Whimsical System

Chapter 1335: Easy to solve and difficult to investigate

"Although your sentence sounds very encouraging, but no one can guarantee that success is 100%, so you should do your best, don't be aggressive!

A brave partner is not assistance but pressure for me! "

Chu Feng didn't seem to have much confidence in the phantom, or it might be because of the relationship between the dark side's punishment and attraction, so he had never been optimistic about the phantom.

"Well, you don't believe me that is normal, but I will prove my strength to you, after all, this is something I must do!"

Xu Ying was a little helpless. He took the initiative to show his favor to Chu Feng, but instead of getting Chu Feng’s approval, he also made Chu Feng suspicious of himself. As a result, this matter was fundamentally lost to Xu Feng. The original meaning.

Old Chu had already set off, and the phantom was close behind. In fact, the last request was not necessary for Chu Feng at all. It was just a guarantee from the phantom, so he couldn't help but say a few more words.

The two of them each penetrated into the crowd and chose a suitable body to "manage" them. At this time, the behemoths were also paid attention to by the sudden appearance of Old Chu and Void, even though they The purpose of this trip was Chu Feng, but when they were violated or even threatened, it was difficult for them to endure such inexplicable provocations.

Lao Chu's method is more straightforward, nothing more than shooting at those people, and then attracting their firepower to finally achieve the effect of traction!

The phantom is because there is no way to actively control the human body, so he can only adopt a passive way to attract the attention of those behemoths, and in this process, there are indeed many things. Insurmountable problems.

For example, his "manipulation" of the body cannot accurately achieve the goal, or sometimes, he cannot tailor the accurate goal to a person.

However, no matter how complicated this process is and how many problems will arise, in the end Void has completed his task, and he has indeed fulfilled the promise he made to Chu Feng before.

The two giants left under the attraction of Old Chu and Xuying respectively.

The other two are also surrounded by the city’s defensive army. It seems that the "life" of the two of them has reached a critical juncture. The defensive force may not be able to kill the four of them at once. All were solved, but if there were only two left, then this matter would become less difficult.

And at the same time, Chu Feng also came forward with a crucial moment. Since Chu Feng had completely become the leader of the city, when he appeared, many people took the initiative to entrust the execution to Chu Feng.

I don't know what the reason is. In short, this is a thought in his heart. Even Chu Feng himself can't figure out why they want to do this.

"My lord, these two have been subdued by us. Although they still have extremely strong resistance capabilities, at least they can't do any big moves in a short time. Besides the two of them, he has two more. We have already sent someone to chase him away. As for the specific situation, we may need to wait for someone to report it before we know it!"

auzw.com The person in charge of leading the defensive forces is a young guy. Chu Feng has never seen him before. Perhaps the dark side Chu Feng had contact with him, anyway, Chu Feng has nothing to do. impression.

And when this young guy reported the current situation to Chu Feng in detail, it had already returned to the team directly, and it was not for Chu Feng to have more detailed exchanges.

The punishment was standing in the crowd. Everyone was waiting for him to make a decision. The two behemoths were tied to the ground, struggling frantically, and almost no one dared to get close within a few meters.

"Who among you can know their origins?" Chu Feng asked after looking around.

"do not know!"

At this time, everyone was shaking their heads in unison, as if they really didn't know.

Unless there is some doubt, even if it is not a city or a person from another city, it is absolutely impossible that no one in the whole city knows their identity, unless they have never appeared before.

At least the people in this city have not encountered these guys during their survival stage.

"It seems that I have to investigate their identities carefully before I can get the result. Who of you can be responsible for this matter? If you can, I hope I can hand them over to you instead of letting me solve it myself. !"

Chu Feng a little bit wanted to be the shopkeeper. In fact, it was not difficult for Chu Feng to investigate this matter. After all, this was what he was good at before, but now he wants to be busy. Take a break, give yourself a few days off, take a good rest, or do some other things instead of putting all your time on this matter.

However, when he said these words, no one from the surrounding people responded. It seems that everyone was waiting. There was a special person who stood up and agreed to this matter, and then let the matter be completely resolved. !

"Is no one willing? Do I really need to let me investigate this matter myself? Doesn't this city belong to me? Don't any of you want to be loyal to me!"

Chu Feng didn't mean to "expose" anger, but he deliberately used some rather cold tone in these words to express his inner dissatisfaction.

But even if he did this, he still didn't get the result he wanted to achieve.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and about a minute later, the silence was finally broken by others. He was still the same young man before. At this moment, he stood up and walked in front of Chu Feng with a respectful expression. Appearance said: "My lord, it's not that we are unwilling to take this matter, but that we dare not imagine what kind of punishment will be brought to us if this matter fails!

So to be safe, everyone of me chose to stay safe. If you can assure us that you will not punish us even if the mission fails, maybe we will have many people willing to accept this mission, at least there will be no one at this time. Choose to escape! "

At first Chu Feng thought that the young man stood up and wanted to take on this matter, but later discovered that he just wanted to give an explanation for this matter!

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