Whimsical System

Chapter 1332: Redemption base

The bases of the three major families were built in front of him. Chu Feng didn’t even think about it. He usually rushed in. However, the name of the Silk Economy team has always been the most serious among the three major families. The hospital was at such an early age. The person in charge of guarding the base is still staring at the courtyard wall with due diligence.

As a result, as soon as Chu Feng entered the base, he was immediately surrounded.

"What are you doing? Don't you know who I am?"

Chu Feng had a cold face, pretending to have a dark-faced Chufeng expression, and every word he said at this time was exactly the same as the dark-faced Chufeng.

And because when the dark side of the patriarchs threatened the three patriarchs, everyone was there, so when these people saw the dark side of the patriarch, their backs passed a lightning-like paralysis at that moment. sense.

"My lord, why are you here..."

The guards can guarantee that this is definitely not a question, it is just a reaction from the panic.

"I'm here to see your situation, lest I stay with you all the time!

Take me to see your patriarch immediately, and I want your heads after a while! "

Chu Feng still maintains a dark-faced attitude, and his current acting skills can almost be described as excellent.

Even Lao Chu felt very surprised.

"Chu Feng, you are really pretending to be true. If I hadn't known that you were Chu Feng, I would have mistakenly thought that the dark side of Chu Feng had come out again" Lao Chu sighed.

"You don’t know, when I was closed, I always followed his way of talking and doing things. Actually, this was not for my main job, and there was no special plan. I just felt that This may seem more suitable, lest the dark side finds out that my existence will suppress me."

Chu Feng's explanation was somewhat difficult to understand for Old Chu. If he were to analyze it from his explanation, it would seem to be the dark side of Chu Feng, and he has no way to judge whether it is him or Chu Feng that controls the body at this time.

And as long as Chu Feng can maintain the same gesture and expression with him, then the soul of Chu Feng on the dark side will be confused.

"Well, I still don't quite understand, but your strength is enough to amaze me!" Old Chu said.

"Hey...it's really not easy to be praised by you, but don't worry, I will not be proud of it, after all, this is not a thing to be proud of!"

Chu Feng responded casually, and in the process of responding, the guard also led Chu Feng to the place where the three patriarchs were.

"Patriarch, my lord is here..."

The appearance of Chu Feng was more panic for the three patriarchs.

"Master Chu Feng... why are you here suddenly?"

The young patriarch hurriedly got up. Although his body was healed at this moment, when he saw Chu Feng, his psychological effect was to oppress his body, causing him a second injury.

"Sit down and sit down! Don't be nervous. I came to you for no other purpose. I just want to tell you that I have a plan that requires your cooperation!"

Chu Feng's tone suddenly became very kind, which was a great contrast to the three of them.


And under the influence of this contrast, the three of them even had doubts about Chu Feng's identity.

"Master Chu Feng, with your ability, is there anything you can't do?" the yellow-haired old man asked boldly.

"You are really stupid to ask this question! Does everything have to be done by me? You don't think about it, like my current status, am I suitable for those inferior things?"

Chu Feng had already felt the three people's doubts about him, so they raised their tempers locally, and when his "sex" personality suddenly changed, the three patriarchs also humbled.

"What the adults said is that these things should be done by us!" said the old man with a silver white beard.

"What do you mean by this? Are you trying to say that I deliberately let my subordinates do things that I don't want to do? Do you know why I do this? I want to experience you, otherwise you will always Staying here without moving, time will only make you more and more regressive!

In addition, what are you worried about with me supporting? Even if this matter ends in failure, then this will not have any impact on you at all! "

Chu Fenglian’s face, the swallowing power in his hand suddenly condensed at this moment. When the rich energy became gradually clear within the sight of the three people, their foreheads could not help but seep. Sweat.

"Is there anything I need to explain now?" After showing his strength, Chu Feng asked deliberately.

"No... no need, of course you can do whatever you want if you have anything, but the three of us will do our best!"

In the end, the yellow-haired old man made this decision. After all, the dark side of the old man was the relationship he established with the yellow-haired old man.

"Very good! You really won't disappoint me, in fact, this matter is also a good thing for you!

Because as long as this thing can be done, then you can get the things you have lost!

So now you are still in control of this base, but it belongs to me after all, and you are only temporarily helping to control it!

And what I want to tell you right now, but if you can help me accomplish this, then I can return this base to you again!

You said that you will do your best. I am willing to believe this sentence, because when you learn the result, you will definitely do your best, because you want this base! "

Chu Feng directly expressed the thoughts in his heart, and he also fully saw the thoughts of the three people.

At this moment, he felt that he didn't need to hide these thoughts, but after speaking out, it surprised the three of them even more.

And all of this is attributed to Old Chu, not his ability to explore the mind, how could Chu Feng do this!

"Of course you really want to return this base to us?" the young patriarch asked first.

"Why don't you believe it?"

"No, no, it's not that we didn't believe it, we were just surprised!"

Chu Feng's rhetorical question directly changed the face of the young patriarch.

"It's okay, it's normal for you not to believe it. After all, even when I make a decision, I think you might not believe it. That's why I deliberately emphasized this to you!" Chu Feng said .

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