Whimsical System

Chapter 1324: Hello, old friend!

"Forget it, let me just say it directly. In fact, I hope you can leave here immediately after this war. I always wanted to keep you behind, but now I don't think it is suitable!

Maybe I say this sentence a bit impolite, or even a bit too much, but I have no way, I have no way not to do it!

But you can't imagine how tragic this incident will be. In fact, this city represents death from the very beginning, and it is hard to escape bad luck if I stay here!

So I don’t want you to be affected by this city. I don’t want you to suffer even the slightest impact. After all, you are my friend. I have nothing to say to my friends, so don’t blame me. You are impolite. Actually, I did this for a reason! "

In fact, when the thirteen masters suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to drive away the dark side. He himself felt a little weird!

But when he first heard about this, the dark side was only astonished. After all, the relationship between him and the Thirteenth Lord has reached a relatively harmonious level. Even if something provokes the Thirteenth Lord, the Thirteenth Lord shouldn't drive himself away!

After 13 years of explanation, I learned that there is still such a secret in this city. The dark side of Chu Feng never thought that he would be involved in death, especially this death came from the bad luck brought by a city. .

"Although this matter sounds weird, I still choose to believe it, because you told me, but if this city is bad luck for you, then why are you staying here?

If you want to live, you might as well choose another city or even another space. I can take you away! "

Obviously when saying this, the dark side of Chu Feng must be Chu Feng's soul, "fuck" this body.

Otherwise, the Dark Side Punishment would never say such things, especially when the Dark Soul exists, the consciousness like this kind of active dedication or even helping others said that it would not exist at all.

The Thirteenth Master shook his head and rejected the kindness of the dark side Chu Feng: "Chu Feng, I know you did this to help me, but I can't do it!

Maybe you can’t understand why I’m so mad. In fact, I myself think why I’m so mad?

Later, after I thought about it carefully, I realized that it was not that I was stubborn, but that there was no way to make other choices about this matter!

I can leave here, but after leaving here, can I get rid of these bad luck? Not at all, because this city has made a choice for me from the beginning!

Now I can only constantly improve my status and make myself stronger. Alas, only in this way can I get rid of this bad luck and let this bad luck stay away from me, although I can’t completely let him leave me, But at least I can live a healthy life for decades!

So if I don’t leave, it’s not that I don’t want to leave, but that I can’t leave. If you can think about this from my perspective, I believe you can understand! "

The Thirteenth Master made an explanation, and the dark-faced Chufeng was fully able to understand his thoughts. At this time, the dark-faced Chufeng was so good, but he also completely gave up the idea of ​​saving the Thirteenth.

To live a healthy life, after decades, this sentence seems to be very easy, but for an ordinary person, this is a lifetime hope.

auzw.com So at this time, Lord Shisan has this mentality. For the dark side, I don’t think Lord Shisan’s situation is more tragic, and he has enough The enviable status, coupled with the lives of ordinary humans, everything seems to be relatively perfect, at least from the perspective of the dark side of the wind.

"I understand what you mean, but to put it bluntly is to let me leave here and get rid of this fate!

Well, since you already have this idea, then I will leave when this matter is resolved. Actually, I came here just to avoid some things!

If I have been avoiding for long enough now, I am afraid it should be time to face it! "

Chu Feng finally appeared. Under the rule of such a long period of dark side Chu Feng, Chu Feng's consciousness finally became clear at this moment.

Chu Feng appeared suddenly, and there was no sign of it. The dark side of Chu Feng still existed for a second, but disappeared without a trace in the next second.

"Master Thirteen, maybe we have to introduce ourselves again, I am Chu Feng, your friend!"

Chu Feng's words were completely out of the expectation of the Thirteenth Master. The Thirteenth Master was wondering why he usually said such a sentence.

After all, from the beginning to the present, Lord Shisan has never doubted what changes will happen to Chu Feng. Although the "sexuality" is not stable sometimes, it does not affect the attitude of Lord Shisan towards Chu Feng. .

Now when the real Chu Feng appeared, the Thirteenth Master actually felt a little weird.

"We still need to meet again, old friends we have known for a long time?"

The Thirteenth Master wanted to stretch out his hand to complete this etiquette with Chu Feng, but it was naturally easy to reach out, but the reason for reaching out, but what was the reason for reaching out?

"We are old friends. It's just that there is a new friend in the middle. Maybe you didn't realize that it was the scenes that happened before, but I saw them all!

It’s okay. Everything before is over. I won’t blame anyone or hate anyone. Anyway, this is not something I can decide by myself, nor is it something you can "fuck". What happened now we can put them all in our memories!

Today I am still your friend, and so are you, as you said, you will trust me, and I will keep trusting you! "

Chu Feng's conversation style finally returned to normal, and the Thirteenth Master also noticed the difference before.

"Yes, you are really an old friend of mine. It seems that we have indeed been gone for a long time!"

The thirteen masters followed up and said this sentence, prescription, smiled comfortedly, everything seemed to be back to normal, although there were a lot of farce and mistakes during this period, but in the end this result is still Accepted by Chu Feng.

After the courtesy with each other, Chu Feng left directly by boat.

When he didn't leave, Lord Shisan didn't say a word, as if at this time they already felt that the communication between them had reached a full state, even if they said one more sentence, it seemed a bit redundant!

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