Whimsical System

Chapter 1334: Void takes the initiative to invite

Therefore, when this matter appeared in his plan, the temporary addition of the battle plan seemed a bit too hasty.

"Chu Feng, I think we'd better plan well! After all, we don’t know their origins, and we don’t know what abilities they have. If we attack them rashly in this way, we will probably suffer in the end. !"

Old Chu is relatively calm, he has his own opinions on any problem, and now he always conveys his opinions to Chu Feng.

"Yeah! I think so too, but we have limited time now! Even if we think about this matter seriously, it shouldn't be too long.

Otherwise, our plan will be interrupted! "

As soon as Chu Feng mentioned this matter, Lao Chu had a guess.

"Chu Feng, do you think it's possible that someone deliberately wanted to interrupt our plan, so they sent these four guys to stop us?"

Lao Chu's guess is too terrifying, because if Chu Feng thinks according to this guess, then the final target will be the thirteenth master.

After all, Lord Shisan is the only person who knows the punishment plan at the moment. If Lord Shisan did this thing, then Chu Feng would be really speechless.

"I don't think it is possible! No matter how the Thirteenth Lord, he shouldn't stop me!

He has been very enthusiastic about this plan. If he wants to stop me, he just tells me that he doesn't participate!

Besides, there shouldn't be such a powerful master under his staff! "

Chu Feng gave two reasons and instantly denied Old Chu's guess.

But now, if it weren't for the Shisanye to do this, then they would have lost their goal.

"If it weren't for the Thirteenth Lord, who could it be? Is there any hidden enemy we haven't shown?" Old Chu said.

"Our worst enemy hasn't appeared yet!"

Originally, Chu Feng just wanted to say something casually, but when he said this sentence, he suddenly felt that what he said seemed to have some truth.

"Are these four guys from official forces?" Chu Feng guessed.

"Yeah! Why didn't I take this into consideration! If it is an official force, then everything is clear!

After all, not long ago, when we left the city, we just caused a lot of trouble!

If we were targeted from that time, then the appearance of these four people would be quite normal!

After all, except at that time when we "showed" our face, at other times we never "showed" our whereabouts.

If it weren't for "exposure" at that time, then no one would know when we acted, even the thirteenth master! "

Lao Chu has made the most accurate analysis. Although the identities of these four people have not been finalized after analysis, the suspicion of the official power has been maximized at this moment!

"Old Chu, let's stop this matter. The most important thing for them right now is to get rid of these four people, and don't let him cause trouble in this city!"

The analysis phase has ended, and the results obtained at this time are enough to satisfy Chu Feng.

"We have to solve their premise, that is to separate them first! As long as they are separated, then we can break them all, otherwise, if the four of them are together, we are really not easy to deal with!"

auzw.com Lao Chu put forward a more meaningful suggestion, let them break into parts, which is a current solution to insurance.

Just how to separate them, this has become a difficult thing to achieve.

"Old Chu, can I trouble you with something?"

After a little thought, Chu Feng asked Lao Chu suddenly.

"I have an ominous hunch!"

Hearing Chu Feng's words, Lao Chu immediately realized that there was nothing good.

"Your sixth sense is very strong, but it's not so exaggerated if it's unknown, it's just a bit dangerous at best!" Chu Feng said.

"I know, what do you want me to do?" Old Chu asked.

"You help me attach to a person, then attract their attention, and draw them all away. Now the more you draw away, the greater my chances of success will be!" Chu Feng said,

"Let me distract them, there is no problem, but I may only distract one, after all, my goal is too small!"

"Let me help you, I can also lead one away!"

As soon as Lao Chu's voice fell, another voice rang in Chu Feng's body.

Immediately afterwards, the phantom floated slowly out of Chu Feng's body.

"What's wrong with you in this matter, don't mess around here!"

As soon as Lao Chu saw the phantom, he was not angry.

"It doesn't matter to me, I also have a part in Chu Feng's body. Although I only live here temporarily, I must also help Chu Feng share my concerns! Chu Feng, are you right?"

Xuying thought he had some truth, and even in the end he hoped that Chu Feng would agree with him.

When Xu Ying asked Chu Feng this question, Chu Feng felt a little bit and didn't know how to answer it.

"This...how to put it, I can't say that it is unreasonable! I am more worried about your situation. After all, you are just a soul state. I really can't figure out how you can attract them!

"Chu Feng, don't worry about this!" Xuying said vowedly, "I can also possess other people's bodies like Lao Chu. Although I can't control their bodies like Lao Chu, I can Affect their consciousness!

Under normal circumstances, as long as they have my influence, they will have a high chance of doing something according to my instructions. Although they will notice that these things are not quite right, it will not affect them. My order! "

Xu Ying explained his abilities to Chu Feng, only through the introduction of Xu Ying, Chu Feng felt that his way was barely acceptable!

So after some consideration, he also agreed to Xuying's active request.

"Since you are so confident in your abilities, then I will let you try it!

Since you took the initiative this time, I do not ask you to be 100% successful! !

I know you don't need to cause us trouble, and this is my biggest request of you! "Chu Feng said.

Void promised: "Chu Feng, don't worry! Don't look at these guys, they seem to be very powerful, but in fact they are just treating ordinary humans!

And once they meet us, then they have no use for anything! "

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