Whimsical System

Chapter 1331: One-eyed man

In the early hours of the morning, the distance had already appeared out of the corner of the city. After a whole night of raiding, Chu Feng finally arrived at his destination.

"Going back here again, it feels completely different!"

When he came outside the city wall, Chu Feng was full of emotion. Since the city gate had not been opened yet, Chu Feng could only stay outside the city wall for a while.

"Chu Feng, it's better for you to be calm later, how do I feel that something strange will happen in this city during this time!"

Lao Chu suddenly said such a sentence, without any reason.

"What? Is there a hunch? Or did you hear some wind?"

Old Chu said that Chu Feng was a little inexplicable, so when he asked, it was a dull look.

"This feeling is not clear. Although I haven't heard any wind, I always feel that some problems have occurred around here.

It may be my telepathy. After all, I haven't used this function for a long time, so I have no way to determine his true "sex"! "

When Lao Chu mentioned telepathy, Chu Feng trusted him a bit. After all, with the ability of a mouse, it got a lot of bargains. Now this ability reminds him again, and he doesn’t Reasons to choose to deny.

"Or telepathy, then I have to be more serious! After all, when you woke me up before, I was able to get a very accurate response every time."

Chu Feng's seriousness was a kind of respect for Lao Chu. Gao Chong couldn't say whether his induction was accurate or not. By comparison, he had been hiding for long enough, although all functions were improving.

However, his level of use has plummeted.

"Oh! You don't have to be too nervous. I just have such a feeling. To put it bluntly, this feeling is more like a guess. There is no way to say its true "sex" too accurately, you just need Just pay attention to it. If there is any problem, I believe that your ability to react should not appear too hasty. After all, I have also reminded you in advance!"

Lao Chu was worried that Chu Feng would be nervous because of his reminder, so he finally said a word of relief, but it was relieved. Compared with the previous reminder, it still lacked some strength after all.

"When will the city gate open? I can't wait any longer. We don't have enough time. I think I have to leave here before it gets dark to avoid any trouble in that city!"

Chu Feng's anxiety at the moment is also reasonable. After all, under the urging of Old Chu, Chu Feng already has that kind of very urgent feeling, and when this kind of mechanical feeling appears, it is difficult to dispel it. So at this moment, Chu Feng was thinking about solving this matter as soon as possible. It was this matter, and it ended as soon as possible.

Lao Chu replied: "Calculating based on the current time, it should not exceed 10 minutes! Wait a while, and someone will soon open the scene, and then you can go directly into the city!"

"Ten minutes! Alas, you can wait, not too long!"

Chu Feng took a sigh of relief and continued to wait. The waiting time was a kind of suffering after all, especially when Chu Feng could not bear the feeling of sitting motionless.

I don't know how long it took, Chu Feng always felt that the time was very long, and the city gate finally showed signs of loosening, and then it opened.

And when the person responsible for opening the city gate just opened the city gate and was about to go to rest, Chu Feng directly turned into a blue smoke and floated in.

"what's the situation?"

The person in charge of opening the door looked silly eyes, a black shadow, did not leave him too many memory images in that short period of time.

auzw.com "The gate is finally opened, I can't wait!"

Chu Feng flew all the way, heading straight to the restricted area of ​​the three major families.

At this time, the whole city was still quiet, without a trace of movement, as if everyone were asleep.

Moreover, after Chu Feng passed by, a few more figures suddenly appeared at the gate of the city.

At this time, the person in charge of opening the gate of the city finally found a few characters who could see the figure clearly.

However, he could see clearly, but after seeing it clearly, his "life" was also lost.

When the body of the gatekeeper fell on the ground, the figures of those people were gradually involved.

There are 4 people in this group, they are tall and burly, naturally needless to say, the most important thing is that their appearance is really weird.

At this time, on the surface, they seem to have nothing to do with human beings at all, because they all pointed to one eye, as if they were the giants in the myth.

In addition, judging from their faces, they seem to be old enough, with gray beards growing unevenly on their cheeks.

After killing the janitor, they went straight to it, and as they "approached", the city gradually became restless.

When the noise in the city became louder and louder, even when it had become chaotic, Chu Feng also discovered this vision.

"What's the matter? Wasn't it still quiet just now? Why did it become a mess in an instant?"

Chu Feng didn't know the whole story, so he relied on Old Chu to detect this incident.

After a long time, Lao Chu withdrew his mind, and said solemnly: "A group of invaders came in the city. It seems that they are not kind, and the feeling they bring to me is the same as what I felt outside the field It’s exactly the same, it seems that the target of these people should be you, not this city..."

Old Chu's words made Chu Feng feel a little frightened.

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all! Did I get into a large group of enemies just after waking up? This is too tragic!

At this time, Chu Feng felt very helpless. When Chu Feng was in the dark side, there were not so many troubles!

But now as soon as he came back, so many opponents suddenly appeared, although this matter has not been confirmed at this time!

But Chu Feng could basically feel that this incident definitely did not happen by accident.

"Hurry up, let's just leave them alone! It doesn't matter if they are strong or not, the people in this city will definitely not let these guys act wantonly here!"


Old Chu urged Chu Feng not to let him pay too much attention to this matter.

And even though Chu Feng promised with full mouth, he still muttered about this matter in his heart.

After all, this matter is really inexplicable. If it really has nothing to do with Chu Feng, Chu Feng is really reluctant to believe it.

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