Whimsical System

Chapter 1346: The way to get enough attention

"It's now!"

Chu Feng has been waiting for an opportunity to succeed, but this opportunity is too difficult.

And just when there was a shock in his mind, the body of the behemoth stopped at that moment, and then he began to show a tendency to fall.

As a result, when this scene appeared in front of Chu Feng's eyes, Chu Feng also hurriedly seized the opportunity, "fuck" the swallowing power and the behemoth in his hand, and launched a crazy attack on his opponent.

As a result, in those short seconds, the behemoth that was about to fall to the ground was directly subjected to a devastating blow.

After the attack was over, the behemoth was like a ruined part.

There was an unidentified "liquid" flowing out of the broken palm and body, and I didn't know whether it was blood or something.

Chu Feng's gaze stayed on those "liquid" bodies, and the mental shock he was currently suffering from still had sequelae.

For example, the head is in that kind of muddled state, and this seems to be a long-term "sex", I am afraid there is no way to get rid of it in a short time!

But at this time, the behemoth has recovered its sanity, and it has to be said that his ability is still relatively powerful, even in terms of spirit, it also has a height that others cannot surpass.

In fact, this is not surprising, after all, he is the only person who has his own mind and can "handle" such a large body, so it is not surprising that he has powerful mental abilities.

Now his body has been completely destroyed, although the anger that "showed" in his eyes was enough to swallow Chu Feng, but the situation at this time has already undergone a big change.

"You don't have to look at me like this. There is no way for me. If you want to destroy you, you must pay a certain price of "sex". Now I am suffering from the impact of this price!

And you also suffered even more cruel punishment because of the price I paid! "

Chu Feng seemed to be reasoning, but in fact he was just showing off his ability.

The behemoth opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but made no sound at all.

It turned out that the previous attack had completely broken his vocal cords. As a result, even if he had the idea of ​​wanting to speak, he had no way to express it!

But the situation presented now also surprised those onlookers extremely.

They had naturally seen the strength of the behemoth, after all, everything that happened just now remained in their minds.

However, such a powerful monster was directly destroyed by Chu Feng and turned into this appearance.

No matter what language is used to evaluate Chu Feng's ability, this seems not to be an exaggeration.

"Powerful masters always show their abilities inadvertently, and now Master Chu Feng can indeed meet this standard!"

Some ingenious words will inevitably appear in the crowd. Although they don't know what they are thinking, this result is satisfactory enough for Chu Feng.

Old Chu was completely "unconscious" in his consciousness, and the mental attack had a great influence on him. Even if he finally won the victory, the influence still made him difficult to get rid of!

"It may take some time to adjust, Lao Chu, Lao Chu, it seems that I will never be able to get rid of your help to me!"

auzw.com Chu Feng was full of emotions. For him, today's victory is indeed hard-won.

Fortunately, all of this is over. Although the previous sacrifices were paid at a certain price, they did not affect Chu Feng in the end.

The matter has been settled, and there is new news from the three major families. Although it is more difficult for the three major families to gather manpower, it is not impossible to do it!

At this time, according to the news spread by the three major families, they had assembled all the manpower they needed.

At this time, they only need to wait for Chu Feng to give an order, and they can move forward and launch an attack on that city.

After solving the behemoth, with the response of the three major families, Chu Feng's pressure was instantly reduced a lot.

But although the pressure has been reduced, he still has a problem right now.

The trouble is that there are still two behemoths in their own hands at this time.

The previous battles had already consumed Chu Feng too much energy. At this time, if he wanted to solve the remaining two behemoths together, it seemed a bit difficult.

In addition, Chu Feng still had some doubts in his heart, and he hadn't been answered.

Now what he hopes is to be able to find the masters of these behemoths, and he hasn't even figured out what these behemoths are!

If the behemoths are creatures, then their body structure is really strange, and because they have no thoughts, it is enough to make people feel suspicious.

In addition, Chu Feng also wanted to know whether this behemoth that he was "handling" would always belong to him.

If there are other people vying with him, then he has the power to completely decide.

Now these problems after another are circling in Chu Feng's head. Chu Feng wants to solve it, but he can't find the clue at all.

In the end, he could only save these questions first, hoping to find the answers slowly in the future.

At this time, in addition to solving these problems, Chu Feng still had more important things to do.

The manpower assembled by the three major families was already waiting outside the city at this time. Chu Feng couldn't stay here for too long, so he could only choose to leave the city temporarily.

With Chu Feng's departure, the three major families left their native city just like relocation.

A few days later, on the wall where the official forces were garrisoned, a soldier who was dozing off suddenly woke up from his sleep.

Immediately afterwards, the scene in front of him was shocked. Amidst the dust in the sky, a large black figure was rapidly approaching, and the leader was Chu Feng.

A few days ago, Chu Feng made a big storm in the city gate, and there were portraits of Chu Feng that almost covered the whole city.

So as to Chu Feng's appearance, even an ordinary soldier can fully distinguish it.

But now that Chu Feng appeared in this kind of formation, he really earned enough attention.

"If there is an enemy attack, immediately go up to the city wall and stand firm against the incoming enemy!"

The news from the official forces spread like wildfire. The Thirteenth Lord was also notified early, and when the official forces were preparing to resist Chu Feng, the city was quietly changing.

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