Whimsical System

Chapter 1329: There is only right choice, no mistakes

In fact, he has always known how deep the old man's feelings for the city are. In order to obtain the identity of the city lord, in order to hold the city in his own hands, he did not hesitate to give up his son's "life".

And it is precisely because of this matter that the old people feel that young people are not suitable and stay by their side.

This is because the old man’s current position has reached a point where it’s too cold, and whenever there are special circumstances, his surrounding relatives will definitely be implicated.

But in the end, the old man still failed to control the young people's decision. The young people grew up day by day, and the old people's worries increased day by day.

This city needs a new owner, and after the death of the old man, there is bound to be a great chaos.

Whether young people can shoulder this burden is what the old people worry about the most. So, almost from the moment he had this idea, he took young people with him every time he went out, and asked them to learn with him and improve their abilities until he made this admonition just now when he was a young man. At the time, the old man understood that young people already had this ability.

"Grandpa, I know that nothing I say can change your mind, but I still hope you can seriously consider this matter and don't make it too absolute!

What happened 20 years ago, I still remember what happened. The fans that the war brought will be something we can’t save for ten or even twenty years. If this war happens again, then I I will not dare to imagine what this city will become. Even if you can keep the position of the city lord, grandpa, if I can survive in that city, I am afraid that I will leave us and leave.

So grandpa, you need to think about it, even if you think about it for a second, this is also necessary! "

The young man’s request touched the old man, but the old man did not change his mind because of the young man’s request.

Although the young man already has an overall view of the situation, he does not have a strong sense of crisis. Even the young man just wants to stay in the current state and spend it safely and securely, but the old man has to look more long-term than him. Young people may only see it for ten years, but old people have seen it for a hundred years or even hundreds of years!

"Some things don’t need too much consideration. The more you think about, the more problems will arise. Now you will take the test according to my instructions. If something goes wrong, I will be responsible. This city cannot be lost. It can't be broken, you can rest assured that they are also old, and they are not so destructive at all!"

The old man's persistence made the young man a little helpless. Although he was unwilling to let the old man do this, since the old man had already issued the order, he naturally had to choose to follow it.

"Okay, Grandpa, I'll do it!"

The young man left. The old man stayed alone in the room, thinking about some things in the past. His son died in a war. He clearly remembered that before the war started, his son was like The young man had persuaded him, but he did not agree, but as always mobilized the guys who should have stayed in prison.

As a result, although the war was won, those guys brought extremely bad damage to the city. Although they were all arrested and sent back to prison, these damages have become the people of the city forever. pain.

Now everything seems to be all over again, the old man made the same decision again, only this time it is not his son who persuaded him, but his grandson.

Some people may think that the old man has always been on his feet, not knowing how to work around, and thinking about things in a different way, but who can know what the old man insists on? Although his son died, and although the people in the city were greatly persecuted, the city has been preserved.

auzw.com The old man is still the lord, and the official power is still the most prosperous power.

If you look at the overall situation, the old man’s original decision was not wrong. What he did was only the war, but the destruction that shouldn’t have occurred.

Now, when the same choice appears in front of the old man, what the old man insisted is also correct, but behind the right, he still has some unknown dangers.

In the middle of the night, the chaos in the city reached its extreme. Every force, big or small, was vying for territory, and they were dividing up things that did not belong to them.

I don't know how many people were displaced overnight. They wanted to flee the city, but they were left in mercilessly by the elderly.

The appearance of Chu Feng brought hope to them, but there was no one to guard the city gate there. Countless people flocked there, but they also completely blocked the city gate.

This city really seems to have come to an end. No one knows what the result will be.

But the current ending is definitely not what people want to see.

The thirteenth master is also urgently mobilizing the hands to quell the chaos in this area. Right now things seem to have reached the level that no one can control. Everyone is in a state of madness. What they want, What they want to give up, it seems that they are no longer determined by themselves.

There is no order in the city, the people are displaced, and no one can stand up and take responsibility.

What the supermarket needs to do is to preserve the city in its entirety. No matter how messy the city is, the city cannot be lost and the people in the city cannot be lost, so they will be completed. Task.

It seems that the old man’s governance in this area is not very correct, but no one knows what the old man is thinking about.

Maybe the old man will have a follow-up plan, maybe all this is just the beginning, and the chaos is just a kind of anomaly remaining on the surface.

In short, no matter what this matter will turn out to be, no matter where the ending will go, Chu Feng has already escaped from this city, and he is planning to bring a war that will completely overthrow this city.

Many people thanked him when he fled the city. Because of the freedom and hope that Chu Feng brought to them, they were able to escape from this city to avoid disaster.

After the chaos in the city gradually calmed down, they returned.

But they didn't know that Chu Feng's departure was actually preparing for a bigger war.

And when the war came, the bottleneck they chose could not be guaranteed at all.

If they understand this, maybe they won't thank Chu Feng.

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