Whimsical System

Chapter 1347: Separate troops

Chu Feng led a large number of troops to attack the city. This was a big event in the city where the thirteen masters lived.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in hundreds of years, there has not been such a thing at all, but now Chu Feng has directly opened such a precedent.

The scene of the battle between the two cities can be imagined. Even if the number of battles is not very large, as long as the two cities go to war, it means that the space has already appeared chaotic, confronting each other and even A balanced field, the situation was completely broken.

The chain reaction that followed is generally unpredictable.

"My lord, we will soon be within their "shooting" range. If we can't defend in time, I'm afraid we people will directly become live targets, and then fall one by one. Under the bow and arrow!"

The heads of the three major families gave an extremely important reminder to Chu Feng.

"Then do you have any good way to solve this matter?" Chu Feng asked.

"Our army is equipped with shields. Although these dynamics can't resist those crossbow arrows that strongly attack "sex", they can still resist like those ordinary bows and arrows!

We think that we can let a part of the soldiers walk in front with their shields to resist those bows and arrows. As long as they can block the previous wave of attacks, then we can hide below the city wall and escape the "shooting" range of the bow and arrow completely. "

The patriarchs of the three major families gave a more reasonable suggestion, but this suggestion is somewhat unfair to some Deadpool holding a shield.

"This method is feasible. It's just that you have to choose a reasonable number of people to lift the shield. Otherwise, if there is any contradiction among them, it will affect the overall combat capability!"

Chu Feng reminded him briefly, and then he said nothing more.

And the subsequent battles were indeed implemented in accordance with the plan set by the three major clans.

Some elderly soldiers are holding their shields all the way forward at this time. Maybe this is an agreement between them. The elderly should set an example for their descendants.

Even in this process, it is possible to lose one's "life", there must be no signs of retreat.

The elderly rushed all the way, the shield was held high to resist, one after another oncoming bows and arrows, the first wave of bows and arrows resisted very smoothly, so in the process there will also be casualties, but compared to the front OK, it must have a great advantage.

However, what Chu Feng and the others did not expect was that the official defender on the top of the city did not choose to give up after the first wave of defense failed.

But then they launched the second stage of defense, and in this second stage of defense, their defensive weapons have also been improved to an overall degree.

However, at this time, Chu Feng's defensive shield had already been devastated, and even ordinary bows and arrows could easily destroy it.

As a result, when the second stage of defense came, Chu Feng suffered a big loss directly.

Batch after batch of soldiers fell, it felt like the autumn wind swept the fallen leaves.

auzw.com Seeing that the situation was out of control, Chu Feng hurriedly "fucked" the swallowing force to block the surrounding bows and arrows!

Since Chu Feng's actions were quicker, his devouring power still played a relatively large role.

But even so, Chu Feng still had no way to avoid the heavy loss.

Downstairs of the city gate, Chu Feng and the heads of the three major families recounted their manpower. According to the latest statistics, they had lost a total of 12 people during the distance.

In addition, the injured accounted for 30%. Such heavy casualties data is tantamount to a blow to Chu Feng at this time.

After all, the battle to attack the city will be launched later. If the manpower is not enough, then this battle will be difficult to continue.

But at this time, even if it is regret, there is no way, after all, things have reached this point, and no one can change it!

Therefore, what Chu Feng can do at this time can only really think of other methods that can make them achieve the greatest effect at the least cost.

"My lord, the number of manpower on our side is a bit less than planned, if the attack is based on the current manpower!

We are simply not sure that we can open a city gate smoothly..."

"Even if it is opened, it is of no use. We can't keep it at all. We will be taken back after a few minutes at most..."

The young patriarch and the silver-white beard-bearded old man, you are discussing with each other. Although their current views are somewhat pessimistic, they are indeed facts.

"Although the current situation is a bit tricky, it is not so irreversible. Now that they have insufficient manpower, they must be more careful. That's not the case. Let's split the manpower again, and then separate The four of us will take the lead. When the time comes, we will attack together and try to disperse their fighting power in a short time!

Anyway, their running upstairs and downstairs is very time-consuming, and as long as we can seize the opportunity to quickly gather and attack a certain point when their power is dispersed, then we can exchange the smallest loss for the largest reward! "

"I think it is possible. Although it is also risky to do so, this method is much more effective than doing something that is impossible to succeed at all!"

The young patriarch was the first to stand up and express his approval. Even if he did not have much confidence in the plan of punishment, in comparison, Chu Feng's idea was barely able to touch the edge of success. .

"It's fine to do this, but if the four of us are all scattered, it might not be a good thing. I don't think we need to be so extreme!

Even if we need to disperse their strength, there is no need to divide into so many parts!

I think it is enough if we divide it into two at most! Anyway, they don't have a lot of manpower. If they get too much, this will give them some breathing opportunities!

After all, the more we divide, the time we gather will be long enough, and in this way, there will not be too much difference between the time we were wasted and the time they were wasted!

Therefore, I think you might consider this issue! "

Although the old man with a silver beard and beard has always been, showing an improper image, when he takes a matter seriously, his thoughts are indeed enough to attract attention.

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