Whimsical System

Chapter 1341: Battle of the Giants

"I have no way to tell now whether you should "fuck" first. If you can, then we are naturally happy, and if not, then you can also indulge according to this "fuck" here. Look for the reason among them!"

Old Chu couldn't wait to let Chu Feng test the actual application "sex" of this behemoth, so now the behemoth is enough to cooperate with Lao Chu, but Lao Chu still can't achieve true freewheeling.

Therefore, Lao Chu could only take this idea. All are pinned on Chu Feng. If Chu Feng can succeed at this time, then Lao Chu can also get some useful experience from him!

And most importantly, Lao Chu hopes to be able to create a new body for himself through this time and make some plans.

After all, before that, Chu Feng had promised Old Chu to help him create a body.

It's just that time has passed for a long time, so Lao Chu gradually put this matter on hold.

But now when he saw this behemoth, the shelving in his heart was picked up again.

Now all his thoughts have been attracted by this behemoth. If possible, he hopes that through this opportunity, he can truly possess a body apart from Chu Feng's body.

On the other side, Chu Feng had already made preparations. Although he didn't have much confidence at this time, he didn't have the slightest intention of stage fright when he was prepared for this.

Old Chu had successfully recovered into Chu Feng's body, and as Old Chu recovered, Chu Feng also felt the existence of some connections.

It's just that these connections are too weak, and even if Chu Feng tried desperately to absorb them, there was still no way to get some too certain responses.

"It doesn't seem to be as simple as you said. Are you lying to me? Has he really established contact with you?"

Unconsciously, Chu Feng was a little anxious. After all, he had failed several times in a row. If he failed again, it would be a big blow to Chu Feng. After all, Old Chu easily controlled it. Rushed back.

If he couldn't even make him move, then he was indeed a failure!

"Chu Feng, don't worry. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you can sink your heart and slowly "fuck", he will definitely be able to withstand your command. It may be because there is a gap between our personalities, so it is temporary. There is no way to distinguish between them. I believe that as long as I turn off all controls, it will definitely turn its target to you in the first time.

At that time, no matter how you want to "fuck" him, it will be achieved! "

Old Chu was very relaxed, as if he could control all of this, but in fact he was just staying in Chu Feng's body, slowly turning off his control of the behemoth. Immediately afterwards, the behemoth wandered around like six gods.

"Chu Feng seize the opportunity, right now!"

Old Chu was directing according to his own ideas, and he didn't know if the situation would be like what he said. Anyway, he has done all the commands that should be done. Then he waited for Chu Feng to verify the matter. result.

When he first got out of control, he was a behemoth, and he had no way to adapt to the situation of his own control, but soon he was able to recover his consciousness from the chaos!

It's just that the recovery of this consciousness makes it difficult for him to return to the previous state of self-determination.

But at this moment, Chu Feng also restrained this behemoth by swallowing power.

"Stop it for me!"


However, at this critical moment, the behemoth on the other side suddenly took part in it.

It seemed that he wanted to destroy the "fuck" control this time, and as for why he didn't do this before, only he himself knew the reason.

The behemoth has an independent consciousness. He wants to rescue his companions, but after all, it is still a step too late. He shouts that the body is doing various blocking actions, but in the end it is only in vain. .

Chu Feng's "operation" control of the behemoth was perfect. Although he experienced some troubles that shouldn't exist in the process, the final result was still good.

The behemoth has been completely "fucked" by Chu Feng. It is no exaggeration to say that no matter what a behemoth Chu Feng does, he can follow along and do corresponding actions.

And when the behemoth with subjective consciousness came to stop it, the behemoth that was "fucked" by Chu Feng was directly between the two, like a watershed that completely separated the two.

The attack of the behemoth was blocked, and the strong arm violently violently smashed it directly onto the shoulder of the behemoth that Chu Feng was "handling".

The strong impact caused both of them to step back a few steps, and the attack at this stage seemed to end there, and there was no further progress.

For Chu Feng, the first time he "fucked" the behemoth attacking, it was quite a test.

Although it ended successfully in the end, the pressure on Chu Feng's mind was extremely huge.

"It's a good job. Our strength is obviously greater. Even defense can make it a few steps back. If it is an attack, the result can be imagined!"

Lao Chu's timely praise was an inspiration to Chu Feng.

As a result, immediately after Chu Feng, he launched the next stage of offensive.

With that aggressive attack method, even if it was a behemoth, he felt lingering in his heart.

He knows the strength of his partner very well. Although he has the commanding power, he can't resist it if he fights only from the power aspect.

But now that the arrow is on the line, if he avoids fighting, then his final result is probably nothing but failure.

"Can we make a discussion, I think this matter is only by force, there is absolutely no way to solve it at that time!"

The behemoth with autonomous consciousness suddenly made a proposal at that critical juncture, interrupting the current battle.

Chu Feng stopped, and the behemoth that was "handling" also stopped.

The two have entered a state of rest, but at this time the discussion seems to have not yet begun.

"I told you just now, but you didn't agree at all. Now that I've been'forced' to a desperate situation, you suddenly have this idea. Don't you think you are a little ridiculous?"

With a smile on the corner of Chu Feng's mouth, he, who has the upper hand over you, naturally has more say.

The behemoth's brows were twisted, and the only eyes were huge at the moment, but the red bloodshot eyes filled his eyes like a spider web!

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