Whimsical System

Chapter 1340: Manipulable body

"Now you only need to be able to assure me that you will not be enemies with me anymore, then I can release your partner at any time. This is my promise to you. You can choose to believe or refuse. But what I said is equivalent to a fact that has been determined. No one will change my mind forcibly, and no one can do it!"

Chu Feng gave the answer as well as the solution. Although there was only one option at this time, it was enough for the behemoth.

The behemoth's expression suddenly froze, and the feeling was as if something suddenly attracted him, and with this, he had no other reaction.

Chu Feng looked a little surprised. He didn't know why it suddenly became like this. If everything had an explanation, maybe he could give some explanation, but now there seems to be no answer to this matter.

"What's wrong with you? Is something wrong?"

Chu Feng asked nonchalantly. At this moment, he could only judge the thoughts in the behemoth's heart by guessing. After all, he did not possess the ability of Old Chu to survey the opponent's mind.

"I just received an order that is enough to disappoint you! Now I need to make a judgment, a choice made by judgment!"

The behemoth suddenly said such a sentence. At this moment, he was like a standard robot, transmitting some kind of instructions or prompting voice.

"What do you mean? Why do I not quite understand what you are saying?

Just now I have completely classified you into the biological module. Now you seem to want me to make changes. I don’t know how you think about it..."

Chu Feng was a little helpless. If his previous judgment was correct, then the current phenomena seemed to be somewhat different from his judgment.

Who actually issued the instruction? This is their true master. This is the answer that Chu Feng wants to get the most.

"You don't have to understand these, and you have no reason to listen to all the reasons! Now I need to make a choice, a time-consuming choice!

In the process of my thinking, we can stay in a phase of peaceful coexistence without any changes. Unless you take the initiative to do something to me that shouldn’t be done, I will never treat you. Take action, and these partners of mine can also achieve the same level as me, but you have to release them first and let them regain freedom, otherwise, I will not be able to convey my ideas to them! "

The behemoth seems to have its own judgment, and before he can get the answer, he has already made a relatively temporary decision.

Chu Feng hesitated, the two behemoths just took a lot of effort to subdue them.

Now if they are released directly because of a word from this guy, then this matter seems a bit too simple.

However, if Chu Feng does not do this, then what kind of humiliating punishment this incident will turn into is impossible to predict. If the thing is really like what the behemoth said, it will end up with a bad result, then This is probably not a good thing for Chu Feng!

As a result, Chu Feng hesitated at this moment. He didn't know how to make this judgment, and he was still worried about what happened to Lao Chu.

However, when Chu Fengshang was in the process of entanglement, a call suddenly sounded not far away.


Chu Feng looked for his reputation, and saw that Old Chu was eagerly coming towards them.

And behind him, he followed a behemoth, but the behemoth no longer looked like the previous rage, and even his eyes already had some divine consciousness, the kind of spirit that belonged to humans.

"Old Chu, are you okay?"

When everyone saw that Chu Feng suddenly spoke like an inexplicable guy, there was a wave of confusion in their hearts.

At this time, Old Chu was absorbed by a relatively ordinary soldier, so basically most people didn't know the origin of this soldier.

And it was just such a little soldier who did not know the origin, but at this moment, he was talking directly with Chu Feng, and it seemed that the two of them were still very familiar with each other.

As a result, when this scene appeared, almost everyone had different guesses in their hearts, and the final result was only between them, there should be some unknown secret, but it is now They didn't even know it, and it's even possible that the two of them had met before, and they had some close exchanges!

As for the surrounding speculation, Chu Feng didn't pay any attention at all.

Compared with this aspect, Chu Feng is more concerned about the behemoth, what is the situation.

"Chu Feng, I don't know if it's lucky or unlucky. Now this guy has established contact with me, and I don't know why. Anyway, for some reason, he just followed me!

Now I can pass my thoughts on to him, and can "fuck" him to do anything, but all these actions put a lot of mental pressure on me!

Now that I only rely on my personality, there is no way to "manage" it perfectly, so I hope I can transfer this state to you!

If you can perfectly control him, maybe this matter can be properly resolved! "

The information given by Lao Chu was novel enough for Chu Feng and also attracting attention.

Being able to control such a behemoth through his own consciousness, there are definitely some unknown secrets in it.

As for what is in this secret, even though Chu Feng could not make up his mind for a while, he is now willing to try to accept this ability to "fuck".

Whether it is what is currently experiencing in this space, or the fire field that is about to usher in.

If there is such a behemoth's help, then Chu Feng might really be able to solve some things that he can't handle by himself.

"If this is really possible, then I would be very interested!" Chu Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth. At this moment, he has made all the preparations, and the swallowing force is radiating from his body.

Whether it is the confrontation between the giant monster or the huge advantage given by Old Chu, this seems to remind Chu Feng all the time, let him make a correct enough choice!

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