Whimsical System

Chapter 1315: Resounding across the world

"Alright, looking at your current state, I am afraid that there is no way to communicate with me. In that case, I will save some tongue!"

Han Shanbo's attitude instantly caused Xu Ying to lose the idea of ​​continuing to communicate with him, and then fighting against the dark side became the next thing he had to do.

The two sides have already opened the battle this time, each has its own body, and also has enough ability to respond to the enemy.

The black page Chu Feng had already "fucked" the swallowing power and attacked the phantom for nearly 10 minutes.

During these 10 minutes, the golden "color" of the phantom resisted, and at this moment there was already a little lightness.

If the phantom keeps this state without any change, it is estimated that it will not be long before this golden "color" barrier will be cracked under the strong attack of the dark side of the wind.

When the time comes, even if the phantom has to resist, I am afraid there will be no way to continue to maintain this barrier.

So what he has to do now is to change tactics quickly, at least they can't keep defending.

Therefore, just after the ghost completely grasped the body, he gradually began to gather the energy within the golden "color" barrier.

Only one point is reserved to defend the devouring power of the dark side, but what he did not expect is that the devouring power is not a linear attack, but a spreading energy, so it acts as a wrapper barrier After disappearing, the swallowing force spreads along the resisting point directly like a river, gradually enclosing that point, and then slowly swallowing it away.

As a result, the golden "color" light that had not been recovered instantly disappeared without a trace, and the phantom also lost part of its energy.

However, the loss of this part is not a major event to the phantom.

In addition, this move is not without good for him, after all, he is now completely converted from a defensive state.

Although he currently has no way to directly fight against the dark side due to the loss of some energy, at least he is no longer as passive as before.

Seeing that the power of swallowing had lost its target, the wind on the dark side directly took back a part of it.

But that is only part of it, and the rest are still flowing slowly in the air. Since they have no targets, their moving distance is not too far.

"The power of devouring is certainly powerful, but it has a deadly opponent, and this deadly opponent has proved to me at this moment that my energy can consume all darkness.

Now, your failure has already been determined, it's just that you don't know it! "

Xuying is also a guy who talks about nonsense. Sometimes, even if it is something that does not exist, he has to talk about it and make others believe it by mistake.

At this time, the opponent he mentioned was just a sentence, even if the power of swallowing belonged to the dark power, it was not so pure.

So the power of devouring at this time. It is in a state between righteousness and evil, so whether it is dark energy or light energy, there is no way to become his opponent, because in a fundamental sense, these two kinds of energy are lacking Something.

auzw.com At this time, the energy that the phantom grasps is not actually a light energy. In contrast, his is even darker.

And the reason why he has the golden "color" light is a kind of hypocritical "sex" of this energy. "Looking up", the hypocrisy of energy and the hypocrisy of phantom have the meaning of mutual agreement.

The dark face and the wind had already been "handled" by the dark soul at this moment, so he didn't know what fear was at this moment, and he was not even afraid of death.

As for things like darkness and light, he didn't even think about it.

Even if there is a sea of ​​swords and fire in front of him at this moment, I am afraid he will not be afraid of it. After all, the dark soul has such a "sex" character. No matter how difficult and dangerous the situation is, it is not always for him. It's just a struggle, a struggle for death.

Even if they die in the end, it will not have the slightest impact. Dark souls never fear death, and they will never die. This is a definition of Chu Feng on the dark side, even Chu Feng himself. do not know.

Therefore, the current situation is very funny to the dark side.

Xu Ying wanted to be better psychologically, but who knew that his strategy had no effect at all.

On the contrary, the calmness of the dark side made him feel a little worried.

In fact, this is the case. When a person cannot deceive others with a lie, then he himself will be worried about his failure, and at the same time he will think that his lie has been seen through by others.

But now Xu Ying has such a mentality formally, so in comparison with the psychological aspect, Xu Ying has lost 10% without a fight!

"Well, since you don't want to believe it, let's let the facts speak for themselves!"

After a short period of mediation, the phantom's ability has been temporarily relieved. Although people are a little reluctant now, this is not a big problem for him.

The war between the two was on the verge of breaking out, and the phantom stood at the edge of the battlefield, deliberately trying to launch an offensive that could make the dark side unstoppable.

But his deliberate intentions may not be able to get results. Although he wanted to take the initiative now very much, but because he hadn't taken a shot for a long time, this initiative fell directly into the dark side of Chufeng's hands.

And from the very beginning, the dark side was bewildering, and he was very happy to start some battle.

As a result, before the phantom was ready, the Dark Side Chufeng had already taken action.

And when he was forced, he could only barely respond to the enemy. As a result, his plan was once again ruined. After thinking so much, he finally lost in front of reality.

The dark face was full of wind, and he jumped down from the mid-air, swallowing power completely wrapped him, and the wings behind him were also formed by swallowing power.

At this time, a strong force was crushing down from top to bottom, and no one could resist this formula from the front. Even if it was a phantom, it would be a little reluctant to do its best to meet it.

But the phantom had no way to escape at this moment. In desperation, he could only carry it hard. As a result, at the moment when the swallowing force collided with the golden light, there was a loud collision. It was also directly above the base, suddenly rising.

At this time, everyone in the base almost heard the loud noise, and then a lot of people came from all directions. Because they didn’t know what was happening, they were also curious. There is no preparation at all.

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