Whimsical System

Chapter 1325: Old Chu is very busy

"Chu Feng, you finally came back. I don't know how I spent this time. I dormant in this body every day, like a dried shrimp trapped in a shell!

Oh yes! Now in your body, there is another inexplicable guy! Although he has added to my cervix, I still feel that he is not a good thing in your body. Now that you have the right to decide, it is better to let you decide whether to stay or not! "

After parting with the Thirteenth Master, Lao Chu couldn't wait directly and ran out of his body.

Since Chu Feng disappeared, Lao Chu disappeared as if disappeared, generally hiding in his body, often losing news.

As of this time, Lao Chu didn't know how many times he had wanted to escape. Although this body still carries the Chu Feng and the dark side of Chu Feng, when the person in power is different, the body's response will change differently.

When the dark side and the wind existed, Lao Chu felt that his body was getting worse with each passing day. Although his ability was growing day by day, his mood and state were declining.

Now that Chu Feng is back, Lao Chu's state is gradually returning to normal.

At this moment, not only his words increased, but even his interest became extremely prominent.

"It’s been hard for you during this period of time, and I can’t help it. He suppressed my soul. Even if I want to come out, it’s not an easy task, so I can only let him do something outside. blessing.

But this time due to my frequent appearance! As a result, he could not restrain me at all, and in the end I found the opportunity to break his defense in one fell swoop, and now he is defeated and retreated, and as for whether he is making a comeback, although Not sure, but maybe "sex" is not great. "

After all, Chu Feng became the final winner, although I don’t know if there will be another battle. Anyway, this victory, for Chu Feng, we also got a lot of useful things, such as the power of devouring. , He can already maintain the same state as the dark side of the wind.

"I know you can. In fact, I have held this belief from the beginning, but sometimes I will give up, but for me, this kind of giving up is just commonplace!" Lao Chu was half joking To say.

"In fact, you don’t need to say that I know, because I can see all this clearly. I am different from him. He can't feel anything at all when I am awakened, but I can be awakened by him. When I feel everything around me, who makes me the original soul!"

Chu Feng was a little proud, but what he said at this moment was indeed true. In contrast, his soul was indeed stronger than the dark soul. Of course, this strength was not highlighted in terms of strength, but in the vitality of the soul. aspect.

"Oh! I'm really happy that you can come back, but a lot of things have happened during this period, which we didn't plan before!

It seems that it is no longer easy for anyone to change them now! How did you think Chu Feng about this matter? Do you want to continue according to what he has done, or do you make some changes on this basis? "

After talking about the joyful things, then we have to talk about the unhappy things. Due to the influence of the dark disciplinary action on everything, the plan that Chu Feng had made previously had been completely disrupted.

auzw.com Of course, some Chu Feng did not plan, but the dark side betrayed Feng's own thoughts, which led to some troubles.

"It is very easy to make changes. In fact, it only requires me to leave here. Then this matter has nothing to do with me anymore, but do you think I should do this? Things are not out of my intentions, but all the troubles and tools are related to me, so there is no way. Since the thirteenth is very happy to see this result, then I will help him and let him reach yourself The goal.

Anyway, he also called me a friend just now. Since I am a friend, then I should help him, not for anything else, just for the name of a friend! "

Lao Chu had no idea what was thinking in Chu Feng's head. Right now, this matter is still very difficult for Chu Feng, because the dark side Chu Feng understands the process of this matter better, and Chu Feng does. He is an outsider who doesn't know. When an outsider infiltrates a top-secret plan, what should he do? Old Chu didn't understand, and Chu Feng might not understand either.

"Okay, don't hesitate anymore. There is no other choice in this matter. I have to do this as a last resort, even though I know my abilities are limited.

But in contrast, the dark side is not much better than me, it's just that he has a clear plan for this matter.

Now, at most I can make another plan myself. Although there is no way to do the same as him, it shouldn't be any worse!

What kind of old Chu, do you have confidence in me? If you have confidence, you can help me, otherwise, I am afraid I will delay this matter for a long time.

You have heard the words of the Thirteenth Lord before. Staying here for a long time will affect my life. I don't want to ruin myself here, so you have to help me anyway! "

Chu Feng is still the "sex" style before, loves to make jokes, is serious about certain things, and doesn't care about certain things.

At this time Lao Chu was very helpless, because he knew his mission, and I am afraid he was about to come again. The dark side of Chu Feng did not need his own help, so he could have fun.

Although he felt unhappy, he didn't need to be busy, but now Chu Feng is back, although he is very happy, but also very happy.

But there are many things waiting for him, and Chu Feng can't solve too many things by himself, and all these still need to be pressed on Old Chu.

But even so, Lao Chu still liked the current state very much. The dark side of Chufeng had always been a pain in his heart, and he did not want to see the dark side of Chufeng again.

Even if there is another chance, the dark side will show the wind, and once again occupy this body, then Lao Chu will still repeat everything he did before and continue to hide in the body without showing his face!

"Okay, you have to arrange, of course I have to do it, whoever makes you the original personality, I can listen to whoever I don't listen to you!"

Old Chu looked helpless, but the smile on the corner of his mouth reflected the joy in his heart at this moment.

"Thank you! After being injured, I will definitely thank you well. Whatever you want, you can mention it when the time comes!" Chu Feng smiled.

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