Whimsical System

Chapter 1326: Combed out the plan

"Okay, don't talk about these useless things, you can talk about your plan first, anyway, you have to do it now.

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, this war is about to break out. Time is tight, and we simply cannot tolerate our excessive consideration. If you can’t grasp the timing right now, I’m afraid we will have a black eye and nothing can be done! "

Lao Chu urged Chu Feng eagerly. For Lao Chu, this matter was considered a very important matter.

Because this was a task entrusted to him by Chu Feng, he had to take it seriously.

Now, the problem of time is the biggest problem at present, because they have to go to another city and then unite many troops in that city. Drive to this city together.

Time is very tight. Although the time they planned will not come as scheduled, these aspects of time are still the points of concern for the two of them.

Moreover, the thirteenth masters have already begun to be busy, if the two of them cannot reach a sense of cooperation at the same time, and finally determine a common action plan.

Then this matter may be "chaotic" because of this, and the "chaos" will end up in the end, there is no way to predict it!

"I have a plan now. Don't think the time is short, but I have already considered it.

Now everything we have is basically constant. At least in this Chu Feng matter, the two of us no longer need to be responsible.

Now we just need to go to that city to get in touch with them. But regain our position.

The dark side is good at using force to fight for power, and now I may have to follow his path and continue to develop.

Otherwise, some unpredictable changes may be discovered. But after all, force cannot last long, especially when the casualties reach a certain level, maybe my right to speak is not so important.

After all, I can't kill everyone, and I can't do it either.

Therefore, I think that force and humanity must be implemented together. Perhaps I said this sentence a bit too abrupt and not very coordinated.

But we must find a coordinated way to solve this matter. Otherwise, I am afraid that what will happen later, no one can predict!

If the two parties fight together and eventually become a big mess, then the two cities may have a big disaster at the same time.

Regarding this result, I believe that the Thirteenth Lord does not want to see it, and we also do not want to see it, so I decided to transfer some of the power first! "

When Chu Feng mentioned this idea, Lao Chu was stunned for a moment. He didn't quite understand what the transfer of power meant.

"The right you mentioned refers to the transfer from this city or that city, what should we do?" Old Chu asked.

"The transfer of power, of course, refers to that city. This city is controlled by Thirteen Lords, so why bother with it!

And the power of that city is currently in my hands in name. So I plan to transfer its power to some people, some people we can trust.


Then let them send soldiers to assist us, it is like a cooperative relationship, but this kind of cooperation should be established more firmly! "

"Oh, I see, what you mean is that when you make a deal, you return the power to them, and then let them follow your orders to do this last battle, as long as the battle is over!

Then you will completely remove all power and let the city return to its previous state. Is this the truth? "

"Yes, yes, that's what I meant. In fact, even if we don't do this, then the city will eventually move towards this trend, so it's better for us to work harder and let them come faster!

Regarding this aspect, I believe you have also heard the Dark Side Chufeng mentioned.

In fact, he himself can see that this result will eventually go in such a direction, so he will make such a decision. Maybe his plan is to contact power in this way, and then let them spontaneously organize an army to attack the city and tell They, if they can take this city, they will get all their power, and they can even rule two cities!

Imagine if you were a leader who once had power but lost it. Now someone tells you that I can return the power to you, but you have to attack another city, and if you can attack this city If so, maybe you can get double the way or triple the land. Do you think you would do this?

After all, you have nothing to lose now, so even if you get it and lose it, it doesn't matter.

Besides, you can also use this temporary ability you just obtained to fight for a permanent and greater benefit. I believe no one can resist this temptation, and we still have the last trump card, which is not used! "Chu Feng said.

"You have the last trump card, what is it?"

Hearing the word trump card, Lao Chu instantly became energetic.

"The three big families!"

"The three big families?"

"Yes, I can be 100% sure, no matter how many forces will oppose my idea, the three big families will definitely support it!

Because the above are the biggest beneficiaries and the biggest losers in this city. If I hand over the power to them, then this must be what they want, and even they think that I am doing it too right!

Therefore, we don’t have to worry at all. This method will not be realized. Even if everyone opposes it, it does not matter. The strength of the three major families is also extraordinary. As long as they are willing to send troops to attack, this matter will still Can contribute! "

In just a few minutes, based on what I saw and heard, I carefully sorted out my thoughts on the dark side.

At the end of the combing, he also got a more accurate result.

From his analysis right now, failure seems to be impossible, because he has mastered the most stable method.

Although there may be some more or less troubles in this process, these troubles are basically not worth mentioning for Chu Feng.

"If the three major families can really help, then this matter will be fixed!

It's just that even if their plan has been done well, we must be more vigilant. After all, no one can guess what has never happened! "Old Chu reminded.

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