Whimsical System

Chapter 1328: Santo

"Dare to speak up here, do it for me!"

Chu Feng's words seemed to be a little too much, and they were so much that they made people feel resentful. As a result, as soon as he finished saying these words, they immediately attracted everyone's beatings. When the baton fell on Chu Feng again and again .

Chu Feng's expression also gradually changed from the previous calm to a big laugh.

The onlookers thought that Chu Feng was crazy and was beaten mad with a truncheon, but they couldn't even think of what was behind Chu Feng's smile.

In total, it fell again and again, as if it didn't hurt or itchy, except for a smile, there was no other expression on Chu Feng's face.

The power of swallowing had already wrapped Chu Feng's body. Although the baton looked like it had fallen on Chu Feng's body, it was actually all hurt by the power of swallowing.

After a period of confusion, the staff who had beaten Chu Feng were already out of breath, but at this moment Chu Feng seemed to be okay. The person was standing there without any changes in his body.

"Is he made of rubber? How could this be!"

Questions arose in everyone present this time. No one could guess how Chu Feng did this. If he just endured the pain, his body should have reacted.

"It seems that you should be very tired. Why not, let me relax for you, the pain of broken hands and feet will make you tired!"

When repeating this sentence, the staff's face turned pale in an instant. At this moment, they realized that they had caused a catastrophe, and that no one could bear this disaster for them.

"Don't... forgive me, my lord forgive me..."

From the previous panting to the end, the staff fled, and Chu Feng didn't do too strong actions from beginning to end.

It only takes a look or a sentence to completely accomplish this.

"I haven't done anything yet, they just ran away! I thought they would abide by my agreement with them, and now it seems that they are just some guys who are violent!

Forget it, since they ran away, then I won't go after them. Do you want to get out of the city? Come and line up quickly, it's not early, and they will come back after dawn, this matter is hard to say! "

Chu Feng advocated opening the city gate and then letting everyone leave the city. At this time, the official forces could no longer supervise them, and Chu Feng's obstruction had already made them frightened.

At the same time, the official forces headquarters also got the latest news here.

Through the displayed images, it was discovered that Chu Feng's whole person seemed to be shrouded in a kind of virtual reality, and he didn't know the design principle of this kind of camera.

In short, under the "shooting" of the camera, the situation in Chu Feng's entire body can be clearly seen, including the existence of Lao Chu and the phantom.

"This person should be Chu Feng, right?"

The official headquarters was established. An elderly man held a scepter in his hand and pointed his finger. The image on the screen asked the young man beside him.

"This... the image is not clear, so it is not 100% sure that he is Chu Feng, but judging from the outline of his image, it is quite possible that he is..."


"What is very possible, I think he is Chu Feng!"

The old man was very angry, the scepter in his hand was trembling, and he didn't know if he was a little uncomfortable because of his anger.

"City Lord, please calm down!"

"Go away! How did you do it? Can you not deal with him alone? How many people have run out now? How many people are made by forces? What will they do after they run out? Do you know? Will they even come together with other cities to deal with us?

I tell you, you have to take the main responsibility for this matter today, and all of you are responsible for this matter! "

The guilt of the old man made the young people unable to look up. What the old man said at this moment was equivalent to the truth, and the old man’s decision was absolutely not daring to defy the old man’s decision.

"City Lord, we don't want to explain anything, it's just that Chu Feng is so powerful, we are not his opponent at all!

So it's not that we are unwilling to fight with him. We simply can't do this. I hope you can understand, the lord! "

The young man made an explanation. Although this explanation meant for the old man to evade responsibility, he still couldn't completely deny his authenticity.

"Since you know that he is not easy to deal with, why don't you send out a special organization? Is it because I keep them there every day? Is it for them to look good?"

When the name Special Organization came out of the old man's mouth, the body of the young man trembled. At that moment, a group of fierce characters appeared in the young man's mind.

And in that memory, the young man was just a child.

"City Lord, that happened more than 20 years ago! This city can no longer withstand ravages. I advise you to think twice!"

The young man had the courage to make this exhortation. Didn't he not understand the impact of these words? But he couldn't help himself to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and let the old man act recklessly.

"I know what you are worried about, but now I don't know the extraordinary period!

If we can’t make the necessary means at the necessary time, then this city will probably be a real group. Is this what you want to see? Even if I am no longer the city lord, you don’t think it matters. ? "The old man asked.

"Grandpa...no, the city lord... definitely doesn't mean that!"

The words of the old man directly caused the young man to kneel to the ground in fright. The grandfather who blurted out also explained the identity of the two of them.

"You still call Grandpa, so I can sound more kind!" The old man said something that would make the young man ecstatic, but at the moment the old man's tone was still cold.

"Yes, grandpa!"

This name has been in the mouth of a young man for more than 20 years, but he dare not call it out because the old man has a special identity, and there is a huge gap between him and the old man, and this gap cannot be made up by family of!

"Follow my instructions. I have already considered them clearly. They must not hesitate too much about some things, otherwise, the city will eventually be lost in my hands!"

The old man sighed. It was the first time the young man saw the old man like this. Although he didn't understand the reason, he could feel the old man's helplessness.

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