanbo was a little dissatisfied with Void's current words. At this time, he only hoped to solve these troubles as soon as possible, rather than delaying too much time.

So when the phantom expressed his feelings, Han Shanbo directly started to urge it.

"Can you hurry up, since I have promised you, then can you not waste time here!

It's not that you haven't seen the current situation clearly. Both of you are facing a confrontation. Just now you said that this will consume your ability. Are you not afraid of your ability being consumed now? "

Han Shanbo's current eagerness has something in common with the previous phantom. In fact, this is not surprising, after all, it is just an exchange.

Han Shanbo is true at this time, it really needs to be able to get rid of these troubles as soon as possible.

The previous eagerness was pretended by a phantom, he just used that way to urge Han Shanbo.

Now his goal has been achieved, so eagerness is no longer necessary for him.

But now that Han Shanbo has begun to push the phantom, the phantom will naturally not continue to delay, after all, delay is really not good for him.

The consumption of abilities still exists, although it is not as exaggerated as Xuying said before, but such consumption is futile after all.

Therefore, when Han Shanbo urged the phantom to resist, the vanity went directly to Han Shanbo's body and began to invade Han Shanbo's body.

And his move really shocked Han Shanbo. After all, he had never experienced such a thing before, and now he was suddenly invaded by a foreign object, and he was still making such a rapid "sexual" progress. It did make him somewhat unexpected.

"What are you doing?" Han Shanbo asked sharply.

"Don't you want me to help you solve the trouble? I'm helping you solve the trouble now! After I take your body completely, I can "fuck" your body and fight this guy!

Don't worry, I'm just "fuck" when I'm doing it, and it won't affect your consciousness!

You just feel that your body is a little disobedient, and then fight the enemy.


As for your thoughts and your next move, they are still in your plan, but I will affect your thoughts in a short time, so that you can't "fuck" your body! "

For Han Shanbo, Xu Ying's answer was a bit of comfort, but the practice of Xu Ying also gave Han Shanbo a sense of crisis.

If the phantom can occupy one's body casually, then this is also a hidden danger for Han Shanbo.

Who can guarantee that the phantom will not repeat this current move in the future. If Han Shanbo can't stop him, then his body probably won't belong to him anymore.

Han Shanbo thought like this in his heart, quietly watching what the phantom was doing. At this moment, the phantom knew nothing about what Han Shanbo was thinking in his heart!

Right now he only knows how to improve his situation, so that he can "fuck" this body more smoothly.

After about a minute, Vanity's work was basically completed. After all, he had been in this body for many years.

So he knows the physical condition very well, so he naturally has a lot of experience in "fuck", and one minute does not seem to be long.

But in this minute, the ghost has done a lot of work. First, he needs to improve his soul situation, and then he needs to match his soul with his body. Although this matching work is mandatory "sex", But the result is still quite consistent.

After all, since he entered the body, he has been secretly improving. Although the connection between himself and the body was a bit troublesome at first, as time continues to extend, the connection between them has gradually become closer. All this, Xu Ying never told Han Shanbo.

In fact, it is normal to think about it. After all, when a soul suddenly enters a person's body and then secretly transforms that person's body, how can he tell that guy his thoughts?

If this is the case, then his ultimate result he can only be expelled, after all, the previous phantom has no way to disobey Han Shanbo's order.

"My work has basically been completed. Now your body is like my own to me. Although I said this sentence may have a bad impression on you, it has become Fact, so I have to tell you, lest you don't know it!"

Xu Ying's remarks were somewhat ostentatious, although he knew that Han Shanbo sounded a little uncomfortable, but he still told Han Shanbo in this manner.

In the end, what he got was nothing more than a silent response from Han Shanbo.

"Well, I know that if you don't speak, it means that you have agreed. In fact, your heart is quite uncomfortable. After all, your body is being used by others, which is indeed not a very pleasant thing!

But you don’t have to be so uncomfortable. After all, both of us are the same. My abilities will also be used by you. When you get my abilities, you will know what I feel at the moment. , And I can also appreciate your feelings! "

Xu Ying added another sentence, as if he wanted to comfort Han Shanbo in this way.

"Can you stop talking? Now that you have done it, then you can start now! I'm all thinking about getting rid of the current troubles.

As for the others, I have not considered it at all, so now if you can speak without speaking, I want to be quiet! "Han Shanbo spoke up after all, but his attitude was not very good.

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